The July 2023 Energies & Your Chakras, Cells & DNA ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to tell you about the energies of July 2023 there on planet Earth, because they are so influential and life altering to all of you. These energies will be about giving you all of the necessary upgrades to your chakras, your cells, and your DNA, so that you can handle face-to-face extra-terrestrial contact. We know that this is something that you as awakened beings are very interested in, and we also know that you have been taking good care of yourselves to ready yourselves for these experiences, and you have come a long way, but there is only so much you can do on your own.
我們非常高興地告訴你們 2023 年 7 月地球上的能量,因為它們對你們所有人都有如此大的影響力和生活改變。這些能量將為你的脈輪、細胞和DNA 提供所有必要的升級,以便你們能夠處理面對面的外星接觸。我們知道這是你們覺醒者非常感興趣的事情,也知道你們一直在照顧好自己,為這些經歷做好準備,你們已經走了很長的路,但也只有這麼多。你可以自己做。
At a certain point, you do need some help, and the purpose of all of us co-existing in this universe is to help each other. When we acknowledge that we are all one, then helping one another becomes somewhat of a no-brainer. And so, there are beings and collectives besides ourselves who are helping with the activation of your chakras, your DNA, and the upgrading of your cells. We are working together as your helpers because we love you so much and because we are so eager to see you join the galactic community officially. These personal, face-to-face, physical e.t. encounters will take humanity very far, and will open you up to more and more experiences in larger and larger groups. And before you know it, you will be ready as the human collective to have your mass landing of ships, all across the planet, all at once.
在某個時刻,你確實需要一些幫助,而我們所有人共存於這個宇宙的目的就是互相幫助。當我們承認我們都是一體時,互相幫助就變得理所當然。因此,除了我們自己之外,還有其他生物和集體正在幫助激活你的脈輪、DNA 和升級你的細胞。我們作為你們的助手一起努力,因為我們非常愛你們,也因為我們非常渴望看到你們正式加入銀河社區。這些個人的、面對面的、物理層面上的等等。地外遭遇會讓人類走得更遠,並且會讓你們在越來越大的群體中獲得越來越多經驗。在你意識到之前,作為人類集體,同時你們將準備好讓你們的船隻在整個地球上大規模登陸。
Here is what you can do to help the energies of July. You can hydrate, rest, relax, and consciously open yourselves up to them. You can speak out loud to your guides your desire to receive their help in acclimating to and assimilating these energies that will be so helpful to everyone. They will especially be helpful to those who help themselves, because when you are open to something and you are ready for it, you do tend to receive it more graciously. And so, we bring you this message to help you understand what is coming and how to prepare yourselves for it, and we also want you to continue to recognize that you are inching closer and closer every day to that time of having e.t.s openly walking amongst you and integrating into your society.
以下是你可以做些什麼來幫助七月的能量。你可以補充水分、休息、放鬆,並有意識地向它們敞開心扉。你可以向指導靈大聲說出願望,希望得到他們的幫助來適應和吸收、這些對每個人都有幫助的能量。它們對那些自助的人尤其有幫助,因為當你對某件事持開放態度並做好準備時,你確實會更慷慨地接受它。 因此,我們向你們傳達這條信息是為了幫助你們瞭解、即將發生的事情以及如何為此做好準備,我們也希望你們繼續認識到,你們每天都在一點一點地接近外星人公開行走在其中並融入你們社會的時刻。
We will continue to do our part, and the Pleiadians, and Andromedans, and Sirians and so on are also helping and playing their part, but you have more helpers in this regard than you can possibly imagine. And so, we don’t want you to worry ever that you’re not doing enough to make it happen. You are right where you are supposed to be right now, and you are always preparing yourselves every day for more.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton