July 2021: New Energies & Upgrades ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are in the process of discovering new avenues to your dimension, avenues that will make it so much easier for a two-way communication with us to occur. We know that you all are seeking more connection, more guidance, from above, and when you seek it out for yourselves directly, you often listen for a little voice inside your head. But the new avenues that we are discovering right now will deliver energetic downloads and information directly into your hearts. There will be heart chakra upgrades given in the month of July that will facilitate this connection and make it so much more powerful than if you did hear a little voice inside your heads.
If you want to know us, to truly know us, you must do so through your hearts, through the love that you are capable of activating within you. That is what we feel like to you when you encounter us in the astral plane. To you, we are love, and since your heart is the love center in your physical body, it is the best tool for us to utilize to establish that two-way communication that you want and that we want as well. First of all, we want you to feel loved, and secondly we want you to know that you are love. Thirdly, we would like for there to be a heart-to-heart connection between us that will assist greatly in the elevating of the consciousness there on Earth.
As you establish yourselves in the universe and the galaxy as beings who are capable of great acts of love, you will more quickly enter into the galactic community in an official way. The other e.t.s in your dimension need to see just how powerful you all are when you are heart-centered, when you are operating from love, and the upgrades that are coming in July, coupled with the energies you will then be receiving are going to put you on the map, so to speak.
當你們在宇宙和銀河系中確立自己身為、有能力做出偉大愛的存有時,你們將以正式的方式更快地進入銀河系社區。你們維度中的其他外星存有需要看看當你們以心為中心時,當你們從愛中運作時,你們有多麼強大,7 月即將到來的升級,再加上你們將接收到的能量。把你放在地圖上,可以這麼說。
You are going to be getting a lot more attention from physical e.t.s who are eager to connect with you. These are exciting times for humanity, and we are excited to play our role in the evolution of your consciousness. We are also thrilled to be able to connect with all of you more directly and all the time. Now, you might be wondering what you have to do. You might be wondering what your role is in all of this. You have already determined for yourselves what you want, and you have asked, and now all you have to do is receive. And that truly is the easy part, and we know that you are capable of doing it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton