The July 2020 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


the july 2020 energies - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.



We are continuing to monitor your progress so that we can determine how best to support you and what energies to provide you with, as you continue on there on your journeys to a fifth-dimensional frequency state. What we have discovered throughout this month of June is that there are enough of you who are ready for some more intense energies to justify all of us in the higher realms going even further with you than we would have were it not for the progress that you are making at this time. You are ready to experience more integration, more unification, more of the truth of who you are as Source Energy Beings, as All That Is.




And so, we and the other beings in the higher realms who are helping you are going to be providing you with energetic transmissions that will allow you to feel more unified in your seven main chakras. Now, you will still have those seven main chakras, but these energies are going to help you to align them and unite them on a more regular basis. You are going to find it easier to have that central channel open that runs from the top of your crown chakra to the base of your root chakra.




You are going to find it easier to access more of your own vitality, more of the energy of Source flowing through you, and all of this is being made possible by your willingness to do the work during this time of great upheaval on your world. If you were not the ones going within, taking a hard look at yourselves, and releasing what no longer serves you, then the energies we are providing in the month of July would have little to no effect on you.



You have to be ready to receive what it is that we and the other collectives are offering. You must be willing to ground these energies into your physical bodies, into Mother Earth, and into her grid systems. You are ready to lead humanity into a time of unity, of oneness, of setting aside differences so that you can be the human collective that you have always been meant to become. You are ready. We can feel it. The Sirians can feel it. The Pleiadians can feel it. The other beings who are helping, ascended masters, archangels, they can all feel it. We know that the awakened collective can handle so much more.



我們能感覺到。天狼星人能感覺到。 昴宿星人可以感覺到。那些正在幫助的其他存有,大師,大天使,他們都能感受到。我們知道,覺醒的集體可以處理更多的事情。


And so, July will be a month to brace yourselves for what you have been asking for. July will be a month where you will want to spend time sitting, relaxing, and receiving, letting the energies coming in do all the heavy lifting from now on, because you have earned it, because you have demonstrated that you are ready to receive, that you are ready to go to the next level. And we, and others like us, are here to help.

因此,7月將是你為自己的需求做好準備的一個月。 7月將是一個月、你將希望花時間坐下來,放鬆一下並接受,讓能量從現在起進行所有繁重的工作,因為你已經獲得了成功,因為你已經證明自己已準備好接受,你已經準備好進入下一個級別。我們以及其他像我們一樣的人在這裡為你提供幫助。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





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