You Are Returning to Your Divine Blueprints ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


you are returning to your divine blueprint - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 


We have witnessed a return within many of you to your original blueprint. We have noticed that many of you who are awake have taken this journey quite consciously, and we want you to know that you are setting the example to the rest of humanity that you always intended to set. You are returning to the Divine blueprint for humankind because you have unlocked  within you the truth that you are Divine Beings pretending to be human beings for the purposes of experience and growth and evolution. You have unlocked within you this knowledge in a variety of ways, and once you know this you cannot un-know it. 


You will continue to access the codes and information that are deeply embedded in your DNA to assist you in then becoming once again the Divine selves that you truly are. You are meant to walk this Earth as Yeshua did, as Krishna did, as so many others have. You are meant to find within you the enlightenment that Buddha sought and found. You are meant to walk as the masters Quan Yin and St. Germain did there on Earth, and some of you know this. You who are awakened at this time are not only able to do it, but you are also able to show others how they can, and that is what makes you the leaders of the shift in consciousness that you are. 
你將繼續訪問深深嵌入 DNA 中的代碼和信息,以幫助你再次成為真正的神聖自我。你注定要像耶穌那樣行走在這個地球上,像克里希納那樣,像許多其他人一樣。你注定要在內心找到佛陀尋求和發現的啟蒙。你們注定要像觀音大師和聖哲曼大師在地球上那樣行走,你們中的一些人知道這一點。在這個時候覺醒的你不僅能夠做到,而且還能夠向其他人展示他們是如何做到的,這就是讓你成為意識轉變領導者的原因。


Now, as you shift your own consciousness, of course, you jump to a timeline where others are ready to shift as well, and you get to play the role of the one who is helping them to shift. That is so important for you to know. You don’t have to look around at the world as it is today and wonder how the rest of humanity is ever going to be ready for their ascension. All you have to do is take care of your own alignment, your own inner peace, and all you have to reach for is your own higher self, and as you do, you become that fifth-dimensional version of yourself that already has the fully-activated Divine blueprint, that already is operating as a Divine Being of light and love.
現在,當你轉變自己的意識時,當然,你會跳到其他人也準備好轉變的時間線,你將扮演幫助他人轉變的角色。你要知道這一點非常重要。你不必像今天這樣環顧世界,想知道其他人類將如何為他們的揚升做好準備。你所要做的就是照顧好自己的對齊,自己內心的平靜,你所要達到的就是你自己的高我,當你這樣做的時候,你就會成為你自己的第五維度版本,它已經擁有了完整的 -激活的神聖藍圖,已經作為光與愛的神聖存在在運作


You are there to experience this because you wanted to have this experience. You wanted to experience the movement from thinking of yourselves as finite, mortal beings in dense physical bodies to the experience of knowing yourselves as Divine Beings of light. And that’s what you are doing, and that’s what makes this time so special there on Earth. 

You are there to awaken and to experience what it is like to be there as an awakened soul so that you can shift your consciousness and help others to do the same. Everything else is just the way that you chose to awaken, or the way that you’re choosing to serve, but the details are not as important as the experience itself. Feel very good about where you are, because if you are receiving this message, you are one of the ones we have witnessed and will continue to witness.


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





傳導:Daniel Scranton


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