3D Earth is crumbling and dying under the weight of oppression, pollution, over-farming, over -fishing, over population, greed, ego and war. Earth has been raped and pillaged by man for centuries and now is the time for change.
3D地球正在壓迫、污染、過渡耕作、過渡垂釣、過多人口、貪婪、小我、戰爭的重量下崩潰和死亡。 地球被人類搶奪了許多世紀,是時候改變了。
It is time for the Earth to return to its roots, so to speak, and to regain its sovereignty. All planets, including Earth, are timeless in nature. Their natural state is one of symbiosis of life and cyclic return. All is in order and works together to maintain its natural rhythm. When all is in balance the status quo is maintained and all life is sustained.
是時候讓地球回歸本源,可以這麼說,恢復它的主權。 所有星球,包括地球,本質上是永恆的。 它們的自然狀態是生命和週期共生。 一切都井然有序,一起共事來維持其自然的韻律。 當一切處於平衡,現狀被保持,所有生命被維持。
The crumbling of humanity in its 3D state cannot be saved, nor should any attempt be made to do so. Anyone who has not started to awaken or is continuing to resist the call of Ascension will soon reach a point of no return and the choice will no longer be theirs. There has already been a mass exodus of souls returning to their spiritual form with many more to make the transition in the year ahead because the vibrational energies of Ascension are increasing exponentially. Those who have chosen to follow Mother Earth into the New Age will continue to work steadily to reconnect to the Divine consciousness, to bridge the veil of illusion and to choose Oneness over separation. As they do so, they are leaving 3D and 4D behind and creating a new paradigm of positivity, joy, acceptance of differences and zero acceptance of third dimensional behaviour. As the veil lifts, the gap widens and the energies of Ascension can be felt by everyone on Earth.
3D人類的崩塌無法被拯救,也不應該去做。 還沒有開始甦醒或繼續抗拒揚昇呼喚的人很快會到達無法回頭的點,選擇不會再有。 已經有著大量的靈魂返回精神形態,在未來的一年還會有很多,因為揚昇的能量會呈指數增加。 那些選擇跟隨地球母親進入新時代的人會繼續穩步致力於和神聖的意識重新連接、橋接幻象的面紗、選擇合一而不是分離。 隨著他們這麼做,他們在離開3D和4D,創造一個新的積極、喜悅、接納不同、零容忍三維行為的範式。 隨著面紗升起,差距拉大,揚昇能量可以被地球上的每個人感受到。
The old and new ages exist together, not side by side but as one; the new age is now encompassing the ages of the past and bringing the whole world to the higher vibration of Ascension. As it does so it is engulfing the third dimensional world and entombing it; as a tree trunk grows new, outer rings as it gets older, so it is with the energetic layers of Mother Earth. Just as the unconditional love of the Source of Creation encompasses the All, the higher dimensions of ascended consciousness are now leading humanity into the next phase of evolution.
舊時代和新時代共存,不是並排,而是作為一體。 新時代正在包裹舊時代,把整個世界帶到揚昇的更高振動中。 隨著它這麼做,它在吞沒三維世界,埋藏它;就像一棵樹干重新生長,外環變老,地球母親的能量層面也是一樣。 就像源頭的無條件之愛包裹一切,更高維度的揚昇意識正在引領人類進入進化的下一個階段。
There are many Lightworkers, Wayshowers, awakened and awakening people on Earth who are desperately sending love and healing to the third dimensional world. This is commendable but fruitless because the veil of illusion is still controlled heavily by unseen forces who feed off fear and the disempowerment of others. If you wish to save the world, send it to the Ascended Earth, the outer layer of Divine consciousness that is engulfing and overtaking the dense energies of old. When you send unconditional love and golden light to the crystalline energies of the Mother Earth’s lightbody, you will also be helping awakening and ascending souls to do the same.
有著很多光之工作者、引路人、已經甦醒的人和正在甦醒的人在拚命把愛和療癒發送給三維世界。 這是值得稱讚的但沒什麼作用,因為幻象的面紗依舊被不可見的吸食恐懼和無助的力量控制著。 如果你希望拯救世界,把它發送給已經揚昇的地球,神聖意識的外圍層面正在吞沒和取代舊的稠密能量。 當你發送無條件的愛和金光給地球母親光之身體的水晶能量,你也會説明正在甦醒和揚昇的靈魂也這麼做。
I AM Gaia!
傳導:Victoria Cochrane