Andromeda of Venus via Galaxygirl | June 5, 2021


Andromeda of Venus 6/5/2021

I am Andromeda of Venus, keeper of the inner light that burns brightly through whatever darkness may present itself. Darkness has been upon your realm for eons. We Venusians have been quietly shining our lights, our friendly energy signatures to our sister planet steadfastly. We had some internal skirmishes but that was long ago and we have easily ascended beyond them. It has not been so easy for you light workers, light bearers upon Gaia, for you are bearing the burden for many energetically and it has cost you in more ways than one.


I am Andromeda, water bearer of lights, keeper of the flame of the inner light of truth to those who seek it. I am currently embodied on Venus, your sister planet, from whom you could learn much, and you will. Venus is filled with love, with light. (I am seeing purple oceans with yellow skies. The air is crystal clear and has a zing in it, full of energy and vitality. It feels so good to be there. I am seeing a beautiful white marble structure with columns by the purple ocean on a cliff. There are winding steps with alabaster railings descending gently down the cliff. The sea spray is comforting, cooling but not cold. Beings here dress elegantly and have more Grecian like garb, white or lavender robes, flowing and shimmery. Metal and crystal brooches pin the robes at the shoulders. Everyone is tall and stunning.)
我是仙女座,光之水的承載者,為尋求真理之人的內在真理之光的守護者。我目前體現在金星,你的姐妹星球,你可以從那裡學到很多東西,你會的。金星充滿了愛和光。 (我看到紫色的海洋和黃色的天空。空氣晶瑩剔透,空氣清新,充滿能量和活力。在那裡感覺真好。我看到紫色海洋旁邊有柱子的美麗的白色大理石結構懸崖上,有蜿蜒的台階,雪花石欄杆輕輕地從懸崖上下來。海浪很舒服,涼爽但不冷。這裡的人穿著優雅,更有希臘式的服裝,白色或淡紫色的長袍,流動和閃閃發光。金屬和水晶胸針將長袍別在肩上。每個人都高大迷人。)

I am Andromeda of Venus. I am currently on Venus but I have had many sojourns, as have you, dear travelers of the many into the one. I am showing this one some of our council members. We meet and discuss those of our beloved families who are experiencing earth in its density towards its rising star form. Many of us have aspects upon your planet. You are not alone. You may come here to this place and recharge your energies when you slumber at night. We have many healing modalities here. It is a beautiful place. New Earth will also be one of exquisite beauty, but more blues and greens will be present while here is more a scenery of purples, pinks and yellows. All colors have healing frequencies within them and one can benefit from all. Nova Gaia will be blues and greens to represent the heart of the universe, and the opened third eye of the awakened human collective of one who has seen clearly through the mist and shadow. Shadows and mists will be vanished and vanquished from this realm of illusion and all will be brought into clarity of sight of the heart. The heart-sight is returning to Gaians and it is a glorious time indeed.
我是仙女座的金星。我目前在金星上,但我有過很多次逗留,就像你們一樣,親愛的旅行者們。我正在向我們的一些理事會成員展示這個。我們會見並討論心愛的家人們,他們正在體驗地球的密度,使其成為冉冉升起的新星。我們中的許多人在你們的星球上都有相位。你並不孤單。晚上睡覺的時候可以來這裡補充一下能量。我們這裡有很多治療方式。這是一個美麗的地方。新地球也將是一種精緻的美麗,但更多的藍色和綠色會出現,而這裡更多的是紫色、粉紅色和黃色的風景。所有顏色都具有療癒頻率,一個人可以從所有顏色中受益。 Nova Gaia 將是藍色和綠色,代表宇宙的心臟,覺醒人類集體睜開的第三隻眼已透過薄霧和陰影看見。陰影和迷霧將從這個幻境中消失和消除,一切都將被帶到心的清晰視野中。心靈的視線正在回歸蓋亞人,這確實是一個輝煌的時刻。 


I am Andromeda of Venus, keeper of the inner flame. I see clearly the amount of pain that separation has wrought upon your realm. Unity is returning. Unity of inner conflict resolved, unity with star brethren, unity with Creator and abundance for all will be experienced. You will find your way. Do not be dismayed by the news reports of lack, of internal strife. The dark ones are losing their grip. We Venusians send our light of internal healing, strength and internal fortitude. We are united in planetary and cosmic consciousness. Soon too will Gaia be united. The light bearers are bringing this cord of unbreakable truth to the realm where you are currently embodied and you are bringing it, grounding it from all of the places that you have traveled, from the higher dimensional travels that you have experience and from your planetary homes and kingdoms from the stars. We are truly a family of light and I wish for you to feel this connection with us. (I am seeing a beautiful woman dressed in a purple robe with draped fabric and golden brooches on the shoulders that are shaped in lotus blossoms with diamonds encrusted on them. She is lighting a white candle and singing. Her shining hair is piled high upon her head. She is lighting a single small white candle and handing it to me).
我是仙女座的金星,內在火焰的守護者。我清楚地看到分離給你們的領域帶來的痛苦。團結正在回歸。解決內在衝突的合一,與星際兄弟的合一,與造物主的合一以及所有人的富足將被體驗。你會找到自己的路。不要對缺乏及內部衝突的新聞報導感到沮喪。黑暗勢力正在失去控制。我們金星人發出我們內在療癒、力量和內在堅韌的光芒。我們在行星和宇宙意識中團結在一起。蓋亞也將很快團結起來。光之承載者正在將這根牢不可破的真理繩索帶到你目前所體現的領域,你正在將它從你旅行過的所有地方、你所經歷的更高維度旅行和你的行星家園中帶來。我們真的是一個光之家庭,我希望你能感受到與我們的這種聯繫。 (我看見一個美麗的女子,身著紫色長袍,披著布料,肩上戴著金色胸針,胸前鑲嵌著蓮花,上面鑲嵌著鑽石。她點著一根白色的蠟燭,唱歌。她閃亮的頭髮高高地堆在她身上頭。她正在點燃一支白色的小蠟燭,遞給我)。


I am Andromeda. I send you this frequency of a light from a single candle. Place it within your heart space and illuminate your inner chamber so that you can see clearly. (We are in a cave of white walls with hieroglyphs and cave drawings, some are primitive, others are glowing light language letters depicted vertically, like columns of codes.) We are showing you your inner chambers. You have so much information to unpack and remember. This candle of illumination from Venus will assist in your guided rememberings. It is our gift to you. The cave drawings of your early experiences into density are all wrapped in light of the light language that surrounds. (I am seeing that the light language is embedded in the totality of the white cave walls and they are the structure coding of the cave itself. I am hearing the om tuning fork frequency and feeling that the cave is now an egg and I am in a healing chamber.) Yes, we are bringing up inner healing for all of humanity in this time. Those who read will ground and expand the inner lights of the others. (I am seeing single candles lighting other candles and there is no more darkness now, just a sea of light.) Your body is like this cave, galaxygirl. All hidden memories are within. Your bones remember. They are attuned to the healing frequencies of light that we offer this day. State, “I welcome and allow these codes of Venusian frequencies to further amplify and embody my ascending form into the crystalline matrices of eternal lights that fill me now. I am one with Source and myself. I am full and complete with this earthly sojourn into the lower realms and I deem my experiences wrapped with the violet flame of the highest dimensional lights. I extend healing to all around me and deep into the heart of Gaia. I am that I am. And so it is.”
我是仙女座。我向你發送來自單支蠟燭的光的這個頻率。把它放在你的心裡,照亮你的之內,讓你看得清楚。 (我們在一個有象形文字和洞穴圖畫的白牆洞穴中,有些是原始的,有些是垂直描繪的發光語言字母,就像一列代碼。)我們正在向你展示你的內室。你有很多信息需要打開和記住。這支來自金星的照明蠟燭將幫助你引導記憶。這是我們給你的禮物。你早期體驗到密度的洞穴圖畫都被周圍的光語言包裹著。

(我看到光的語言嵌入在整個白色洞穴牆壁中,它們是洞穴本身的結構編碼。我聽到 om 音叉頻率,感覺洞穴現在是一個雞蛋,我在一個療癒室。)






I am Andromeda. (She is wiping away a tear from my eye and tucking a wisp of hair behind my ear.) Galaxygirl, what do you see? (I look into her purple eyes and I am seeing the galaxies, she is eternal, whole and complete.) So too are you eternal, whole and complete, dear ones reading. Feel the love extended to you in this moment of now. Feel your completeness of this earthly experience. Feel your wholeness of self. Claim your power and divinity and be healed. You are welcome to come to this place. I will meet you. (I look down and there is a small stream on the cave floor that is glowing with light, gurgling softly. I didn’t notice it before. My feet are wet, it is cool and refreshing to stand in.) You were not aware because it was not manifested. A small soothing stream is now flowing through this space, through Gaia’s inner heart as you extend your light to the many the more will flow. Water finds water. Light finds light. You will find what you seek, for it is already within you, the great mystery revealed.
我是仙女座。 (她擦掉我眼角的一滴淚,把一縷頭髮塞到我耳後。)銀河女孩,你看到了什麼? (我看著她紫色的眼睛,我看到了星系,她是永恆和完整的。)你們也是永恆的、完整的,親愛的閱讀者。感受愛在此刻延伸到你身上。感受你對這個塵世體驗的完整。感受你的完整自我。索取你的力量和神性並得到療癒。歡迎你來到這個地方。我會來見你。 (低頭一看,洞底有一條小溪,泛著光,輕輕的潺潺流過。我之前沒注意到。我的腳都濕了,站在裡面涼涼的。)你不知道因為沒有表現出來。當你將光延伸到更多人時,一股舒緩的小溪流現在流過這個空間,穿過蓋亞的內心。水發現水。光找到光。你會找到你所尋求的,因為它已經在你之內,揭示了偉大的秘密。 


I am Andromeda of Venus, keeper of the inner lights. The inner flame is now lit for humanity. I decree it is so. I am Andromeda, offering my love and service in this simple guided meditation this day. Claim this experience as real and it will be. I am Andromeda.
我是仙女座的金星,內在之光的守護者。 現在為人類點燃了內在的火焰。 我如此宣稱。 我是仙女座,今天在這個簡單的引導冥想中提供我的愛和服務。 聲稱這種體驗是真實的,它將會是。 我是仙女座。





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