Negative Energies & Your Mission on Earth ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We have an unusually high tolerance for what you would call negative energies. We can accept them as they are and see them as having so much potential within them. We can utilize any energy whatsoever to serve the greatest and highest good of all, and part of the reason for that is because we do not feel afraid of anything or anyone. It is your fear that gives the negative its power over you. When you fear it, the negative energy can feed off of that fear and grow larger and more powerful. 


So you want to see it as it really is, as underdeveloped consciousness. It is consciousness that has not yet remembered who and what it really is. Now, we are not saying that you have to go out and interact with all negative energies, but there certainly are those of you who do. Some of you realize you are doing it, and some of you don’t. Some of you remember signing up for that specific task, but most do not remember. And therefore, we want to assure you that if you are experiencing any negativity in your lives right now, you are serving humanity. 


You are fulfilling your purpose just by being there amidst all of the negativity. You don’t have to fix it, and we think you know by now that you don’t have to defeat it. But there is one thing that you will always have to be in the process of releasing, and that is your fear of it. This is how experience comes in and really demonstrates to you how important it is. When you have an experience with a negative energy, or a negatively-oriented human, and you not only survive that encounter, but you grow from it, then you have released some of your innate fear. You have overcome the fear of that negative energy. 


You are there to serve the light, of course, and offer that which is positive in the face of all that is negative, and that may seem like it is a job that is too big for any one person, and so we want to assure you that you are not alone. You are scattered all about the planet, each of you doing your own work, each of you releasing more and more fear every single day and making room for the positive energies that are coming in to support you and to transform you from within. This is your time; this is the time when you get to see the fruits of your labors and experience them not only in your personal lives, but on the world stage as well.
當然,你在那裡是為了服務光,並在面對所有消極事情時提供積極的東西,這似乎是一項對任何人來說都太大的工作,所以我們想保證 ,你並不孤單。你們分散在地球各處,每個人都在做自己的工作,每個人每天都在釋放越來越多恐懼,並為正能量騰出空間,這些能量正在進來支持你們,從內在改變你們。這是你的時間; 這是你不僅在個人生活中,而且在世界舞台上看到你們的勞動成果、並體驗它們的時候。


In case you have ever wondered whether you are making a difference or not, and you are receiving this transmission right now, we want you to know that you are. The difference that you are making may not be easy for you to quantify or measure, but it is real, and the cumulative impact of what you are all doing is enormous. You will start to see the effects all around you manifesting in the remainder of this calendar year there on planet Earth.


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





傳導:Daniel Scranton


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