The Collective: Seeing From the Heart Space

by Caroline Oceana Ryan


This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective.

This channeling was offered as part of the Ashtar Legacy conference call in April:
這個通靈是在 4 月份的 Ashtar Legacy 電話會議中提供的:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you.
問候,親愛的一們! 我們很高興有機會與你們交談。


And in listening to that lovely music [that was just played on the Ashtar Call], we are imaging the rolling mist of gold dust pouring throughout the Earth now!
在聆聽那美妙的音樂 [那是剛剛在 Ashtar Call 上播放的],我們正在想像現在傾瀉在整個地球上滾動的金色薄霧!


You notice that the song builds as it goes along.

Now, it has an interesting title, that song, written by Pueblo Native[-American] composer Robert Mirabal, who also plays the flute in it.
現在,它有一個有趣的標題,那首歌,由 Pueblo Native [-American] 作曲家 Robert Mirabal 創作,他也在其中演奏長笛。


It’s titled “Memoir Chaco,” as in Chaco Canyon.

補充:音樂影音檔,可見 The Collective: Seeing From the Heart Space (

Memoir Chaco - YouTube

Mirabal, being a Pueblo man from Taos, New Mexico, speaks energetically of Chaco Canyon in that beautiful tune.
米拉巴爾 (Mirabal) 是來自新墨西哥州陶斯 (Taos) 的普韋布洛 (Pueblo) 人,他用優美的旋律充滿活力地談論查科峽谷 (Chaco Canyon)。


The build-up in the song draws one very intentionally into the realization that what we see around us is really not all that is there.


That there is a new civilization coming forward that will make the ancient civilizations plainer and more understandable to those who are on the Earth now.

Because one wanders the ruins, these beautiful centuries-old structures of Chaco Canyon, left by an indigenous people of long ago, and these are considered to be mysterious buildings, because there are small openings into some of the chambers that have no light, other than through that small opening.


And one wonders, “Well, how did people survive in this?”

Or they notice the alignment of the lines of the structure.


There are several structures, but they coincide with not only certain environmental earthly alignments, but with astrological alignments as well.

And they seem to speak to the stars, and relate to the stars.


So there was clearly Star Nations assistance in the building of these dwellings.

In fact, they were built as a sort of bridge between the stars and the people who lived on the Earth.


And, dear ones, you’re coming into the same time now. You are coming into something which is going to recall that Star Nations connection of long ago, and far exceed it.
而且,親愛的一們,你們現在正進入同一時間。 你正在進入一些東西,它會回憶起很久以前的星際國家聯繫,並且遠遠超過它。


Don’t be surprised if you are visiting a very old structure in the Western US or anywhere, where you are picking up images inwardly of the people who lived there hundreds or thousands of years ago.


In those moments, you’re going to see with your heart.

This is how babies and children see Angels. It’s how children see the Faery realm and the Elven realm. The spirits of animals, and the spirits of the trees—because they’re seeing with their heart.
這就是嬰兒和兒童看到天使的方式。 孩子們就是這樣看待仙境和精靈界的。動物的靈性,樹木的靈性——因為他們用心去看。


Your consciousness is dropping down into the heart-space, and coming out of a severe left-brain preoccupation, because you’re realizing it’s time to let that go now.

Left-brain reasoning doesn’t answer to everything.


It can’t answer to all of human experience! It can’t answer to all of one person’s experience! And it doesn’t make much sense to expect that of it.
它不能回答所有的人類經驗! 它不能回答一個人的所有經歷! 期望它沒有多大意義。


How can the conscious mind, how can the left-brain, answer that which is beyond the capability of highly rational left-brain reasoning power?

There are things that the heart-space and the spirit will understand, that the mind has not yet developed the ability to grasp.


And so you may feel at times that you are in a situation that is difficult for you, in grasping why some people did this or that.


If you can just take a moment for yourself in that time, and come down into the heart-space, and pretend you’re looking out at that situation.


Close your eyes, and pretend you’re looking out at the situation from the heart-space.


And through the heart, see what is truly happening there.


It will not appear to you as it did when you were looking at it purely from this highly rational reasoning aspect of not only left-brain, but the trained impulse to make everything make sense according to your mind, and the social structures and the belief structures that humanity has been given over the past 100 years or so, which have grown a bit.
當你純粹從不僅是左腦的高度理性推理方面,而且是根據思想、社會結構和信仰使一切都有意義的訓練有素的衝動來看待它時,它不會像你那樣出現,人類在過去 100 年左右的時間裡被賦予的結構,已經有所發展。


They have absolutely grown to include such things as computers, and space travel, and all sorts of exciting new technologies in healing, and new forms of education.

Yet really, what you are looking at, dear ones, is the development of the higher self within the human body.


And accepting fifth dimensional vibrational reality within how you view your daily reality.

This is a huge shift! This is one of the biggest shifts you’ll ever hear of in your life. And certainly, it is the biggest leap humanity has ever undergone.
這是一個巨大的轉變! 這是你一生中聽說過的最大轉變之一。 當然,這是人類有史以來最大的飛躍。


We say this, knowing that there was a very great fall from the higher dimensional awareness in which people lived utterly intuitively.


There was no veil before their eyes, and they could see and understand one another and communicate over many miles, telepathically.


But we would say you’re coming back into that, to move up into that beautiful time of not only self-healing, but healing one’s planet.

And moving back up into the vibration of being spiritually aware that that new consciousness seeks to integrate your daily Earth self with your entire Being.

This is the biggest leap that one could possibly imagine, coming up from a third-dimensional vibration—an environment covering the entire planet as well as human awareness.
這是人們所能想像到的最大飛躍,來自三維振動—— 一個覆蓋整個星球和人類意識的環境。


So now as you’re listening to that song, “Memoir Chaco” by Robert Mirabal, and the music is building, and there’s an ongoing, growing-braver-and-stronger drumbeat in the background, and the volume is growing, as the dramatic sense of expectation is growing—
現在當你在聽羅伯特·米拉巴爾 (Robert Mirabal) 的那首歌“Memoir Chaco”時,音樂正在增強,背景中有一個持續不斷、越來越勇敢、越來越強的鼓聲,音量越來越大,隨著戲劇性的期待感正在增長——

As you listen to it, or to any music that is swelling in intensity and moving toward some higher moment of realization, you can image this beautiful gold dust, spreading out around your entire planet.


We strongly encourage that you see this rolling out, particularly to all places in which there is great strife, great struggle, and great loss. And over and through the violence that has taken place this year, and over the past year or more, in the case of the war in Ukraine.
我們強烈鼓勵你看到這一切的展開,尤其是在所有存在巨大衝突、巨大斗爭和巨大損失的地方。 在烏克蘭戰爭的情況下,今年以及過去一年或更長時間發生的暴力事件不斷。


And understand that, as much as the people there and elsewhere are suffering, including the natural disasters and the toxic spills upon the environment, such as in Ohio—as much as the people are suffering with this, understand that this is their path.


As they plant the Light within this desperate darkness, they are working on a higher level—on a soul level, and within their higher self consciousness.


Understand that this is their way of shifting this planet to a higher level.

How beautiful! How incredible that even those who are still children have come forward to do this. Absolutely astounding!
多麼美麗! 令人難以置信的是,連還是孩子的人都挺身而出。 絕對令人震驚!


And never doubt, dear ones, that your family who are Star Nations, as the indigenous folk will call them—never doubt that they have never ceased to be involved with this planet, and now are ratcheting up and increasing their involvement and their interventions all the more.


And as you invite them in, they can do more!


Now, our writer was saying recently, on one of the conference calls that the White Knights hold on Friday evenings, “I call in the ETs! I call in the Star Nations, but they don’t show up!”
現在,我們的作家最近在白騎士周五晚上舉行的電話會議之一上說,“我召集外星人! 我召集了星際國度,但他們沒有出現!”

And we have reminded her they show up all the time, but they’re not always obviously visible.

One can always speak with them and receive the energy of their reply , if not the actual words inwardly.


One can always call them forward for assistance. And the assistance is going to be there! Without question, it’s going to be there.
人們總是可以呼喚他們尋求幫助。援助將在那裡! 毫無疑問,它會在那裡。


It’s just that, yes, one might look forward to a ship landing in the back garden! But it’s not going to happen that way every time. And there are many reasons for that.
只是,是的,人們可能會期待一艘船降落在後花園! 但它不會每次都這樣發生。 這有很多原因。


And yet the calls are answered, dear ones.


Just as these prayers, particularly if you speak them aloud, or call upon Angelic assistance, call upon Ascended Master or Light Being assistance, or just assistance from Source Energy—all of this is going to be answered, because it must be!


Vibrationally, when a call is sent out, it always creates a pulling action which then pulls back to one the results of one’s own intention.


So we would ask that, even though these times can feel treacherous, feel highly tenuous, feel very uncertain and strange, as you see a lot of human rights being upended and denied after 30, 40, or 50 years of very clear and plain practice of certain human rights, such as a woman’s right to choose what to do with her own body—yes, this can be very difficult.
所以我們會問,即使這些時候會讓人感到危險、非常脆弱、非常不確定和奇怪,因為你看到許多人權在經過 30、40 或 50 年的非常明確和明確的實踐後被顛覆和否認某些人權,例如女性選擇如何處理自己身體的權利——是的,這可能非常困難。


And yet, look at all of the aspects of life that are awakening in response to the—we’re going to say, attempted totalitarian effects!

They aren’t really winning.

All they’re doing, you’ve noticed, is succeeding in awakening people all the more.


All they’re doing is succeeding in drawing people together—to stand together very bravely, and to make a strong stance for whatever area of freedom, or freedom of expression of their choice, or movement, or ideas they have decided they will take a stand for.


But the fascist or totalitarian oppression, as it’s termed on your planet, which is simply a very dark, slow, very thick energy—this is not ever going to win—not now!

It may have had its day at one time, and obviously there are some trying to bring that through again. But they cannot, because this is not the same planet it was 80 or 90 years ago.
它可能曾經有過它的一天,顯然有一些人試圖再次實現它。 但他們不能,因為這不是 80 或 90 年前的同一個星球。


So you may feel to be facing in some ways, something very grave, almost insurmountable some days.


And you’re wondering “How do we get through this?”

We would say, “You don’t resist. You stay in the moment, and you live out and breathe out your own beautiful higher self, out into the atmosphere.”
我們會說,“你不反抗。 你留在當下,你活出你美麗的高我,呼吸到大氣中。”


And believe us, that is transforming everything into your desire to move the planet to a higher level!

You won’t be able to avoid the good effects of it, dear ones! You’ll be caught up in the joy of it. No one will be able to stop you. We promise you that.
你將無法避免它的良好效果,親愛的! 你會沉浸在其中的喜悅中。 沒有人能阻止你。 我們向你保證。


So listen if you can. Listen to beautiful music such as this, which connects you to your own past, as well as your present and your future. Combine them.
所以,如果可以的話,聽聽。 聆聽諸如此類的優美音樂,將你與自己的過去、現在和未來聯繫起來。 結合它們。

The only Time that exists is Now.

And it is so, when people say “There is only one of us here.”


It is true that all of you are One. An ongoing interconnection of consciousness, experience, and Light forms.
的確,你們所有人都是一體的。 意識、經驗和光形式的持續互連

And when the predominant movement and expectation on the planet is that of Light, that of en-Light-en-ment, and of forward progression into Unity consciousness, into Peace, into Abundance for everyone, and into compassion, empathy, and kindness—when that’s the predominant vibration, you will see the birth of the fifth dimension on Earth!
當地球上占主導地位的運動和期望是光的運動和期望時,是啟蒙運動和前進到統一意識、和平、每個人的豐盛富足、同情、共感和仁慈的前進—— 當那是主要的振動時,你會看到地球上第五維度的誕生!


And all of you are working toward that right now.


Many who are working toward it have been sparked and encouraged to do so in response to these ridiculous new rules which are handed down, which are called totalitarian on your planet—and they are such.


And so, all of these sparks come together, dear ones, and you form your own Sun, your own sight, and your own emanation of higher Light and higher vibration, and that cannot be denied!

You tip the scales in favor of Ascension! This is what you’re doing.
你傾斜天平有利於揚升! 這就是你正在做的。

Anytime you decide to be Joyful. Anytime you decide to go to dance, to sing, to play outside in the garden, or lie in the grass and look at the clouds as you did as a child, or to just be with loved ones and be laughing, as well as the time that you meditate, or listen to inspiring music—anytime you do that, you’re lifting the vibration of the entire planet!
任何時候你決定要快樂 任何時候你決定去跳舞、唱歌、在花園裡玩耍,或者像小時候一樣躺在草地上看雲,或者只是和所愛的人一起笑,以及冥想或聆聽鼓舞人心的音樂的時間——無論何時,你都在提升整個星球的振動

Certainly there are “bigger” planets, but this one has weighed heavily on many, many minds and hearts throughout this Universe of Nebadon, because of what she has been through.

So we ask you to not ever doubt the efficacy and the depth or reach of your own vibration, friends!


Because then, as that vibration goes out, it matches and connects with the vibration of so many others that are turning density back into Light.

And this is beyond glorious!


Absolutely, when we stand back, we look at how this planet’s vibration has shifted even in the last 3 or 4 months. It’s a glorious thing to see.
當然,當我們退後一步時,我們會看看這個星球的振動在過去 3 或 4 個月內發生了怎樣的變化。 這是一件光榮的事情。


And almost incalculable, the level of Joy that is being felt and offered in the Angelic realms, and amongst your ET friends and family, who are able with their instruments, or their special sight, to actually see the vibration rising.


So as you listen to this or any other inspiring music, dear ones, image that Light pouring out, pouring into those areas of the world that need it, that beautiful sparkling, sentient, healing gold dust.


Lighting up the hearts and the outlook of everyone, and disabling all guns and bombs, disabling all the tools of war machinery, and utterly defusing them.

Then lifting consciousness to the level of realization that humanity—we.


We are in charge now of our own planet!


We are no one’s minions! And this old crowd—“It’s time for you to face the Light, and to see who you are. To finally to look in the mirror, and see who you are.”
我們不是任何人的爪牙! 而這群老人們——“是時候讓你面對光,看看你是誰了。 最終照照鏡子,看看你是誰。”


We’ll just allow them that time, dear ones. Many are jumping into the Light that even five years ago, would not have dreamt of doing so.
親愛的,我們只允許他們那樣做。 許多人正在跳入光中,即使在五年前,他們也做夢都不會這樣做。


So hold wide open the door! They are coming forward, yes!
所以請敞開大門! 他們挺身而出,沒錯!


And so we send much love, dear ones, and many blessings.


Full of thanks for the beauty of your beautiful, powerful presences upon the Earth at this time.







傳導:Caroline Oceana Ryan


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