
Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I bring you good tidings today from all of us on the Earth Council and from everyone who is working for the betterment of the planet.
問候。 我是昴宿星高級議會的米拉。 今天我帶來了地球議會和所有為了地球的改善工作之人的好消息。

Again, I want to reiterate how important your presence on the earth is right now. You are doing some amazing things of which most of you are unaware. You were blocked from your connection with God; you lived in a veil of forgetfulness; your DNA was changed and you lost memory of who you really are and why you are on the earth.
再次,我想要重申你在地球上的存在有多重要。 你做著驚人的工作,你們大多數人並沒有意識到。 你被妨礙與神連接;你生活在遺忘的面紗下。 你的DNA被改變,你失去了你真正所是以及為什麼來到地球的記憶。

You are powerful warriors of light. Right now, the veils have been lifted and you are beginning to have knowledge and clarity of who you truly are as divine beings, masters, avatar's, angels and archangels. For too long on the earth you were taught to feel as if you were worthless. Society reinforced this through programming in a myriad of ways. As of this now moment, we recommend you eliminate any thoughts of being less than the I AM God presence that you are.
你是強大的光戰士。 現在,面紗已被提起,你在開始知曉和清楚你真正的所是---神聖的存在、大師、天使、大天使。 在地球上,很長時間以來你被教導去感到你是一文不值的。 澀會通過程式設計在無數的方式中加強這一點。 現在,我們建議你消除任何比我是神之存在要差的想法。

As you continue to hold the light on earth, major inroads are being made for the freedom of the planet. It is happening with powerful beings as well as technology that has been set aside for this perfect time. Many of these resources are surprising the dark ones who thought they would have control forever. I can happily announce that their control is diminishing rapidly along with their presence on the earth. Your prayers and meditations are powerful and are assisting massively with this harmonizing shift.
隨著你繼續保持光,重要的進展被做出,為了地球的自由。 它在伴隨著強大的存在以及為了這個完美的時間預設的技術發生。 許多這些資源令自認為處於掌控的黑暗存有吃驚。 我可以高興地宣布,他們的控制在快速減少,連同他們在地球上的存在。 你的祈禱和冥想很強大,在協助這個和諧的轉變。

We understand your fatigue and desire to be living fully in the Golden Age. I reassure you that this is where you are going. You are gifted and talented beings who can constantly bring these 5th dimensional and higher energies into your life. This focus assists us and the planet. It enables the consciousness to rise and when you claim your new world you will find yourselves living in that consciousness.
我們明白你的疲憊,渴望完全生活於黃金時代。 我向你保證這是你在朝向的。 你是有天賦和才華的存在,在不斷把這些五維和更高的能量帶到你的生活中。 這個專注會協助我們和地球。 它會使意識提升,當你宣稱你的新世界,你會發現自己生活在那個意識中。

Spread the word and spread the light. Connect with us in the Pleiadian star system and with the Earth council. Call forth your galactic family and your remembrance of your origins. Participate in the divine action that you were called to take in this now moment. Let go of fear and welcome in joy, peace, beauty, harmony, and lots of love into your life and onto the earth. Please know that abundance is yours and that everything you need will be provided.
把話語傳開來,傳播光。 與昴宿星恆星系統和地球議會連接。 呼喚你的銀河家人,憶起你的起源。 參與你被呼喚去在這個時刻參加的神聖行動。 放下恐懼,歡迎喜悅、平和、美麗、和諧、大量的愛進入你的生活和地球。 請知曉,豐盛是你的,你所需的一切會被提供。


We send you our love and gratitude. I am Mira.




傳導:Valerie Donner


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