FEBRUARY 12, 2023
Welcome, dear readers. Know that we and the many others presently working with you from this side honor, respect, and appreciate the work you are doing on the front lines. Even if you feel like you are doing nothing, know that just the presence of your state of consciousness is helping to lift the world collective. We are assisting earth's ascension process from this side but you have the more difficult job of working in it while not of it.
This message is about trust. You came to earth filled with hope and excitement, confident that you were well prepared to play a role in earth's ascension process but after years of waiting with seemingly no change, many of you are finding that your trust in the process is waning.
Ask yourselves, have you put your trust in three dimensional concepts about the ascension process--how it would or should look, unfold, and when?
這條信息是關於信任。 你帶著希望和興奮來到地球,相信已經做好充分準備在地球的揚升過程中發揮作用,但經過多年的等待似乎沒有任何改變,你們中許多人發現你對這個過程的信任正在減弱。
Ascension energy is presently being experienced by most as the weakening of trust the majority has always held for government, health care, education, and religious leaders, which indicates collective awakening and personal empowerment. Waning trust in and the questioning of long established authorities however subtle, is a sign of change and awakening--the ascension process.
Even the spiritually awake may be tempted to lose trust when looking out at a world of chaos, war, increasing acts of violence, natural disasters, and "leaders" more focused on getting re-elected and playing "king of the castle" than working for the good of those they were elected to serve. You may ask; "Was I wrong about all this? Is there really a Divine Plan? Is earth really ascending to a higher dimension?"
當看到一個混亂、戰爭、暴力行為增加、自然災害和“領導人”更專注於連任及扮演“城堡之王”而不是工作的世界時,即使是精神上清醒的人,也可能會失去信任--為了他們被選為服務對象的利益。你可能會問; “這一切都錯了嗎?真的有神聖計劃嗎?地球真的提升到更高維度了嗎?”
You are spiritually ready and prepared for the work you came to do which is to live in the three dimensional world but not be of it through a consciousness that understands that the negativity now rampant around the world indicates the presence of high frequency Light breaking down much that has held mankind in bondage.
Temples built on sand must crumble and dissolve both within and without in order for that which is of a new and higher resonance to replace them. The habit of interpreting world issues as being three dimensional problems having nothing to do with the ascension process remains strong. Release any concepts about how things should or should not be because the human mind is unable to see the bigger picture. Stand in the Light of your highest spiritual awareness and simply observe.
High frequency energies pouring to earth at this time as well as those you automatically carry with you in consciousness are serving to break apart that which is out of alignment with them. This means that many traditions, beliefs, and many so called "right" ways are and will continue to collapse. False beliefs are created, held in place, and maintained only through the belief in them and never by God. As increasingly more awaken to oneness and the higher truths, much that has been created from beliefs of duality , separation, and two powers will simply fade away.
此時湧入地球的高頻能量,以及那些你自動攜帶在意識中的能量,正在服務於打破那些與之不對齊的東西。這意味著許多傳統、信仰和許多所謂的“正確”方式正在並將繼續崩潰。錯誤的信仰只能通過對它們的信仰而非上帝來創造、持有及維持。 隨著對合一與更高真理的覺醒越來越多,許多從二元性、分離和兩種力量的信念中創造出來的東西將完全消失。
You may wonder about so many natural disasters but remember, earth is a living soul who must also clear pockets of lower resonating and dense energy. Gaia's body and waterways have been mindlessly polluted, built on, used for war, her parts depleted (oil, minerals etc.), used as a dump for garbage and nuclear waste, covered in concrete, de-forested, poisoned, and considered as something to be used selfishly for monetary gain by humans for generations. Gaia is a living soul, a Divine Idea in the Mind of God and she has chosen reclaim herSelf.
你可能對這麼多的自然災害感到奇怪,但請記住,地球是一個活生生的靈魂,它也必須清除低共振和密集能量的口袋。蓋亞的身體和水道被無意識地污染,建築其上、用於戰爭,她的部分被耗盡(石油、礦物等),被用作垃圾和核廢料的傾倒場,被混凝土覆蓋,被砍伐森林,被毒害,並被認為是世世代代人類為了金錢利益而自私地使用的東西。 蓋亞是一個活生生的靈魂,是上帝思想中的一個神聖理念,她選擇了找回她自己。
A second and important point with regard to natural disasters is that for many they are an introduction to the idea of oneness. They often serve to open the hearts and minds of those who have believed themselves to be separate from the problems or needs of others. For the first time they are beginning to take notice, acknowledge, and even assist the needs and struggles of others. It may well be their first step in opening to oneness.
Everything embodied in Divine Consciousness is held infinitely in place by Divine Law which cannot be broken or changed. If lack, disease, limitation, or discords of any kind were embodied in Divine Consciousness, they would automatically exist forever, held in place by Divine Law, and never able to be changed or be healed. This is why it is foolish and in fact idolatry, to beg, pray, or make sacrifices to some three dimensional concept of God in an attempt to get him to fix, heal, and change something that does not even exist in reality and simply gives more energy to the illusion,
神聖意識中體現的一切都由神聖法則無限固定,不能被打破或改變。 如果匱乏、疾病、限制或任何形式的不和諧體現在神聖意識中,它們將自動永遠存在,由神聖法則固定,永遠無法改變或治癒。這就是為什麼乞求、祈禱或向上帝的三維概念做出犧牲,以試圖讓他修復、治癒及改變現實中根本不存在的東西,這就是愚蠢的,實際上是偶像崇拜。 幻覺有更多的能量,
Trust that because there is only ONE, IT is the foundation, law, and substance of all that exists. Where could anything other than this IT come from? Knowing and accepting this automatically begins one's evolutionary journey toward it becoming a realized state of consciousness where these truths will then begin to express outwardly. Never lose sight of the fact that an intellectual knowledge of some truth is only the first step, it must become one's consciousness before it can manifest because consciousness is the substance of form.
相信因為只有一,它是一切存在的基礎、法則和實質。 除了這個 ,還能從哪裡來? 知曉並接受這一點會自動開始一個人的進化之旅,使其成為一種意識狀態,然後這些真理將開始向外表達。永遠不要忽視這樣一個事實,即:對某些真理的理智認識只是第一步,它必須成為一個人的意識才能顯現,因為意識是形式的實質。
Spiritual awareness means no longer judging appearances by commonly accepted concepts about how things must or should be in order to be right. Let go of any beliefs about what is right and wrong or good and bad and know that good material appearances are just as illusory as the bad ones. God is...period. Allow yourselves to accept and fully trust that there really is a God infinitely expressing, manifesting ITself as... Beliefs contrary to this constitute mind formed concepts of reality--illusion.
Ask yourself; "Would or could an omnipresent God take pleasure in the suffering and destruction of ITself in expression as people, earth, animals, nature spirits, elementals, and the many other life forms that humans are not aware of? If there is only ONE Life, why does the majority believe itself to be separate from other life forms? How could a self-sustained, self-maintained Source form ITself as something destructive to ITself? What do I believe? What and who is the God of my consciousness?
問問自己; “一個無所不在的上帝是否會,或能夠以人類、地球、動物、自然精神、元素和許多其他人類不知道的生命形式來表達自己的痛苦和毀滅為樂?如果只有一個生命, 為什麼大多數人相信自己與其他生命形式是分開的?一個自我維持的源頭如何將自己形成為對自己具有破壞性的東西?我相信什麼?我意識中的上帝是誰?
Respond to the inner doubts that may come floating into your awareness by reminding yourself that abundance already is, safety already is, health already is, harmony already is, completeness already is. There is no need to struggle, pray, do ceremonies and rituals, beg or plead, offer pain and suffering to God in the belief that God loves your suffering, go to church, or refrain from all things human etc. in order to attain that which is already fully present in and as you.
Believe, trust, and live truth and it will become a state of consciousness that knows and experiences--
Everything I have been seeking, I already am.
We are the Arcturian Group 2/12/23