This Will Catapult you into the 5th Dimension ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


this will catapult your into the fifth dimension - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
“問候。 我們是大角星委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。


We have been watching and waiting for the perfect timing to give you this transmission of energy, and now is that time. You are ready to receive so much more because of the wonderful work you have been doing there on yourselves, and you who are awake know exactly what we mean by ‘work.’ You did not sign up for the easy path because you wanted to experience exponential growth. Therefore, all of you who are spiritual masters decided that you would shroud that truth from yourselves, especially early on in your lives. You chose heartache and heartbreak, and you chose trauma and disappointment and all kinds of things that you knew would catapult you into being awake. 


You wanted to take this part of your journey consciously, and you knew that you needed something to awaken you, to get you to go on a different path than others who would be more interested in the physical trappings of planet Earth. And there’s plenty there that you could be focusing on instead of your spirituality. Perhaps some of you even went down that path initially when you found out that you create your reality with your thoughts, your words, your emotions, and more importantly, your vibration. But everything will eventually lead to you facing all of the challenges head on, because you know those challenges help you to grow. 
你想有意識地踏上旅程的這一部分,你知道需要一些東西來喚醒你,讓你走上一條與其他對地球物理陷阱更感興趣的人不同的道路。那裡有很多你可以專注而非你的靈性。 也許你們中一些人甚至在一開始就走上了那條路,當你發現用思想、語言、情感,更重要的是--你的振動來創造現實時。但一切最終都會讓你直面所有挑戰,因為你知道這些挑戰會幫助成長。


Now, getting back to the timing of this transmission. There are energies being presented to Mother Earth in every corner, in every nook and cranny, that will be giving those who connect to her everything that you need. Mother Earth, like your sun, can give you activations, can heal you, can provide for you upgrades, attunements, downloads. They are all available to you all the time, but at certain times, like right now, Earth herself is getting more to balance and align her energy systems, her grids, her poles, her electromagnetic field. There is so much for you to tap into that is right beneath your feet at this time that will assist you, empower you and give you everything that you need to move forward into this next phase of your ascension, this next phase of your evolution.
現在,回到傳輸的時間。在每個角落和縫隙中,都有能量呈現給地球母親,這將給予那些與她連接的人所需要的一切。 地球母親,就像你的太陽,可以給你活化,可以療癒,可以為你提供升級、協調與下載。 它們一直都對你可用,但在某些時候,比如現在,地球自己正在越來越多地平衡與調整她的能量系統、她的網格、她的兩極、她的電磁場。 此時此刻,你腳下有太多東西可供你挖掘,它們將幫助你、賦予你力量並為你提供前進到揚升的下一個階段、進化的下一個階段所需的一切。

You are ready to take life on planet Earth further than it is has ever been before, because this is the time of ascension there on Earth, and you are ready as the ground crew, to receive more not only from above, but also from below. And when you mix those energies together within you, that’s when you understand why you incarnated on Earth at this time. You are there to be those who can access energies from both the sky the ground, the physical and the nonphysical, the masculine and the feminine. And you are there to integrate and harmonize those energies within yourselves to know yourselves more completely and fully as you truly are. 


Now is the time for these energies, and now is the time for those of you who are awake and aware to truly benefit from all that is being given to you and to Mother Earth from those of us who care, from those of us who are watching and waiting and calibrating energies that will catapult you into the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton



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