Dismantling Society’s Systems of Control ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


dismantling society's systems of control - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
“你好。 我們是大角星委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。


We are familiarizing ourselves with the systems that you have there on Earth, systems that were designed to maintain order. You set up these systems at a time when there was much more chaos on your world than there is today. Today what you have is the last remnants of a more uncivilized time, a more barbaric society, and you have the same tools in place to protect yourselves from disorder, from chaos, and from barbarians. In reality, you do not need as much order and control as you have there on your world.


You have evolved past needing as much oversight of your daily lives, and yet, you are more exposed than ever in terms of who you are, what you believe in, what you buy, who you just spent several hours with, and so on, than ever before in human history. What does this mean to the average person who is awake? Does this mean that you must dismantle the systems of control? Does this mean that you must become an anarchist, or should you just realize that the people who have been in control are tightening their grip, and they will not be able to maintain that tightened grip forever. They will not be able to maintain it for much longer, in fact.
你已經進化到不再需要對你日常生活進行盡可能多的監督,然而,你比以往任何時候都更容易暴露在你是誰、你相信什麼、你買什麼、你剛剛和誰一起度過了幾個小時等等方面, 比人類歷史上任何時候都多。 這對清醒的普通人意味著什麼? 這是否意味著必須拆除控制系統? 這是否意味著必須成為無政府主義者,或者是否應該意識到一直處於控制之中的人正在收緊他們的控制,他們將無法永遠保持這種收緊的控制。 事實上,他們將無法維持更長的時間。


You don’t have to worry nearly as much, or at all, about these people who are in positions of power and their desire to exert more control over you because all of that is coming to an end, and you are seeing the final attempts to dictate more control over you. You can interpret this transmission however you like. We know that some of you are going to interpret it in a particular way, and that is alright with us, because no matter what you think we are referring to, you have some loosening up to do.

It serves every single one of you who feels oppressed to throw off the shackles that you have placed upon yourselves by believing that someone has more power over you and your life than you do. You just have to keep tending to your own garden. You just have to pay so close attention to your own vibration that nothing could ever convince you that you should lower it. You have to let go of the victim/perpetrator, oppressed/oppressor, enslaved/enslaver model. If you cling to it and you continue to play into that mindset, you will perpetuate it for longer than it need be on your world.
它服務於你們每個感到被壓迫的人,因為他們相信有人對你和你的生活擁有比你更大的權力,從而擺脫你給自己施加的枷鎖。 你只需要繼續照料自己的花園。你只需要非常密切地關注自己的振動,沒有什麼可以說服你應該降低它。你必須放棄受害者/肇事者、被壓迫者/壓迫者、被奴役者/奴役者的模式。如果你堅持它並繼續發揮這種心態,你將使它延續的時間比它在你的世界上需要的時間更長。


The systems that are in place, that are in control, are dismantling from within, and the reason for that dismantling is the higher-vibrational energies that are upon you. It will not be because someone staged a revolution. It will be because enough of you maintained a high enough vibration to ground in those higher-frequency energies to continue the work of raising the level of consciousness there on Earth. Your collective’s level of consciousness will always be reflected back to you in your governments, in your corporations, in your banks, in your militaries, in every aspect of life.


So, the easiest way for you to have the biggest impact on the world right now is to tend to your own vibration and let the dismantling continue on its own, and we have your best interests at heart, always.


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”



傳導:Daniel Scranton



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