The February 2022 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


the february 2022 energies - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are very pleased to offer you this transmission about the upcoming transmission of energies in and throughout your month of February. The February energies are about getting you into alignment, specifically your chakras, as the more in alignment you are, the more capable you will be in handling the March energies. But there are many other reasons why you would want to have your chakras and all of your various bodies aligned. You are constantly running energies through your bodies. You are constantly seeking to download more, to activate more, to attune to more that is coming your way. We are talking about energies you have summoned and energies that are just there to support you and that have come from above.


Beings and collectives, like ourselves, also want to be channeled because they want their perspective to be a part of the human experience and the human evolution of consciousness. And so, having your chakras open and aligned will certainly help you to achieve that. Those of you who want to channel, who have not yet been able to, or who are struggling with your channeling, will benefit from these February energies because of the alignment they bring. And with that alignment comes greater clarity, a clear central channel, and better use of the energies that you are getting.


As we said, you are constantly receiving energies, but the question is, are you open to them? Are you ready for them? Can you ground them? All right, that was several questions, but you get the idea. It’s important to have these aligned chakras for many, many reasons, and with the energies coming in March, having had some practice grounding higher-frequency energies into your chakras will certainly help with what is to come. There’s always going to be a need for greater communion with the non-physical and with the higher-frequency energies. And so, this type of alignment that will be occurring in the month of February is always something wanted, something needed, and something powerful.
正如我們所說,你不斷地接收能量,但問題是,你對它們開放嗎?你準備好迎接他們了嗎?你能把它們接地嗎?好吧,這是幾個問題,但你明白了。由於很多很多原因,擁有這些對齊的脈輪很重要,而且隨著 3 月能量的到來,已經有一些練習將更高頻率的能量接地到你的脈輪中,這肯定會有助於即將發生的事情。總是需要與非物質和更高頻率的能量進行更多交流。因此,這種將在二月份發生的對齊方式總是需要和強大的。


Now, you might be wondering what you have to do in order ready yourselves for these aligning energies of February. It’s always a good idea to be hydrated and grounded, but it is especially a good idea when you know that there are energies coming in that you want to connect with and run through your physical body. Also, do regular check-ins with your chakras to see where they are. Can you feel one being heavier, off-center, blocked? Can you feel a lot of emotions in one? Those are the chakras to give your attention to and to lovingly send light and healing energies. You can also use the power that you have to visualize to align, open, clear, and cleanse the chakra or chakras in question.


And make sure you’re getting plenty of rest, sleep, relaxation, meditation, and spending time in a state of joy, appreciation, or at least feeling neutral. In other words, feel as good as you can feel under the conditions you are living in at this time, and realize that more is always coming because your prayers are always answered. We are here to help, and so are so many other teams, collectives, councils, and individual beings of light and love. And offering you this high-frequency collective of energies is how we work together to ensure that humanity has all that you need all the time.
確保你得到充足的休息、睡眠、放鬆、冥想,並花時間在快樂、欣賞或至少感覺中立的狀態中。 換句話說,在你現在所處的條件下盡可能地感覺良好,並意識到更多的事情總會到來,因為你的祈禱總是得到回應。 我們在這裡提供幫助,許多其他團隊、集體、委員會和光與愛的生命個體也是如此。 為你提供這個高頻能量集合是我們共同努力確保人類一直擁有你所需要一切的方式。

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton



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