JANUARY 29, 2023

Welcome dear readers.

During these times of confusion, violence, and chaos, never doubt that you are known, loved, and honored for choosing to assist earth in her journey to once again express the Divine perfection that is her reality.


You did not need to incarnate as many do in order to learn and grow beyond the third dimensional belief system, but you along with many others chose to incarnate in order that the presence of many evolved states of consciousness on earth would add Light to and lift earth's collective consciousness to a higher level. 


Everything is energy dear ones. Everything-people, words, actions, "stuff"--has a vibrational frequency and the closer it is to reality/truth the lighter, faster, and brighter are the frequencies. The further from truth something is, the slower, denser, and heavier the vibration which is why the three dimensional earth manifests as material and why you feel heaviness in certain situations, places, or even around certain people. 
一切都是能量,親愛的。 一切——人、言語、行為、“東西”——都有一個振動頻率,它越接近現實/真相,頻率就越輕、越快、越亮。事物離真相越遠,振動越慢、越密集、越重,這就是為什麼三維地球表現為物質的原因,也是為什麼你在某些情況、地方甚至某些人周圍會感到沉重。


In reality your body is pure, perfect, and whole--a Light body, an individualization of God. Just as you commonly think of a body of water, think of yourself as a body of God. In the density of third dimensional energy, the real Light body is interpreted as physical, dense, material, and subject to all sorts of problems. Your real body has always and will continue to go with you wherever you go. It cannot die for it is your individualization of Divine Consciousness. It is only the material concept of body that dissolves after the Light body leaves. 
事實上,你的身體是純潔、完美和完整的—— 一個光體,一個神的個體化。就像你通常認為水體一樣,把自己想像成上帝的身體。在三維能量的密度中,真正的光體被解釋為物理的、稠密的、物質的,並受到各種問題影響。 無論走到哪裡,你的真實身體一直並將繼續同行。它不會死,因為它是你神聖意識的個體化。只有身體的物質概念在光體離開後才消散。


Everything, that which is considered good and that considered bad, is a concept of a spiritual reality or Divine Idea because Divine Consciousness is all that exists. The third dimensional state of consciousness is unaware and thus unable to understand that earth is a spiritual world peopled with sons/daughters of God because their state of consciousness is as of yet only able to align with denser energy.


There are some who live from a three dimensional level but who have retained the ability interact with energies invisible to most. Most of them worked with psychic energy throughout their past lives and often work as psychics in this one. Always remember that psychic is not the same as spiritual and information can rise no higher than the state of consciousness of the person giving the information. This is an important point to remember in these times of many predictions. Always trust your intuition.
有些人生活在三維層面,但他們保留了與大多數人看不見的能量互動的能力。他們中大多數人在過去的一生中都在使用精神能量工作,並且經常在這一生中擔任通靈師。 永遠記住,通靈與精神不同,信息不能上升到提供信息的人的意識狀態。 在這個有許多預言的時代,這是要記住的重要一點。 永遠相信你的直覺


Because there is only ONE Divine Consciousness expressing ITSelf as infinite form and variety, energy is always seeking to reconnect with ITself. In the human scene this manifests as like attracting like or "bird of a feather, flock together". Be aware of what you hold as truth in your consciousness because consciousness automatically draws and connects to whatever energy it is in alignment with. Example: A consciousness of violence, lack, and beliefs based in separation will automatically attract ideas about as well as actions of violence. Hypochondriacs will always be attracting some health issue.
因為只有一個神聖意識將它自己表達為無限的形式和多樣性,所以能量總是在尋求與它自己重新連接。在人間,這表現為吸引或“物以類聚”。 意識到你在意識中所持有的真理,因為意識會自動吸引並連接到與之對齊的任何能量。 例如:基於分離的暴力、匱乏和信念的意識會自動吸引有關暴力的想法和行為。 憂鬱症總是會引起一些健康問題。


There is no such thing as a God who punishes or gets pleasure from the suffering of ITself as individual being. In fact these things do not even exist in Divine Consciousness. The third dimensional state of consciousness dreams up concepts of God based in limited and false information and then sets about worshiping and preaching these concepts to others.  
沒有像上帝這樣的東西,他會懲罰或從自己作為個體存在的痛苦中獲得樂趣。 事實上,這些東西甚至不存在於神識中。 第三維度的意識狀態根據有限和錯誤的信息,幻想出關於上帝的概念,然後開始崇拜這些概念並傳播給其他人。


Every person is the God creating their life and situations from the contents of their consciousness. However, this does not mean that every negative experience is a failure of spiritual growth but rather often represents a graduation of sorts. Many negative experiences actually represent completion and are expressing a clearing of some old energy unknowingly being held in consciousness.  
每個人都是上帝,根據他們的意識內容創造他們的生活和處境。 然而,這並不意味著每一次負面經歷都是靈性成長的失敗,而是往往代表某種程度的畢業。許多負面體驗實際上代表了完成,並表達了一些不知不覺中被控制在意識中舊能量的清除。

The human desire to attain "good" and get rid of the "bad" is actually the material concept of a spiritual reality. Soul remembers who it really is and yearns to be complete, known, and acknowledged. The third dimensional state of consciousness feels this yearning as a desire for human "good"-- people, places, experiences etc. believed capable of bringing happiness and success. However, the duality aspect of three dimensional concepts automatically means that human good and human bad can and often does quickly shift to the opposite.  
人類追求“善”、“惡”的願望,實際上是一種精神現實的物質概念。 靈魂記得它真正是誰,並渴望完整、被瞭解和被承認。第三維度的意識狀態將這種渴望視為對人類“美好”的渴望——相信能夠帶來幸福和成功的人、地方、經歷等。 然而,三維概念的二元性方面自動意味著人類的善和惡可以、而且經常會迅速轉向相反的方向。


Holding tightly to good experiences of the past or continually trying to recreate them for self and others in some way is no different than attempts to bury, forget, ignore, deny, or rid self of bad memories. As either one comes to mind (and they will until cleared) look right at them and see them for what they represent or represented in an earlier state of consciousness. No longer endow them power for good or bad and thank them for the lessons, insights, and evolutionary growth you gained and release them into the nothingness that they really are.
緊緊抓住過去的美好經歷或不斷嘗試以某種方式為自己和他人重新創造它們,與試圖埋葬、遺忘、忽視、否認或擺脫不好的記憶沒有什麼不同。 當其中任何一個出現在腦海中時(它們會直到被清除),正視它們並看到它們在較早的意識狀態中所代表、或所代表的東西。不再賦予他們好或壞力量,感謝他們提供的課程、見解和進化成長,並將他們釋放到他們真正的虛無中。

Learn to see through all material appearances and into the deeper reality that underlies it. If you see someone stealing, do not judge the person as bad, but understand that because in reality that person is a Divine Being, he or she is unknowingly carrying a desire for wholeness and completeness which to their limited state of consciousness they are interpreting as a right to whatever they need or want.  
學會看透所有的物質表象,進入其背後的更深層次的現實。 如果你看到有人偷東西,不要判斷這個人是壞人,而是要明白,因為實際上那個人是一個神聖的存在,他或她在不知不覺中懷有對完整的渴望,在他們有限的意識狀態下,他們將其解釋為:獲得他們需要或想要任何東西的權利。


This does not mean those living from an un-evolved state of consciousness should simply be allowed to do whatever they please. Spiritual evolution involves lessons at all levels of awareness which for some may mean that their needed lesson is jail time

Practice oneness at all times--a wordless flash of awareness as you enter a room, get to your office, do the dishes etc. Every time you answer your phone remember that God is the person at the other end or when driving know that God is every other driver on the road. By keeping a tiny portion of your awareness always centered in truth it soon becomes your state of consciousness, your life, and your reality.
始終練習合一 ——當你進入一個房間、到達你的辦公室、洗碗等時,一種無言的意識閃現。每次你接聽電話時,記住上帝就是另一端的人,或者在開車時要知道上帝是路上的所有其他司機。通過讓你的一小部分意識始終集中在真相上,它很快就會成為你的意識狀態、你的生活和你的現實。


We are the Arcturian Group 1/29/23
我們是大角星群 1/29/23







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