The Best Way to Get the Answers You Seek ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


the best way to receive the answers you seek - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
“你好。 我們是大角星人委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。


We have a perspective that we like to share with all of you on just about everything that you are living there on planet Earth. We love to share our perspective with you because we know that it broadens your minds, and because when you encounter higher-vibrational energy, it also expands your hearts. We do not come to you to give you the one and only answers to your burning questions. We come to you to offer you an invitation to exist in higher states of consciousness. Others are offering their perspective to you, and when you encounter that perspective, you must ask yourselves whether it resonates, whether it feels right, whether it takes you into a higher state of consciousness to choose to accept their invitation.
我們有一個觀點,想與你們所有人分享你們在地球上生活的幾乎所有事情。我們喜歡分享我們的觀點,因為我們知道它可以開闊你們的思想,並且因為當你遇到更高振動的能量時,它也會擴展你的心胸。 我們來找你不是為了提供唯一的答案來解決迫切的問題。我們來找你是為了邀請你存在於更高的意識狀態。 其他人正在向你提供他們的觀點,當你遇到那個觀點時,必須問問自己它是否引起共鳴,感覺是否正確,是否將你帶入更高的意識狀態來選擇接受他們的邀請。


This is a time for all of you of great discernment, and it’s not about whether something is logical to you at this point. You have taken your logical minds as far as they can possibly take you. Now is the time for feeling into whatever it is that you are considering and determining whether you feel more expansive or more contracted when you focus on that timeline, that opportunity, that teaching, that perspective, and so on. 


You set your lives up for yourselves to give yourselves opportunities to feel particular emotions. What you did not realize as you were feeling the not-so-good-feeling ones is that they also needed to be felt in order for you to have a finely-tuned discernment. You need to know when something feels good and when something feels off to you, and the only way to have that sensitivity is to allow yourselves to feel everything.


You are masters of energy, of vibration, of thought, and of focus, and you came to this reality, with all of its challenges, to prove that to yourselves. You don’t have to prove it to anyone else. No one else is keeping score. It is you; you are the ones who want to grow and expand and become one with Source once again in that way that you can only experience it after having given yourselves the illusions of separation. So a question you want to ask yourselves regularly is, ‘Am I moving closer to Source in this moment or with this thought, or am I moving further away?’ The answer can only be given to you by feeling into your body, into your chakras.
你是能量、振動、思想和專注的大師,你來到這個現實,帶著它所有的挑戰,向你自己證明這一點。你不必向其他任何人證明這一點。沒有其他人在記分。是你; 你是那些想要成長和擴展並再次與源頭合一的人,你只能在給自己分離的幻覺之後才能體驗它。 所以你要經常問自己的一個問題是,“我在這一刻或隨著這個想法更接近源頭,還是更遠?”只能通過感受你的身體,進入你的脈輪帶來答案。


You have everything that you need inside of you, but you will often get invitations, upgrades, and activations from outside of you that help to raise the level of consciousness inside of you so that you can make more informed decisions. And isn’t that the way for you all to grow through your experiences, no matter what they are? Before you condemn an experience you are having, ask yourselves if there is a possibility that the experience was chosen by you so that you could grow from it. Don’t be hard on yourselves, because you are conscious and deliberate creators beings now. 
你內在擁有你所需要的一切,但你經常會收到來自外在的邀請、升級和活化,這有助於提高你內在的意識水平,這樣你就可以做出更明智的決定。這難道不是你們所有人通過經驗成長的方式,無論它們是什麼? 在你譴責正在經歷的經歷之前,問問自己是否有可能這種經歷是你選擇的,以便可以從中成長。不要對自己太苛刻,因為你現在是有意識和深思熟慮的創造者。

You were masters before you incarnated there on Earth, and you are there to reveal to yourselves your own mastery. As you allow yourselves to feel into everything that is in your life and that is being presented to you, those are the moments when the mastery is present. It is palpable. You can feel it viscerally, if you allow yourselves to, and that is the invitation we are giving you in this moment right now.
在投生到地球之前你們是大師,你們在那裡是為了向自己展示自己的精通。當你允許自己感受生活中的一切以及呈現給你的一切時,那些就是掌握存在的時刻。 這是顯而易見的。 如果你允許自己,你可以發自內心地感受到它,這就是我們此刻給你的邀請。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton



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