Awakened Collective: Work with the Grids ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


awakened collective - work with the grids - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
“你好。 我們是大角星委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。

We are giving ourselves every possible opportunity to observe what it is that is happening there on Earth because you are in such a time of need. You need help, and we are helpers. We know that you have been making the most of a pretty bad situation there on Earth. We also know that you have summoned so much help, so much healing, so many solutions, that there is a sort of logjam of energies that have been coming your way but that not enough people are open to receive.
我們正在給自己每一個可能的機會來觀察地球上正在發生的事情,因為你們正處於這樣一個需要的時刻。你們需要幫助,我們是幫手。 我們知道你們一直在充分利用地球上非常糟糕的情況。 我們也知道你已經召喚如此多的幫助,如此多的療癒,如此多的解決方案,以至於有一種能量的僵局一直在向你襲來,但沒有足夠的人願意接受。


Imagine being there on Earth and not realizing that all your prayers were being answered. Many think that perhaps they are not worthy of receiving help from above. Still others believe that some deserve that help because they pray to the right God but others do not, as they are heathens, unworthy of assistance from the Heavens. This is once again where you step in as the healers, the leaders, the wayshowers, the ones who are there to set the example. You step in because you want everyone to receive what it is they have been asking for, and you know that everyone there on Earth with you is a being of light and love, an aspect of Source.
想像一下在地球上,卻沒有意識到你所有的祈禱都得到了回應。 許多人認為,也許他們不配得到上面的幫助。 還有一些人認為,有些人應該得到這種幫助,因為他們向正確的上帝祈禱,但其他人則不值得,因為他們是異教徒,不值得上天的幫助。 這是你再次作為治療師、領導者、引路人和在那裡樹立榜樣的人介入的地方。 你介入是因為你希望每個人都能收到他們一直在要求的東西,而且你知道地球上和你在一起的每個人都是光與愛的存有,是源頭的一個面向。


And so, you can hold space for all of humanity to get what they need at this time. You can offer yourselves up to the universe as conduits of all of the assistance that is coming. You can be the answer, the solution, the ones that humanity has been waiting for, and that means rising above all of the debating that goes on there on your world. That means helping those who don’t want your help or don’t think that they need it. You are not there to judge anyone because of their beliefs, their words, their thoughts or their actions. You are just there to be love incarnate and to help whenever you can.
因此,你可以為全人類留出空間,讓他們在這個時候得到他們需要的東西。 你可以將自己提供給宇宙,作為即將到來的所有援助的管道。 你可以成為答案,解決方案,人類一直在等待的人,這意味著超越世界上正在進行的所有辯論。 這意味著幫助那些不需要你幫助或認為他們不需要幫助的人。你不會因為任何人的信仰、言語、想法或行為而去評判他們。你只是在那裡成為愛的化身,並儘可能地提供幫助。


And now is one of those times when you can absolutely help by making yourselves available to the universe, by being the conduits of light, love, and healing energy that you were born to be, and by holding space for all of your fellow humans to get what they are asking for, what they need. Some don’t even know what they need and don’t know what to ask for, but you can still help them. You can still see all others as parts of a whole that you are also a part of and that you are there to make whole, to bring together, to integrate. 


As we have said, now is the time, and you are the ones, because you are not discriminating; you are not holding back your love for only those who deserve it, and this is your time to shine. We encourage you as the awakened collective to open yourselves up to all that humanity has been asking for, ground it into your physical bodies and down into Mother Earth, and let the wonderful energy grids beneath your feet do the rest. 
就像我們說過的,現在是時候了,你們就是那個時候,因為你們沒有分別心;不會只對應得的人隱瞞自己的愛,這是你們閃耀的時刻。 我們鼓勵你們作為覺醒集體,向人類一直要求的一切敞開心扉,將其根植於你們的身體和地球母親之中,讓腳下美妙的能量網格完成剩下的工作。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton



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