

It is an exciting time. It is a time of great joy. Do not allow yourselves to give in to doubt and fear. Simply feel what you are feeling. If you are feeling a difficulty in your transformation, call upon me to assist you in severing those connections, with these things which are causing you discomfort. You have grown accustomed to discomfort and limitation. Many of those experiences which you are now releasing are those which in the past you held onto for satisfaction and security and some measure of peace. A greater peace comes to fill you up and your old shells are too small to contain it all.

Consciously or unconsciously you are being lifted in your frequency and in your experience and in your consciousness. Some of you may begin to feel that you are rising and that you are not in connection with the Earth so much as before. Some of you will still feel that you are in your ordinary circumstance. Regardless of your perception of the activity be assured that we are working to lift you. It is our desire to teach you in this way, experientially, what it is to ascend. By taking small steps now you will already have taken many small steps up the ladder and you will feel comfortable and at ease when the Ascension comes. You will not be traumatized by the process. If you are not traumatized by the process when you are reacquainted and reconnected with the Hierarchy, then you will not have so long of a time in transition before you can join in the experience of the Brotherhood and the sharing that exists. Many who ascend will have to have a time of relaxation and reassimilation of t heir new environments. Many will be unable to appreciate at first just where they are and what has happened to them. They will need to have some training and guidance and some gentle loving care. The same gentle loving care which you are receiving some ahead of time, so that when you are with the Brotherhood you can enjoy and even assist in lifting the remainder.

There is so much to enjoy and experience. It is like a huge smorgasbord of delight. Fortunately, once you ascend you do not have to die, so you will have plenty of time to enjoy it all. The time is so limited in the third dimensional reality. There is never enough time to achieve that which you desire to achieve. Just as you begin to get good at what you are doing you begin to grow old and must leave. This will not occur in the future with you. You will have conscious of all your experiences. You will be able to grow indefinitely. You will be able to explore the universes and go wherever you desire to visit, depending on your level of evolvement and service.

As you arise you may begin to feel your connections to the Earth more strongly. You may begin to feel some heaviness or density in your second, third, and first chakras. It is almost like you are trying to float like a balloon but have many strings attached to you.

Visualisation cutting strings and attachments

If you desire, at these times you may perform this visualization. [Imagine yourself lifted high above the Earth, high in the clouds, and surrounded by the Angelic Host. Imagine yourself floating but connected to the Earth by many strings or cords, dark rubbery to cords that connect with you. And then, call me by name and imagine a bright blue sword of flame severing these cords and feel the lightness as you rise. You need not worry that if you rise you will not be able to reconnect with your third dimensional reality. It is always there waiting for you. At any time you desire you can rematerialize in the third dimensional reality even after Ascension.
如果你渴望,在這段時間你可以進行這個可視化。 【想像自己上升到地球上方,雲彩之中,被天使包裹。想像自己漂浮,但通過許多線與地球相連,黑色的有彈性的線。然後,呼喚我的名字,想像一把明亮的藍色火焰之劍切斷這些線,然後你感到輕鬆。 】你不需要擔憂如果你上升了你就無法與三維現實連接。它總是在那等待著你。揚昇後你可以隨時顯現到三維現實中。

So allow yourselves to float. Allow yourselves to rise. If you feel accompanied by angels, you are. There are more than enough angels to go around. It is their service to minister to humanity and to assist in the upliftment.

The lightness that you will begin to feel in your bodies and in your emotions and in your presence will be a result of your releasing and rising into a higher frequency. And the rising into the higher frequencies results in the more dense energies falling away. At any time that you feel yourselves caught or bound to a dense energy call upon me. Ask me to be with you and to assist you in severing these psychic connections. This is not an escape from reality It is an escape to reality.

Know that as you release your attachments you will not suddenly stop loving all the people in your lives that you have come to love and be with. It is the attachment to these beings which inhibits the flow of love. You can love much more profusely if you are free and open and channelling love. So nothing that you have been associated with out of love will be harmed in your Ascension process. Those of you who have children and relationships may be concerned. But in all of your relationships you will be benefiting everyone in this process. For as you cut the cords of dense energy you can reestablish your connection with etheric cords of love energy, so that the purity of your experience can be shared with all those around you. The difference here is that these cords do not bind you.



傳導:Eric Klein



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