In 2023, Will E.T.s Land & Save Humanity? ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


in 2023, will ets land & save humanity? - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
“問候。 我們是大角星人委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。


We are very excited about the upcoming year and years ahead for humanity, because we see what you have individually and collectively created for yourselves, and we know that you all will be quite pleased with what you are moving towards. Of course, you will still see the predictions about the completion of the shift, as people like to get ahead of themselves. And because it feels very good to go to that place, many individuals will accept those predictions as truth.
我們對人類即將到來的一年和未來幾年感到非常興奮,因為我們看到你們為自己和集體創造的東西,我們知道你們都會對正在朝著的方向感到非常滿意。 當然,你仍然會看到關於完成轉變的預測,因為人們喜歡超前。而且因為去那個地方感覺很好,所以很多人會把那些預言當真。


However, you are meant to have many more experiences there in the fourth dimension before you complete the shift to the fifth, and those experiences will serve you very well as fifth-dimensional beings. You are, however, definitely getting closer to full and open extra-terrestrial contact, and many of you are interested in preparing for that contact. And what you are doing in those moments of preparation is you are solidifying your place on the timeline where it occurs in the very near future. You are showing faith.

It is important that everyone who wants extra-terrestrial contact understands that this is not a savior scenario. This is not a time where e.t.s come in and solve all of humanity’s problems. That’s not what we are talking about. We are talking about beings who will get your attention for a variety of reasons. The flashy spaceships are of course nice to look at and get on board and fly around in. And the e.t.s will be a curiosity for many, but it will be what they emanate and what they teach you that will be of greatest importance to the evolution of consciousness of every single human being. 
重要的是,每個想要與外星人接觸的人都明白這不是一個救世主的場景。現在不是外星人進來解決人類所有問題的時候。 那不是我們在說的。 我們談論的是會因各種原因引起你注意的人。華麗的宇宙飛船當然很漂亮,可以登上並在裡面飛來飛去。外星人對許多人來說都是一種好奇,但它們所散發的東西、和它們教給你的東西,對進化來說是最重要的是每個人的意識。


You have much to share with them, and they have much to share with you, and we are all more powerful when we are united. Therefore, it takes a lot of will power for them not to just land their ships before humanity is ready, because they so want that coming together as well. They want to experience the power of the unification of the galaxy, with humans of Earth being a part of the galactic community.
你們有很多東西可以和他們分享,他們也有很多東西可以和你們分享,當我們團結起來時,我們都會變得更加強大。 因此,他們需要很大的意志力才能在人類準備好之前不只是讓他們的船著陸,因為他們也非常希望這一切能走到一起。 他們想體驗銀河系統一的力量,地球人類是銀河社區的一部分。


And so, you have to be patient as well and recognize that you can still have your own e.t. contact experiences while you wait. You can still prepare yourselves for face-to-face contact and ships landing all across the planet, and you can continue to cleanse yourself of everything that is heavy, dark and no longer serving you so that when you stand face to face with one of your e.t. friends, it will be as an equal, as someone who is feeling their worthiness to have that engagement. And you can let go of that idea that, ‘They are just coming to save us all from ourselves.’
所以,你也必須有耐心,並認識到你仍然可以擁有自己等待外星人聯繫時的體驗。 你仍然可以為面對面的接觸和在全球各地登陸的飛船做好準備,你可以繼續清理自己所有沉重、黑暗、以及不再為你服務的東西,這樣當你與其中一個外星朋友們面對面站在一起時,這將是平等的,作為一個感到自己值得參與的人。你可以放棄這樣的想法,“他們只是來拯救我們所有人。”


You are the ones who are leading humanity in this consciousness evolution, and you will be the ones who take to the teachings best, and you will spread them to your fellow humans, who will accept or not accept those teachings, depending on where they are. But we know that enough people will be in acceptance of those teachings to make a huge difference in the overall collective consciousness of humanity, and that is what it will take to complete the shift in consciousness. 
你們是在意識進化中引領人類的人,你們將是最能接受教義的人,你們將把它們傳播給人類同胞,他們會接受或不接受這些教義,取決於它們在哪裡 . 但我們知道,會有足夠多的人接受這些教義,從而對人類整體的集體意識產生巨大影響,而這正是完成意識轉變所需要的。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton


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