Ten Thoughts of Gratitude


Beloved Ones, it is time for you to recognize those moments in your day-to-day experience which bring you down. There is no judgment here, for to judge is just to go down further. 

It is just to recognize [the shift] and to recognize your own free will to say, “Oh, perhaps I can choose differently now.” And so Beloved Ones, we invite you to take a moment, consider the words that we have shared with you. And if you wish, you can make a commitment inside to try this on for yourself.

See it as an experience experiment to simply be curious and see. Ask, "What would happen if every time I felt my energy going down, if every time I felt my mind start to linger in places that I'm very familiar with and I know no longer serve me anymore -- 

what if every time that happened, I breathed into a new state of being? What if I brought in the Essence of Life to uplift my human experience?" 

And Beloved, You can also focus on finding things to appreciate. And so for every thought of judgment or a lower vibration, you can bring ten thoughts of gratitude. Why ten? Because by the time you get to five or six, you will start feeling really good and you suddenly realize you can find so many things to appreciate in your life.

- Alcazar on Self-Talk, 2018




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