The Teachers to Follow When We’re Not Around ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
“問候。 我們是大角星人委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。
We are very playful with the other beings and collectives that we associate with throughout the galaxy and universe. We are able to take that lighthearted approach with the other beings and collectives we come across because we know that they are not taking their existence seriously either. We know that they have nothing to worry about, and neither do we, and so the lighthearted approach seems appropriate. There is a lot of laughter, or our form of it, in the nonphysical. We discovered that as soon as we ascended into the nonphysical.
The experience of so much joy is something that you all have to look forward to as you continue on with your ascension, but please do recognize that your ascension doesn’t have to be serious business from where you are right now. It can be fun, playful, and full of joy, laughter, and excitement about what is to come. Of course, there are serious things happening on Earth, and of course they get your attention from time to time and you cannot avoid hearing about them or reading them on your phone or computer screen. But you are there to be the light in the face of the darkness, and therefore, as you seek the lighthearted approach, you find yourself then becoming a match to lighter and better-feeling news. You find yourself aligning with a reality where there is less darkness to shine a spotlight on or to be the light in the face of.
當你們繼續揚升時,都必須期待如此多的快樂體驗,但請務必認識到,你們的揚升不一定是從現在所在的地方開始的嚴肅事情。 它可以是有趣的、嬉戲的、充滿歡樂、笑聲和對即將發生之事的興奮。 當然,地球上正在發生嚴重的事情,當然它們會時不時地引起注意,你無法避免在手機或電腦螢幕上聽到或閱讀它們。但你在那裡是黑暗中的光明,因此,當你尋求輕鬆的方法時,會發現自己與更輕鬆、感覺更好的消息相匹配。你們會發現自己與現實保持一致,那裡的黑暗更少,可以照亮聚光燈或成為面對的光。
Remember that you are vibrating at all times, and what you vibrate will determine what you experience. And therefore, look for ways to have fun, to make light of your situation, your challenges, and you will bring those people to you who also want to take that path. There are many who do want spirituality to be less serious and more fun, and you can make a point of listening to those people, rather than following someone who is consistently giving you the doom and gloom report because you think you need to stay informed in order to be protected.
記住你一直在振動,你振動的東西將決定你的體驗。 因此,尋找樂趣的方法,瞭解你的處境和挑戰,你就會把也想走那條路的人們帶到身邊。有很多人確實希望靈性不那麼嚴肅,而更有趣,你可以注意傾聽這些人的意見,而不是跟隨那些不斷給你厄運和沮喪報告的人,為了你認為受到保護需要隨時瞭解情況 。
The only thing you ever need protection from is your own vibration, and you have complete control over that. The moment you recognize that you do, you can go towards the light. You can move to that higher-vibrational state, and many of you know how to do that. Some of you are still remembering how, and that’s a process, but it is one worth giving your attention to. Think about the children and their approach to life. They want to play; they want to have fun; they want to laugh. They’re not interested in staying informed, but they will find a way to make something into a game or a toy, and you can learn a lot from watching them and how creative they are.
你們唯一需要保護的是你自己的振動,你可以完全控制它。 一旦意識到你這樣做,你就可以走向光。可以移動到更高的振動狀態,你們中許多人都知道如何做到這一點。 你們中一些人仍然記得如何,這是一個過程,但值得你注意。 想想孩子們和他們的生活方式。他們想玩; 他們想玩得開心; 他們想笑。 他們對隨時瞭解情況不感興趣,但他們會找到一種方法將某些東西製作成遊戲或玩具,你可以從觀看他們以及他們的創造力中學到很多東西。
When you hear a child laughing, it is one of the best sounds you can possibly experience there on Earth. Join them in their frivolity, in their carefree nature, and know that they are there to teach you, just as we are, and their teachings are about how to take the lighter and more joyous path through life. We are here to remind you, when there are no children around to do so, that this is a path that you are creating, and you can create the path with joy.
當你聽到孩子的笑聲時,那是你在地球上可能體驗到的最好的聲音之一。加入他們輕浮、無憂無慮的天性,並且知道他們在那裡教你,就像我們一樣,他們的教義是關於如何在生活中走上更輕鬆、更快樂的道路。 我們在這裡提醒你,當周圍沒有孩子時,這是你正在創造的道路,你可以快樂地創造這條道路。
You can also expect more joy, more joyous experiences and more joyful people to come into your life as soon as you make a decision to be more lighthearted, to have more fun, and to laugh more. We know that you are capable of doing so, and you are still going to have plenty of opportunities to be of service to the collective and do your spiritual work. Trust us. You will not be missing out on any of those opportunities, but you always have that option of creating more opportunities to experience yourself as a lighthearted being of joy, love, and laughter.
一旦你決定變得更輕鬆、獲得更多樂趣和笑得更多,你也可以期待更多喜悅、更多快樂的經歷進入生活。 我們知道你們有能力這樣做,而且你仍然有很多機會為集體服務並做你的靈性工作。 相信我們。 你不會錯過任何這些機會,但你總是可以選擇創造更多機會來體驗自己作為一個快樂、愛和歡笑的輕盈存在。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton