Greetings and love I extend to you all, I am Archangel Michael. It is an honour to be in your presence and I bring forth the love of the Angelic Kingdom, a love that is so intense, unconditional, strong, and expansive, it flows directly from the Creator. The love of the Angelic Kingdom allows you to recognise the beauty within the love you hold and the love you express.
I, Archangel Michael come forth today to share an Insight of an activation that is taking place throughout the inner planes and for those upon the Earth, many souls are benefiting from this activation. It is the Crystalline Kingdom on the inner planes that are delivering this activation. The Crystalline Kingdom can be recognised as the spirits, souls, energy, and the consciousness of crystals that you know so well upon the Earth. The Crystalline energy activation is connected with the New Ascension Earth Blueprint. This blueprint anchored allows for anything and everything to manifest whatever your soul desire, whatever you desire, everything is possible.
The Crystalline Kingdom wish to harness the energies of the Blueprint as your being is currently open and expansive due to you already downloading the blueprint. The Crystalline Kingdom wish to offer to you a download of energy. This is a download of wisdom, knowledge and remembrance , a download that serves a greater understanding within your being. The Crystalline Kingdom wish to share with you energy, wisdom, knowledge and understanding that is most valuable to you, most needed and that you asked for or requested. The activation supports many beings throughout the Earth and the Inner Planes to take a step up in their ascension, accessing new energies, new understanding and therefore be of greater service to themselves and to all. It is an activation and opening of energy within your being that provides a greater connection with the Creator as well as a deepening remembrance of the Creator.
The important part of this activation is your intention, there is a need to take time to contemplate what you wish to know.
What would you like to acknowledge, remember or to understand?
It is as if the Crystalline Kingdom is a library and you can check out one book. What subject matter would that book be?
What do you so wish to understand that would create tremendous transformation within your being, allowing you to love yourself more completely and absolutely, creating healing within your body and all your energy systems?
What understanding would allow you to change your perspective about your reality and the world around you, supporting you and not only you in making a difference in your own being but the lives of others?
What would you need to understand to create such a tremendous, impactful, influence and transformation within your being and within the world?
In order to discover the information that is required you may need time to contemplate, to meditate, to ask within because the answer you seek might come from your soul, your soul group or a guide rather than your mind or personality. It might also be surprising.
How to Access the Transformation Guided by the Crystalline Activation
I, Archangel Michael encourage you to form a question, a question that allows you to access the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding you believe will create the transformations and insights the Crystalline Kingdom are offering.
Let this question form within your being, perfect it until it feels absolutely perfect.
When you are ready you can call upon myself, Archangel Michael, and my team of angelic beings to surround you.
Call upon the energy of the Crystalline Kingdom, the crystalline beings and the crystalline source that will serve you the most and wishes to partake in this activation process.
Let the crystalline beings and the crystalline energies surround you. As this takes place breathe in the energy. Recognise when you feel you are connected with the crystalline energy, feeling their energy flowing throughout your being, when you feel an intimate relationship and bond forming. It is only then that I, Archangel Michael, invite you to begin to repeat your question, repeat it slowly and easily within your mind focusing on the question. You may find even in this moment the question evolves or maybe it stays the same. As you repeat the question your focus, your energy is entering into the energy of the question, with the ability to receive the information, knowledge and the energy the crystalline vibrations and Kingdom wish to share with you. They will begin to transmit the most appropriate energy , wisdom, knowledge, understanding and remembrance into your being to create an activation, which is Illuminating and enlightening.
You may not understand with your mind the information that is being shared with you or you may simply receive the energy knowing that insights will dawn at the appropriate time. This is a treatment for your entire being, your cells, every part of your body, your mind, emotions, every energy body of your being, your light body and your chakras. They are all being influenced by the crystalline energy which is so pure. It magnifies vibrations of the Creator and it is bringing forth wisdom and knowledge that is appropriate for you and that will create transformation within your being and for all. Allow the Crystalline Kingdom to achieve their treatment with you as they pour their energy deep into your entire being. It is simply for you to receive and be aware. The information and activations will take place sometimes with your awareness, sometimes without.
The Crystalline Kingdom will continue to work with you in the coming days. There is much they wish to activate from within your being and remind you of. This is creating a tremendous rise in the consciousness of humanity and the ascension level of the collective, including the ascension level of Mother Earth. Allow yourself to experience the acceleration of ascension, take time to be with the Crystalline Kingdom and the crystalline energies, they have much work to achieve.
I, Archangel Michael will be present in service to support you. I, thank you for downloading this activation into your being. You are like a beacon of light on the Earth, clearing the minds of many allowing the truth of the Creator to unfold.
傳導:Natalie Glasson