

With this great development and increase of the vibrations in the world, everything has been accelerated considerably. If it continues in this way, it will not be long before the great change takes place for the people in their bodies.

All people will be put to sleep so that the transformation will take place as gently as possible. For most people, it happens at night in their sleep while others become anesthetized or put in a hypnotic state where they are. This will happening globally all over the world at the same time.

For many who are in resonance with the vibration of the fifth dimension will feel that they have slept for a week and woke up in a completely different reality. They get to see a fantastically beautiful Earth with fantastic colors in nature and also very different animals and birds that they have not seen before. Their physical bodies have also changed into a longer, narrower and more transparent body that refers to a new human being, that is, brighter that everyone can see.

Those who cannot feel the resonance of this vibration will leave Earth to evolve on another planet or return to the Source of further evolution. It is something that the soul of these people has decided for their own good.

This event is fast approaching due to the fact that humans have raised their vibration and awareness so much lately. More and more people are taking a stand for peace in the world, which has been the most important wish for a very long time.

Now comes the time of millennial peace for the planet Earth. The planet Gaia has detached from the three dimensional part and has placed itself in an orbit in the Universe that belongs to the Golden Age and that refers to the fifth dimension and upwards. This was predetermined since the beginning of time and now is the time for this change.Many people want to know exactly when this event occurs, but it is not possible to predict exactly when and for that reason, it will not be a surprise either. It is important to be patient that everything is in order and happens as it has been said. The Divine Plan is fully activated and works as it was predetermined, that is, for the good of the whole planet.

Everything that happens now on Earth and in the Universe behind the scenes has a great impact on everyone's lives in the Universe and not just on Earth. Many are the light - beings who guard, send light and love to the people of the Earth. In addition, they feel a great admiration and confidence in the ability of humans to take back their planet.




傳導:Inger Noren



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