APRIL 7, 2024
Welcome to our message, dear readers.
The world has entered a time of important and powerful change for earth herself as well as for those living on her. Individuals who live from a consciousness of truth have a stable foundation from which to meet and understand these changes and can assist those presently struggling to understand the world from foundations built of shifting sand.
All is proceeding according to plan although many continue to hold concepts about what will happen, when, where, and even how to speed it all up. Know that a Divine plan is and can never be influenced by or subject to limited three dimensional practices intended to influence it.
Earth is and always has been the perfect spiritual universe of Divine Mind but because you are creators, it is the evolved consciousness of the majority that will lift and enlighten the collective to where it no longer expresses and maintains creations of duality and separation. Earth has finally reached a place of spiritual readiness for more and that is what is happening.
Change reflects states of consciousness because consciousness is creative, the substance of form. Divine Consciousness is all that exists but the fullness of IT can only be experienced when individuals are able to align with it. Each day more individuals awaken to a deeper sense of oneness which in turn is serving to open and lift world consciousness to levels that will stop feeding many current forms of duality, separation, and two powers.
This energetically powerful time on earth is not for the fainthearted. You who chose to serve earth at this time may feel like the head of a flying arrow catching heat and resistance. Many of you are experiencing physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual issues because your energy fields are being swept clean of lingering old pockets of energy in order for them to be replaced with high resonating Light energy. Physical bodies often react to this process in some way.
地球上這個充滿活力的時代不適合膽小的人。 此時選擇服務地球的你們,可能會感覺像飛箭的頭部受到熱量和阻力。你們中的許多人正在經歷身體、情緒、心智甚至精神問題,因為你們的能量場正在被清除殘留的舊能量,以便它們被高共振光能量取代。身體通常會以某種方式對這個過程做出反應。
Everything still vibrating with old and finished energy is dissolving regardless of how well it may have served in the past simply because the slow dense vibrations of third dimensional consciousness cannot align with the lighter higher frequencies coming to earth. Many are choosing to leave at this time.
Everything taking place now and soon is about dissolving separation consciousness and the false sense of self that accompanies it. Trust that in spite of what you may be experiencing in your personal life, everything at this point is part of a bigger picture leading you through and then beyond of the hypnotism you have long accepted as being reality.
Even though every person is Divine Consciousness individualized, a spiritually evolved consciousness will automatically express more high resonating Light/God energy than that of a consciousness conditioned with beliefs of duality and separation. Because consciousness is creative it is always expressing itself. Beliefs of duality and separation serve to block the flow of higher resonating energies simply because they are manifesting and will do so until cleared. There is no un-manifest consciousness.
A high resonating state of consciousness automatically and without thought flows as oneness, calmness, consideration, kindness, trust, comfort, guidance, acceptance, assistance, and love etc. etc. Those receptive to these energies will feel and be drawn to them in some way while others may be repelled or even fear them. This however is not important because your job is to be the Lighthouse.
Many are beginning to experience qualities of their real self because they are spiritually ready. One of aspect of the real Self is empowerment, a quality often thought of as being "power over" someone or something. Spiritual empowerment is a Divine quality already fully present in every individual, but often misunderstood or not even recognized.
許多人開始體驗真實自我的品質,因為他們在精神上已經準備好了。真實自我的一個面向是賦權,這種特質通常被認為是對某人或某事的「權力」。 精神賦權是一種神聖特質,已經完全存在於每個人身上,但經常被誤解甚至不被認識。
Spiritual empowerment can only express through a state of consciousness that has attained what spiritual literature refers to as the "Mystical Marriage"--the realization that male and female energies are not separate but rather are two facets of one Divine Whole. When one facet is believed to be superior or more important than the other it blocks the manifestation of spiritual empowerment and adds energy to concepts of empowerment being "power over".
精神賦權只能透過一種意識狀態來表達,這種意識狀態已經達到精神文學所指涉的「神祕婚姻」(Mystical Marriage)──認識到男性和女性能量不是分開的,而是一個神聖整體的兩個面向。當一個面向被認為比另一方面優越或更重要時,它就會阻礙精神賦權的表現,並為「權力之上」的賦權概念增添能量。
You are all familiar with beliefs that relegate male energy to being superior to female energy. Much of this is the result of past beliefs being kept alive by those who stand to profit from it in some way. Masculine energy is the be-er, do-er, active aspect of God and feminine energy is the loving, intuitive, gentle aspect of God. They are not separate, but rather are meant to manifest as one physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually.
Minds conditioned with beliefs of duality and separation interpret the active aspect of masculine energy as being superior to the feminine because it appears to do more and humans love "doing" and when compared, feminine energy appears not to be "doing". The belief in male superiority blocks the flow of Divine feminine energy which is vital to and necessary for balanced outcomes on every level. The Divine feminine tempers and gives intuitive input to decision making and without it you get war, violence, and hatred.
受二元性和分離信念制約的思想將陽性能量的積極方面解釋為優於陰性能量,因為它似乎做得更多,而人類喜歡“做/行動”,而相比之下,陰性能量似乎不是在“做"。 對陽性優越性的信念阻礙了神聖陰性能量的流動,這對各個層面的平衡結果至關重要且必要。神聖陰性會調和並為決策提供直覺輸入,沒有它,你們就會得到戰爭、暴力和仇恨。
It is an insult to God and an act of idolatry to believe that God's feminine aspect is less than God's male aspect. Both are facets of the one omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Whole that is fully present on earth in every male and female. Everyone as lived lives as both male and female which is why so many are confused by gender identity at this time. Remember, you are consciousness with a body, not a body with consciousness.
Empowerment allows a person to lovingly saying to another; "Thank you for your opinion, but I am choosing to do this." Empowerment is loving and respecting others while never allowing them to dominate or have control over you. It is allowing your masculine aspect to make choices and decisions guided by the love, consideration, and intuition of your feminine aspect. Empowerment may occasionally mean speaking firmly to another using words they can relate to while silently acknowledging the person's true self.
授權可以讓一個人充滿愛地對另一個人說; “謝謝你的意見,但我選擇這樣做。” 賦權是愛與尊重他人,同時絕不允許他們支配或控制你。它允許你的陽性方面在你陰性方面的愛、考慮和直覺的指導下做出選擇及決定。賦權有時可能意味著用他們可以理解的字詞堅定地與他人交談,同時默默地承認這個人的真實自我。
Many organized religions teach that they alone have all the answers about God and that therefore you must believe what they believe or face punishment. Advertisers tell you to eat this and buy that or something bad will happen. Politicians, religious leaders, family, educators, and experts are all telling you what to believe and scamming has become rampant.
Spiritual empowerment is a state of consciousness that strengthens intuition and allows you to lovingly make and stand in choices and decisions without guilt, doubt, feeling "less than", or a need to please.
You are ready to allow the already fully present empowerment within you to express .
We are the Arcturian Group 4/7/24
我們是大角星集團 4/7/24
文章來源: Intro (onenessofall.com)
傳導:Marilyn Raffaele