Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM HILARION!
A little explanation is needed, or I would say, a little reminder about what healing is. This is a subject that has already been talked about and repeated several times, but its repetition is necessary, so that you fully absorb what this word means. The creation of Father/Mother God, their bodies, is perfect; never sick, never deformed.
The evolution of a soul is not easy, as it needs to go through many lessons so that it can evolve, take a leap in its dimensional scale. As you take on this physical body, the very lessons within the Third Dimension that you live in, cause imbalances. So I'm going to remember here, the great feeling involved in the Third Dimension: fear.
Fear of tomorrow, fear of suffering, fear of hunger, fear of violence, fear of job loss, fear of losing a relationship, fear of losing physical possessions. Everything is managed by fear. And I must remind you that this is the most negative feeling that you can vibrate on a daily basis. Above this one, there are still others, but this one is the most important as it is what causes all the imbalances in your bodies.
As I started by saying, you were created perfect, but the energy dissipated by fear, unbalances your bodies, unbalances all the energy that was created in your Chakras; and from there it's a chain reaction, the whole imbalance happens. Everything on the planet is in balance. Within this dimension, you are born, you become an adult, you age and you die, because your bodies cannot stand to remain alive for so long within this environment that was created. Because fear ages, fear consumes your cells, fear makes you die. If you only lived vibrating Light, you would live much longer.
Concomitant with the feelings, there are all substances that were created and developed to exactly cause the imbalance of your bodies, thus opening the door to illnesses. Whoever has a balanced mind, eats properly, rarely gets sick, because the balance of the body prevents evils. And the reverse is totally true: the more unbalanced, the more diseases you attract. And within this materialistic world, where there is only earning money at any cost, you are being poisoned for a long time and this all reveals what you live in today, sick bodies.
The mutilated bodies from birth are decisions of the soul, not of Father/Mother God. It's the soul's way of penalizing itself for something done to someone in the past; trying to suffer what caused someone. So don't impute to Father/Mother God the fact that someone is born deformed, that is a soul decision. Father/Mother God is pure love, he is the perfect creation and their souls, don't forget, have free will. So nothing can be done about a soul's decision.
So let's talk now about the current moment. You are sick, unbalanced from so long of contamination and stimulation of fear. We have been bringing healing energies to the planet for some time now. If this were not true, this pandemic would not have ended, you would have succumbed to it. And so we are doing right now. Now it's important to always remember each one of you. I'll give you an example: you constantly have headaches, the first impulse is to take a drug that eases that pain. And after the pain goes away, you even forget that it is your daily companion, until you take the medicine. At no time do you worry about trying to find out why that pain afflicts you daily.
So let's talk a little bit about pain. What is pain? It's your body's scream. He cannot speak, many do not hear their bodies, do not perceive the signs; a malaise, a small imbalance after doing or eating something. This is being shown daily, but you do not realize or do not want to let go of what is so good to you. Then the body screams, it hurts, it sends the pain to show you that it's on the edge, that it can't take it anymore, that you've gone beyond the limit that it's bearable. And what do you do? Do you take medication, in which case what does the medication do? Shut up the body. But the drug does not treat the cause, it only treat s the effect.
Then the body screams again and you take the medicine; and this happens successively for many of you. I would say that each cry of pain is a warning that something is not right. So stop and notice, find out what causes that pain. If you are not capable, you need to look for someone who is capable of discovering it. Do not let it repeatedly bother you as it may often be too late. So many ask themselves: Why do I treat myself and not get cured? It doesn't cure because it doesn't treat the cause, it only treats the effect.
And so you can do a treatment here, do a treatment there, but you can't get a total cure. Why? Because you don't investigate the cause, you don't investigate where so much suffering comes from. So participating in healing sessions, receiving energies, it is necessary to make it very clear, that we do not act on the effect, we go to the origin. Then many ask: "Why don't I get better from that pain, that problem?" Because you cannot see the source of the problem.
If we spoke of healing and acted like your medicines, we would not be Beings of Light. We must always act on the cause. Now you must take the cause seriously, whether you like it or not. You need to prevent that process from happening, so that in the future it does not generate more pain. So many desperately participate in any healing process. “They're sending healing around the corner,” you go; “They are sending healing on television”, you participate, “They are sending healing in person”, you are there. You are everywhere you hear that healing energies are being sent. And why don't you get better? Because you don't want to see, see the source of your problem.
如果我們述說療癒,並像你的藥一樣行為,我們就不是光之存有了。我們必須總是作用於起因(本)。現在你必須嚴肅對待起因(本),無論你喜不喜歡。你需要阻止那個進程的發生,這樣在未來它不會產生更多的疼痛。很多人急切地參與任何療癒進程。 “他們在角落發送療癒”,你前往;“他們在電視上發送療癒”,你參與;“他們在面對面發送療癒”,你到那裡去。你前往你聽到療癒的能量被發送的地方。你為什麼沒有變好?因為你不想要看到你問題的源頭。
You just want relief from pain, from suffering. And then I say to you: Don't even waste your time participating in energy healing sessions, because your problem will not be solved. We are not medications, we are root cause caretakers and many times, you begin to participate in these treatments, these healing sendings and it seems that everything starts to get worse; it seems that your lives are knotted; and then you don't understand. "But if I'm doing it to get better, why is it getting worse?" Because in that node is the origin of your problem. And that's where you have to pay attention.
你只是想要緩解疼痛。那麼我對你說:不要浪費你的時間去參與能量療癒課程,因為你的問題無法被解決。我們不是藥,我們是起因的處理者,很多時候,你開始參與這些治癒,這些療癒發送,一切看似開始變得更糟;看似你的生活打結;然後你不明白。 “如果我在為了變好而在做它,為什麼越來越糟?”因為在那個結中是你問題的根源。這是你需要留意的地方。
And how to get a cure for a problem? Seeing the cause and doing where it doesn't cause the problem anymore. This is called healing. When you see the lesson that is there, you understand and begin a process of eliminating that cause in any way; this is called healing. Healing that problem, that process. Others will come, others will need to be healed. So I just say to you, that calming the effects, just easing the pain, will not help your healing. Because you will participate in any energy sending and yes it will ease your pain, but it will remain there, it will not be eliminated. Because you didn't bother to find out why that pain, the cause of that pain.
And it is worth remembering here that for every physical illness, there is an energy treatment, where you heal your etheric bodies and this healing gradually passes into the physical body. So these healing energy sending treatments are magnificent because they are doing this treatment at the cause, right there in your etheric body. But there is your free will to keep feeding that problem or not. So if you recognize the problem and start to figure out where to solve it, the cure will definitely come. Because there will no longer be anything driving that process to continue and the energy received in the treatments will act definitively. And that spot will be healed.
So don't put all hope of a cure into treatments. The cure is not treatment dependent, the cure is up to you to understand and change yourself to
prevent the root process of the problem from continuing. Until you do this, healing will not come. So participate, yes, because we will always be treating the root cause. But be aware that if you don't do your part, healing won't come. It can be momentary or even misleading. You'll have so much faith, that that was healed, that you'll stop feeling for a while. But when you relax and the root cause feeding comes to such a point, you will feel everything again; because you didn't treat it, you only treated the effects, not the cause.
So it is necessary that in every healing treatment that is done energetically, there is the awareness and collaboration of each one of you, to stop feeding the problem. And then I guarantee you with all certainty, you will find the cure.
傳導:Anjos e Luz Terapias