

Greetings, young students. I am Merlin. I come through this medium today for she is one of my pupils, as are many of you reading these words. You are very busy when you slumber. You are learning, you are growing, and many of you are fighting of late. I am showing this one images of underground bases being filled with light, for that is what is happening in many instances upon your world. The deep is coming to the surface for the light to cleanse.


I am Merlin. I wish to ignite the word 'tenacity' within you. You are weary from your journey. It has been a long road for you. This incarnation is not for the faint of heart. It is for the awakening, the great awakening of Gaia and those who wish to awaken at this time will do so. The others will leave, they will chose their embodiment in another location, another simulation program of the lower dimensional frequencies. They will choose this for they are not yet complete in the lower realms and they will have massive karma to deal with. But I do not speak of them further, for I am addressing another audience, those who have embraced the higher pathways of learning the light language codes of ascension. As my pupils, who I assume are still bright and eager learners, as my pupils, it is my delight to share further with you the encodements and hidden mysteries. There are many mystery schools. Mine is above Mt. Shasta currently, but as it is on the inner planes it is mobile, a great delig ht. I so enjoy travel, seeing Earth's great beauties up close. Such a wonder to behold. Her peace is all around to those who will listen and commune with her presence. My students become great communicators for the oral language is a precise one. So many intricate word selections, such a delight is the gift of language. But I digress. Please allow an old man a moment to settle in and tell a good story. (He is sitting now in a tall wingback chair and beside on the right is a circular wooden table with a white lit candle. There are spectacles and an ancient book. He is smoking a long, interesting pipe). Yes, galaxygirl, in the higher dimensions we do not have to muddle around with coughing and side effects. It relaxes me. (I see that he has put some sparkling dust in the smoke and there are pictures emerging from it). Yes, it is much more interesting to tell stores in this fashion. Shall I continue?
我是梅林。我希望點燃你之內的“堅韌”。你很疲憊。對你來說這是一條漫長的道路。這個化身不適合膽小的心。這是為了蓋亞的偉大覺醒以及適合那些希望在這個時刻甦醒的人。其他人會離去,他們會選擇體現在較低維度頻率的其它位置、其它模擬程序中。他們會做出這個選擇是因為他們還未在較低的領域完結,他們還需要處理大量的業力。但我不會進一步談論他們,因為我在這則信息中談論的是另一種讀者,那些擁抱更高的學習光之語言揚升代碼道路的人。作為我的學生,我想依舊是聰明的積極的,作為我的學生,我很高興來與你進一步分享編碼和隱藏的奧秘。有著許多神秘學校。我的學校位於沙士達山 (注:美國雪士達山,也是列木里亞文明桃樂市的所在地──Amber)上面,但它也在內部平面,它是可移動的,一個巨大的樂趣。我很喜歡旅行,如此近距離地觀看地球的美麗。多麼令人驚嘆。她的平和對那些會聆聽並與她的存在交流的人來說到處都是。我的學生們變成偉大的交流者,因為口語是精密的。如此多錯綜複雜的詞語可供選擇,語言是多麼令人愉悅的一份禮物。但我離題了。請給老頭子我一點時間沉澱一下,訴說一個好故事。 (他現在坐在一個高大的有靠背的椅子上,右邊有一個圓形的木頭做的桌子,上面有一根點著了的白色蠟燭。還有一副眼鏡和一本古老的書。他在用一根很長的很有趣煙斗抽煙)。是的,在更高維度,我們不需要處理咳嗽和副作用。這令我放鬆。 (我看到他把一些閃閃發光的塵土放到煙中,有著畫面從中浮現)。是的,在這樣的方式中述說故事會更有趣。繼續嗎?


In the beginning was a beginning before that, and a beginning before that. But all was and has been and will always be Source, the great mystery. (In the pipe's now purple smoke cloud I am seeing the sparkles are individuating and becoming galaxies, each fully conscious and each very much alive). Yes indeed. All is one. All is Source. And then the great division happened. Some aspects of Source flirted with antimatter, with the opposite of creative potential and explored destructive potential, and chaos ensued . Thus in a way Source was fractured within itself. (I am seeing wars and feeling heartbreak. I am seeing armies of light beings watching from above the great divide. It is as if swirling blackness was coming into the glittering purple cloud of life potential ). As all is Source, this antithesis of love must be dealt with. The dark has tried to escape, elusive, scheming for eons, for much longer than your millennia, more like millennia of millennia of star solar years, but that is besides the point. The point is, the great division of light and dark happened. The great cosmic play began. In this interface of dimensions increased stratification occurred. Souls became trapped in the cycle. The dark ones capitalized upon this entrapment. You are here to witness the opening of the cage and the complete destruction of that which was holding humanity back for so long. Thus, Source heals further.
在一開始是那之前的開始,以及那那之前的開始。但一切都是、一直是、總是源頭,偉大的神秘。 (在煙斗冒出的紫色煙霧中我看到火花在個體化,變成銀河系,每一個完全有意識,每一個非常有活力)。是的。一切都是一。一切都是源頭。然後偉大的分離發生。源頭的一些面向被反物質、創造性潛能的對立面以及破壞性的潛能吸引,混亂接踵而至。因此在某種程度上源頭斷裂。 (我看到戰爭並感到心碎。我看到光之軍隊在偉大的分離上方觀看著。好似黑色漩渦在進入閃閃發光的生命潛能的紫色煙霧)。因為一切都是源頭,這個愛的對立面必須被處理。黑暗恆久以來試圖逃跑,難以捉摸、詭計多端,不只是你們的幾千年,而是數千個數千個恆星太陽年,但這不重要。重點是,光與黑暗的偉大分離發生了。偉大的宇宙戲劇開始了。在這個維度的交界面,越來越多的分層發生。靈魂被困在循環中。黑暗存有設下了這個陷阱。你是來見證牢籠的打開,阻礙人類很長時間之物的完全摧毀。因此,源頭會進一步被療癒。


(I am seeing the black inky line within the purple glittering cloud in the smoke above his head being filled with light. I am feeling tremendous light behind the cloud now. The entire cloud is pulsing with light. It is love). Yes, galaxygirl . It is love. You are this love. You and those who align with this love light, you warriors of the way as you like to be called, some of you anyways, there are always one or two that do not, but I digress . You light anchors are holding this frequency fo love, of light. You are holding this. You are the glue for this anchoring of the higher dimensional energies. This is why some of you have gained weight, trying to physically enfold this vibration. Grounding deeply into Gaia has been no easy task for you have never felt at home here. For you are at home here. (He is pointing to the cloud of Source that is pulsing with love light). Yes. And you have been here. ( He is pointing to the inky black absence of light that is now being filled with love). Yes, you are healing humanity and in so doing you assist with healing the inter-dimensional artificially created rift that has torn space-time fabric and affected the All. This is why as Earth rises all else shall rise. For the time continuum as we have discussed in classes, it is like a living breathing fabric, that gets wrinkled once in awhile. The wrinkles create short cuts, and wormholes, basic science really.
(我看到紫色的閃閃發光的煙霧中黑色的線被充滿光。我感到煙霧背後有著巨大的光。整個煙霧伴隨著光脈動。它就是愛)。是的。它是愛。你就是這個愛。你和那些與這個愛光對齊的人,你們這些戰士,就像你喜歡被稱呼的,一些人不喜歡,總是有一兩個人不喜歡,但我離題了。你們光之錨定者在保持這個愛、光的頻率。你在錨定更高維度的能量。所以你們一些人體重增加了,試圖用身體包含這個振動。與蓋亞深度連接不是一項簡單的任務,因為你從未在這裡有家的感覺。因為你的家在這裡。 (他在指向伴隨著愛光脈動的源頭煙霧)。是的。你在這裡。 (他在指向正在被愛填滿的漆黑之地)。是的,你在療癒人類,如此你在協助人工造成的跨維度裂縫(撕裂了空間時間編織,影響了一切)。所以隨著地球升起,一切都會升起。因為時間連續統,就像我們在課堂中探討過的,就像一個活生生的編織物,時不時地會疊到一起。重疊會創造捷徑、蟲洞、基本的科學。


But vibrationally speaking this is a tremendous boon to the energies that are surrounding. For you are in the photon belt. And as you know, do you remember, that it is a critically charged area in our space quadrant, where the central suns are all lined up, creating a massive portal of light. This is what you are and will be feeling further. It is why this is a glorious time for humanity for quite literally this is where the space fabric is bunched up, this is where the light is felt most keenly. (I am seeing a seamstress fold fabric up accordion style). Yes, just as this occurs, then the needle and thread can go through all the the wrinkles at once, correct? This is what the light is doing. This is why you empaths are so twitchy and touchy lately. You are feeling this grand tingling anticipation of something big. And you are watching it. It is a glorious time. This is the culmination chapter of many sordid years of pain. We are all eagerly watching.
但振動上來說,這對周遭的能量來說是一個巨大的恩惠。因為你處於光子帶中。如你所知,你還記得嗎,這是我們空間象限中一個極其帶電的區域,中央太陽們都對齊,創造一個巨大的光之門戶。這是你在感到的,會進一步感受到的。所以對人類來說這是一個輝煌的時刻,因為這就是空間編織物重疊起來的地方,這是光最被銳利地感受到的地方。 (我看到一個女裁縫師像拉手風琴一樣折疊編織物)。是的,當這發生,針和線可以一次性穿過所有的折疊處,對吧?這是光正在做的。所以你們具有同理心的人最近如此焦躁不安和敏感。你在感到巨大的事情就要發生的宏大刺麻感。你在觀看它。這是輝煌的時刻。這是許多噁心的痛苦之年的頂點。我們都急切地觀看著。


I am not currently embodied. I assist my pupils from the ethers and in other clever ways. I do enjoy magic from time to time. I see all things as magical potential, for in truth that is what it is. Life is magical. You are magical beings living within a society that longs for subjugation of it. No, no, not quite right. Let me see, let us say that magic is returning. It is returning through you. Those who are awake and aware are more than capable with focused intention of dismantling the matrix and you are doing so. Well done. Now do look around you with the eyes of one who expects magic to continue to happen for the greater good. For this realm is being freed. The darkness is being filled with light and that light is love. It is a tremendous opportunity for growth and expansion. I think I shall write a book about it. Yes! Another lecture, another time.


I am Merlin. Did you enjoy my lesson? See the world with your own magical vision. Create the magic of love light wherever you go. And it will foil many a plan. Things are really going quite well. Creator is pleased. Expect miracles and they shall come. Hopeful expectation and a firm belief in the possible is a good start. You will be the builders of a new realm filled with hope and miracles. Yes. For the light can't be stopped. It is already here. It is within you. Harvest it. Share it. That is the lesson for the day. I hope you took good notes and took it to heart, for there - there - is where your magic lies. It is your soul. It is the breath of hope of your soul and it is your future. Source will never stop expanding. (He is getting up from his chair and stretching, patting his stomach). We all expand in our own way. (He is laughing). Students, be of good cheer. The light has won. You are simply seeing it play out. Shine your light. You are the glue in this magical play. The light f ills you, all things are made from it. I am Merlin.
我是梅林。你喜歡我的課嗎?用你魔法般的眼睛看向世界。在你前往的地方創造愛光魔法。它會阻擋許多計劃。事情真的進展地很好。造物主很高興。期待奇蹟,它們就會到來。充滿希望的期待以及堅定的信念是一個良好的開始。你會是充滿希望和奇蹟的新領域的建造者。是的。因為光無法被阻擋。它已經在這裡。它在你之內。得到它。分享它。這是今天的課程。我希望你好好記筆記,記到心裡去,因為那裡存在著你的魔法。它是你的靈魂。它是你靈魂希望的呼吸,它是你的未來。源頭永遠不會停止擴張。 (他從椅子上站起來,伸伸懶腰,拍拍肚子)。我們都在自己的方式中擴張。 (他在笑)。學生們,充滿希望。光已經勝利。你只是在看著它上演。閃耀你的光。你是這個魔法般戲劇中的焦點。光充滿你,一切都由光組成。




翻譯:Nick Chan


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