“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to understand humanity’s fascination with being seen and heard. You all want the best parts of yourselves to be presented to the world. You want to be seen for the person that you know you can be when you are at your best, and you want to express the things that you know will get you the most approval. This cycle of conditional love and approval gets started at a very young age.
Your parents were most likely stressed out, short on time and money, and if they could just get you to do what they thought they needed you to do, then they get to where they needed to go or get to sleep. So they would reward you for what they deemed to be good behavior and punish you for what they deemed to be bad behavior.
你的父母很可能會感到壓力大、時間和金錢不足,如果他們能讓你去做他們認為你需要做的事情,那麼他們就會到達"需要去的地方"或"睡覺的地方" (註:這裡指的,應該是我們從小就生活在父母的要求、或他們的價值觀底下,可能像是打罵教育或類似控制,告訴我們什麼該做、什麼不該做,並得到相應的"教訓")。因此,他們會獎勵你、他們認為良好的行為,並懲罰你、他們認為的不良行為。
Many of you were sold the same story about getting Christmas presents or going to Heaven, and certainly you were punished as well at school for doing what came very natural to you at school. If you laughed, or spoke up, or if you ran around when you weren’t supposed to, you would get detention or even worse.
You were set up to be people pleasers, and now you have the opportunity share with others a snapshot of your lives, but most are really only sharing the good stuff, the best moments. We understand it now, and yet we want to convince you that it’s so much more important to get that approval from within. It is so much more important to feel how you want to feel than to get those likes and positive comments.
你被設置為討人喜歡的人,現在你有機會與他人分享你的生活快照,但實際上大多數人只是分享美好的事物,最美好的時光 (註:比如FB或IG,大家都習慣上放自己最美好的模樣,分享最美好的時光,但這也可能造成一種社交壓力,如果我們太過在乎他人的目光、遠勝於自己的感受或做自己)。我們已經了解了這一點,但是我們想說服你,獲得內在的認可非常重要。感受自己想要的感覺,比獲得那些喜歡和正面評論要重要得多。
You know what it feels like to be true to yourself and to not care what anyone thinks. You have those moments from time to time when you are not trying to be your best or look your best, when you can just relax and let it all hang out. When you can let yourself be honest about how you feel, even if it’s not a popular opinion that leads you to that feeling, you can let go of so much of what you’ve been holding onto and what you’ve been ashamed of.
Now, we are not telling you this so that you can start sharing all of your worst feeling moments with the rest of the world. You don’t need to do that in order to evolve and expand your consciousness, but we do want you to seek that approval and that love from within you. We want you to feel unconditional love for yourselves, and we want you to not care what anyone else thinks of you. We also encourage you to share those moments of darkness that you experience with the people who are closest to you.
We want you to give those in your life the opportunity to love you unconditionally and to set that example so that they feel comfortable sharing their darkest secrets, thoughts, and feelings with you.
That’s what builds true intimacy between people, and you are rarely going to find that by only sharing what you think is conditionally lovable on the Internet.
Therefore, we invite you to care less about what anyone else thinks about your posts and your videos and instead to care so very much about what’s going on inside of you.
Be your own biggest fan.
Be your own support team, and be the one who loves you unconditionally first so that you can give everyone else the opportunity to do the same.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
大角星來自情人節美好的祝福 希望大家好好愛自己 情人節快樂