Archangel Michael: The Path of Initiation
Channel: Ronna Vezane


Beloved Masters: Shall we gaze into the future —your future— and see what is in store for you over these coming months and years? These are the most important times you will ever spend on planet Earth. The decisions you make now, or the energies you radiate out from you to create the force field within which you live, will determine your reality and how quickly you will move deeper and more fully into the energies of the New Age. It is time to decide whether you will move forward on the spiral of ascension through the gift of the life process or through the old energies of the death process.

親愛的大師們:我們是否應該展望未來——你們的未來——並看看在接下來的幾個月和幾年裡為你們準備的是什麼?這是你在地球上度過的最重要的時刻。 你現在做出的決定,或是你從身上輻射出來的創造生活力場的能量,將決定你的現實以及你將多快地深入、更充分地進入新時代的能量。是時候決定你是要透過生命過程的禮物、還是透過死亡過程的舊能量在揚升的螺旋上前進。


You are reversing the process that you initiated thousands and thousands of years ago, as you descended into the realm of materiality and began the process of building a temple of flesh to contain your precious gift of life, your Spark of Divine consciousness ─ your Spirit Self. You are in the process of finding your way back to the “LOVE OF THE SACRED HEART,” which is unconditional love. Love with conditions became the norm as humanity sank into the density, and from these negative thought patterns all other self-limiting concepts sprang forth and became your truth.



We will give you ways to monitor your thoughts and still the mind in order to reprogram your sub-conscious and conscious minds with higher wisdom from your Divine Self. We will help you to bring the multiple-minds of your chakra system into balance so that, once again, they are working in harmony, one with another. As you begin to experience peace within the mind, you will begin to experience joy and bliss within the heart, for they are inexorably connected. It is time for you to release all those concepts that do not support your highest, most-empowering vision for the future. Remember, whether you believe it to be so or not, each and every day you are becoming more powerful cocreators.



Just as in the drama that is being played out on your planet today, there was a time in your ancient past when you, too, stepped forward, saying, “I am ready to serve.” You left the beauty, safety and comfort of your homeland and journeyed out into the unknown. You spent thousands of years, as you count time, in preparing yourself for your mission, and you were tested over and over again to see if, indeed, you were ready. You took an oath and agreed to allow yourselves to be diminished in Light, wisdom and power to whatever degree was necessary by fragmenting your wondrous Self, over and over again, in order to fulfill your assigned task. Your loved ones wished you well and watched you go with great sadness, but also with pride welling up within, for they knew that you were going forth on a great mission, a mission mandated by our Father/Mother God。

正如今天在你們星球上演的戲劇一樣,在你們遠古的過去,也曾有一段時間,你們也站出來說:“我已經準備好服務了。” 你離開了美麗、安全和舒適的家園,踏上了未知的旅程。你花了數千年的時間,算算時間,為自己的使命做好準備,並且一次又一次地接受考驗,看看你是否確實準備好了。你們發誓並同意讓自己的光、智慧和力量被削弱到任何必要的程度,一次又一次地分裂你們奇妙的自我,以完成你們被指派的任務。你所愛的人祝福你一切順利,看著你離去,他們非常悲傷,但內心也充滿自豪,因為他們知道你正在執行一項偉大的使命,一項由我們的父神/母神授權的使命。


It is now time for a spiritual reunion of monumental proportions. The cosmic trumpet call for the battle to end has sounded, and it is time for you to return to your true estate as a full-fledged Emissary of Light for the Creator. A new assignment is being offered to you, an assignment that requires that you reclaim all of that which you left along the way on your descent into the material realm of reality. It is time to recapture the might and majesty of your “True Self.” Come, together we will recapture the glory of those times as you release the ancient core fears and illusions that are holding you back from Self-mastery and your highest potential. I am ever near to guide, guard and protect you. You are loved profoundly, I AM Archangel Michael.

現在是進行一次具有里程碑意義的精神重聚的時候了。結束戰鬥的宇宙號角已經吹響,是時候讓你回歸你真正的身份,成為造物主的一名成熟的光之使者了。 一項新的任務正在向你提供,這項任務要求你收回、在下降到現實的物質領域時留下的所有東西。是時候重新取回「真實自我」的力量和威嚴了。來吧,當你釋放那些阻礙你自我掌控和最高潛力的古老核心恐懼和幻想時,我們將一起重新奪回那個時代的輝煌。 我一直在附近引導、守護和保護你。







Dearest friends: The first level of initiation takes place when the ego personality merges with the Soul. You must strive to bring your ego-desire body Self into harmony with the Soul. You must endeavor to make your Soul-Self your constant companion as you seek to reestablish your connection with your Higher Self /OverSoul. You will gradually begin the process of realigning your multiple levels of reality so that you know, without a doubt, that you are a Spark of our Father/Mother God and that you have a Divine destiny. Most likely, at this time, you will not be in direct communion with your Higher Self; this will happen later.



After a period of time, you will be drawn to a teacher or a guide. This may also be through organized religion or some group of students on the Path in the early stages of awakening. You most likely will follow others ahead of you on the Path, and you may even give up some of your power and venerate them. One day, you will understand that this is not the appropriate path to Self-mastery, and you will begin to seek your own truth from many different sources. It is proper to listen to others and learn from them; however, you must always validate your own truth from within.



You may become enamored with some of the glamor’s on the Path; which means undue emphasis and desire for wealth, power, possessions or special relationships, which can be detrimental to your spiritual growth. We have access to the universal flow of Divine substance, and we need to be aware that an unlimited supply of abundance is ours for the asking; however, we must develop the right frame of mind and a sense of worthiness. We must understand that wealth is our Divine birthright; however, it is on loan to us. We must hold the gifts of Spirit lightly, allowing the frequencies of abundance to flow through us, taking what we need, and then allowing the remainder to flow out into the world of substance. This is so we may be filled again and again with Adamantine Particles of Creator Light.

你可能會迷戀路上的一些魅力; 這意味著對財富、權力、財產或特殊關係的過度重視和渴望,這可能不利於你的靈性成長。我們可以接觸到神聖物質的普遍流動,我們需要意識到,只要我們提出要求,就可以得到無限豐盛的供應。然而,我們必須培養正確的心態和價值感。我們必須明白,財富是我們與生俱來的神聖權利;然而,它是藉給我們的。 我們必須輕輕地握住精神恩賜,讓豐盛的頻率流經我們,獲取我們所需要的,讓剩餘的流入物質世界。這樣我們就可以一次又一次地充滿造物主之光的金剛粒子。


There are decisive sub-dimensional bands of energy (density) or frequency patterns of higher consciousness that we will tap into as we lift and refine our personal frequencies. The vibrational patterns of our physical Being and auric field within the third and lower fourth dimensions are called our Energetic Signature. The vibrational patterns consisting of higher frequencies that we incorporate along the upward Path are called our Soul Song. We integrate these vibrational patterns as we become attuned to the more refined levels of our Higher Self. Our thought forms begin to vibrate at a higher frequency rate and our outer world gradually rearranges itself to fit our current picture of reality. This is the appropriate time to begin an interaction with your Higher Self. It is advantageous to begin to visualize and imagine what you wish your personal world to look like and what you desires are for the future. Now is the time to begin to allow yourself to accept and visualize a reality beyond the confines of Earth. You will also begin to break free of the confines and restrictions of mass consciousness belief structure.



In our third- / fourth-dimensional reality, we are affected by frequency bands of race karma, country karma, family lineage and personal karma. As you go through the process of breaking agreements, forgiving and being forgiven, as well as severing any energetic cord attachments that you brought forward to resolve, you will accelerate the process of moving beyond all the karmic debts of the past. Your refined frequencies will lift you above the vibrational bands of chaos, conflict and scarcity. These lower frequencies can only affect you if you have compatible frequencies patterns within. That is why we have often been told, “Stay centered within your Sacred Heart as you radiate the frequencies of unconditional love out into the world.” This is when you begin to experience a State of Grace.

在我們的第三/第四維度現實中,我們受到種族業力、國家業力、家庭血統和個人業力頻段的影響。當你經歷打破協議、寬恕與被寬恕的過程,以及切斷你提出要解決的任何能量繩索附件時,你將加速超越過去所有業債的過程。你精緻的頻率將提升你超越混亂、衝突和稀缺的振動帶。只有當你內部具有相容的頻率模式時,這些較低的頻率才會對你產生影響。這就是為什麼我們經常被告知:“當你向世界輻射無條件的愛的頻率時,保持在你的神聖之心的中心。” 這是你開始體驗恩典狀態的時候。


You must develop a strong belief in yourself and in your abilities. You must learn and endeavor to sustain the Universal Laws of Manifestation and abundance. You must learn to distinguish between desires of the ego and the desires of the Soul. The desires of the ego are outward-focused and never satisfied. The desires of the Soul are inward focused and are for our greater good. We have been given explicit directions as how to Live Each Day as a Master, and also how to understand and use the Universal Laws of Abundance.



You must become an Initiator of Action and not just a reactor to other people’s actions or to circumstances. Our Sub-universe is an experiment in duality, polarity and opposites. We have been given a opportunity to “play god” by using our free will to create our own version of material reality. Negative actions result in painful and uncomfortable lessons which, hopefully, show us the errors of our ways. An aware person learns through the validity of his/her experiences. Our learned lessons become the wisdom of mastership. .

你必須成為行動的發起者,而不僅僅是他人行動或環境的反應者。我們的子宇宙是一個二元性、極性和對立性的實驗。我們有機會利用我們的自由意志來“扮演上帝”,創造我們自己的物質現實版本。消極行為會帶來痛苦和不舒服的教訓,希望這些教訓能向我們展示我們的錯誤。一個有意識的人透過他/她的經驗的有效性來學習。 我們學到的教訓成為大師的智慧。


You must understand that time is malleable, and you are not limited to a third- / fourth-dimensional reality of structured time or a liner, event-oriented basis of time keeping. Time as we know it has speeded up dramatically over the past twenty years, and it will continue to do so as our frequency patterns accelerate. You have the ability to expand time or contract time, and it is important to learn not to limit your manifestation abilities by placing limits of time or conditions on your visions for the future. When you placer a vision or a project on the crystal table in your work pyramid, always ask for, “This or something greater, to be manifested at the appropriate time, for the greatest good of all.”



You must be patient with those around you and know that where they are in the awakening process is appropriate for them. You are not responsible for anyone’s spiritual growth but your own. You are to be an example and supportive; however, you are not to force your personal truth or desires on others. The journey of the Soul is a very personal experience and each person must move through the multiple levels of consciousness in their own way and in their own time.



You must learn to be comfortable within the silence of Spirit and within the Sanctuary of the Soul. You must experience solitude to discover who you truly are. You are learning that your inner world is even more important than your physical reality. You must turn inward in order to learn how to function from an intuitive level as you strive to upgrade your emotional and mental abilities. It is important that you develop your meditative abilities so that you are comfortable with your own thoughts, and eventually with communications between you, your Soul and Higher Self. There is both active and passive meditation. Active meditation is conveying to your God Self that which you wish to manifest or understand. Passive meditation is stilling the mind so you may hear/receive the answers.



As you evolve in consciousness and inner radiance, you will become a person of peaceful, decisive action. You will undergo a personality change over time, as you learn to use the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, filtered through the loving energy of your Sacred Heart. During your sleep time, higher, more refined frequencies of Light will gradually be downloaded into your Etheric Replica which is lying in repose in your personal fifth dimensional pyramid of Light. Over time, all negative, inharmonious frequencies or dark crystal energies will be replaced with more refined, higher vibrational Seed Crystals of Light.



You must understand that time is malleable, and you are not limited to a third- / fourth-dimensional reality of structured time or a liner, event-oriented basis of time keeping. Time as we know it has speeded up dramatically over the past twenty years, and it will continue to do so as our frequency patterns accelerate. You have the ability to expand time or contract time, and it is important to learn not to limit your manifestation abilities by placing limits of time or conditions on your visions for the future. When you placer a vision or a project on the crystal table in your work pyramid, always ask for, “This or something greater, to be manifested at the appropriate time, for the greatest good of all.”

你必須明白時間是可塑的,你並不局限於結構化時間的第三/第四維度現實或線性的、面向事件的計 時基礎。 我們知道,在過去的二十年裡,時間急劇加速,隨著我們的頻率模式加速,時間也會繼續加速。 你有能力延長或縮短時間,重要的是要學會不要透過為你的未來願景設定時間或條件來限制你的表現能力。 當你把一個願景或一個項目放在工作金字塔的水晶桌上時,總是要求,“為了所有人的最大利益,在適當的時間體現這個或更大的東西。”


You must be patient with those around you and know that where they are in the awakening process is appropriate for them. You are not responsible for anyone’s spiritual growth but your own. You are to be an example and supportive; however, you are not to force your personal truth or desires on others. The journey of the Soul is a very personal experience and each person must move through the multiple levels of consciousness in their own way and in their own time.

你必須對周圍的人有耐心,並知道他們在覺醒過程中所處的位置適合他們。 你不對任何人的靈性成長負責,只對自己的靈性成長負責。 你要成為榜樣並提供支持; 但是,您不得將自己的個人真理或願望強加於他人。 靈魂之旅是一種非常個人化的體驗,每個人都必須以自己的方式、在自己的時間裡穿越多個意識層次。


You must learn to be comfortable within the silence of Spirit and within the Sanctuary of the Soul. You must experience solitude to discover who you truly are. You are learning that your inner world is even more important than your physical reality. You must turn inward in order to learn how to function from an intuitive level as you strive to upgrade your emotional and mental abilities. It is important that you develop your meditative abilities so that you are comfortable with your own thoughts, and eventually with communications between you, your Soul and Higher Self. There is both active and passive meditation. Active meditation is conveying to your God Self that which you wish to manifest or understand. Passive meditation is stilling the mind so you may hear/receive the answers.

你必須學會在精神的寂靜和靈魂的庇護所中感到舒適。 你必須經歷孤獨才能發現真正的自己。 你正在了解到你的內心世界甚至比你的物質現實更重要。 當你努力提升你的情緒和心理能力時,你必須轉向內心,以便學習如何從直覺層面發揮作用。 重要的是,你要發展你的冥想能力,這樣你才能對自己的想法感到舒服,並最終在你、你的靈魂和高我之間進行溝通。 冥想有主動冥想和被動冥想之分。 正向的冥想正在向你的神性自我傳達你希望顯現或理解的東西。 被動冥想使頭腦平靜,這樣你就可以聽到/收到答案。


As you evolve in consciousness and inner radiance, you will become a person of peaceful, decisive action. You will undergo a personality change over time, as you learn to use the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, filtered through the loving energy of your Sacred Heart. During your sleep time, higher, more refined frequencies of Light will gradually be downloaded into your Etheric Replica which is lying in repose in your personal fifth dimensional pyramid of Light. Over time, all negative, inharmonious frequencies or dark crystal energies will be replaced with more refined, higher vibrational Seed Crystals of Light.

當你的意識和內在光輝不斷進化時,你將成為一個行動和平、果斷的人。 隨著時間的推移,當你學習使用神聖心靈的智慧,並透過神聖之心的愛能量過濾時,你的性格將會改變。 在你的睡眠時間裡,更高、更精細的光頻率將逐漸被下載到你的以太複製品中,它靜靜地躺在你個人的第五維光金字塔中。 隨著時間的推移,所有負面的、不和諧的頻率或暗水晶能量都將被更精緻、更高振動的光種子晶體所取代。


Over time, your attitudes, desires, ways of being and interacting with others will change dramatically. Many of the activities or entertainment that you enjoyed in the past will no longer interest you. As you become attuned to the higher-dimensional energies, many of your friends will become uncomfortable around you and you will no longer have anything in common. AA Michael tells us, “You can monitor the level of your frequency patterns by the friends and circumstances that you draw to you. Are your interactions with others mostly kind and mutually satisfying, or are you consistently experiencing conflict and/or stressful situations with those around you?



Gradually, you will withdraw from social situations of lower vibrations. You will become more sensitive to the vibrations and energies around you. You will gain an understanding of how important it is to meet your own needs, and you will value the stability and serenity that you are creating around you. You may become very selective as to which events or interactions within mainstream society you are willing to participate in. Many of you may change jobs or even your vocation as your consciousness is refined and new opportunities are placed before you by your Higher Self and angelic helpers. When you begin to say and truly mean “Thy Will be Done,” you give Spirit permission to intercede for your greatest good, which will always be in alignment with your Divine Blueprint. As you become a living example of a God-inspired Self-master, you will begin to have a beneficial effect on all those around you. You will exude an aura of peace and love as you calmly and diligently strive to stay focused and empowered within your Sacred Heart Center.

漸漸地,你會退出震動較低的社交場合。你將對周圍的振動和能量變得更加敏感。你將瞭解滿足自己的需求是多麼重要,並且將珍惜在周圍創造的穩定和寧靜。對於你願意參與主流社會內的哪些活動或互動,你可能會變得非常有選擇性。隨著意識得到提煉,並且你的更高自我和天使幫助者將新的機會擺在你面前,你們中的許多人可能會改變工作甚至職業。當你開始說並真正表達「你的旨意將被完成」時,你就允許聖靈為你最大的利益而代求,這將始終與你的神聖藍圖保持一致。 當你成為上帝啟發的自我精通的大師的活生生例子時,將開始對周圍所有人產生有益的影響。當你平靜而勤奮地努力在聖心中心保持專注和賦權時,你將散發出和平與愛的光環。


You will become proficient in living your higher truth as it has been revealed to you. You will exude self-confidence and determination in any situation when your beliefs are based on the wisdom of your Sacred Mind and Heart. As your proficiency increases as a Self-master, you will begin to view challenges and opportunities for growth from the higher vantage point. There will be many opportunities for change and expansion of consciousness on your journey of ascension. There will also be opportunities to strengthen your patience and to accept certain situations as they are presented to you. As we have been instructed, there will be times of great joy and even bliss, and there will still be stressful situations to overcome, as well as times of sadness and uncertainly. However , as we evolve, we will be able to move through these experiences without throwing ourselves too far off center and into a field of negativity.



As you progress and move into the vibrational frequencies of the mid-fifth dimension, you will have integrated several Facets of your Higher Self. You will now be in the flow of the River of Light/Life whereby you will have access to a constant flow of Adamantine Particles of Light. By this time, you will feel comfortable in your interactions with your Over-Soul/Higher Self, and perhaps, also with a master teacher or an advanced angelic guide. You will have gained access to an appropriate level of higher wisdom teachings and your higher sensory abilities will become enhanced and grow stronger over time.



When the Initiations of FIRE BY FRICTION: FIRE OF BODY <> SOLAR FIRE: FIRE OF SOUL <> ELECTROMAGNETIC FIRE: FIRE OF SPIRIT have been completed, you will understand that mastership is a never-ending process of merging with greater and greater Facets of your God Self. You will be guided to or shown your true mission as a World Server.

當摩擦之火:身體之火<> 太陽之火:靈魂之火<> 電磁火:精神之火的啟動完成後,你就會明白,大師地位是一個永無止境的與越來越偉大的方面融合的過程。你的神性自我。你將被引導或展示你作為世界服務者的真正使命。



你必須學會在第三/第四維度的世俗世界中平靜地生活; 然而,至關重要的是,你要讓自己置身於自己創造的更高維度頻率的金場中。這就是「存在於世界中,但不屬於世界」的概念。你必須活出你所揭示的真理。你。你必須實行不評判,並努力整合與輻射你的物質容器可以容納的最大量的上帝之光。如果你能做到這一點,毫無疑問,你將完成你的地球使命。



As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included:

作為本文的傳播者,我,羅娜·赫爾曼·維扎恩,以大天使米迦勒的名義主張通用版權。 允許與朋友進行個人分享,或在網站和出版物上發布,只要資訊不被更改、摘錄或添加,並註明作者身份和我的網站地址






Archangel Michael: The Path of Initiation – Era of Light

傳導:Ronna Vezane


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