The Council: The Journey in Practical Terms, What Does it Mean?
Posted on 08/28/2023 by EraOfLight — Leave a reply
Channel: Nadina Boun
You can say the journey is to move from an automatic reactive state into a heart centered, consciously creative state.
Since day one, you came into this world and you were told how it works, what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad, what is acceptable and what is not, what you should and shouldn’t do, and it became the blueprint to navigate this world/reality. So you spent your life in reactive mode, reacting to everything happening based on these parameters and definitions of what this or that means.
And then one day you decide you no longer want to feel this way, and you move into another level of creator-hood. But it is the first level, when the ego’s idea of better, more, stronger, comes into play. So you begin to consciously create better from a self serving state, the ego state who wants to be better than, stronger than, richer than. And you begin to show others on the outside, with all the stuff that you gathered, that you are better, bigger …
然後有一天,你決定不再想有這種感覺,然後你進入了創造者的另一個層次。 但這是第一個層次,此時小我的更好、更多、更強的想法開始發揮作用。因此,你開始有意識地從一種自私的狀態中創造出更好的東西,一種想要比別人更好、更強、更富有的自我狀態。你開始用收集的所有東西向別人展示你的外表,你更好,更偉大......
And then, the heart must open, so you are no longer creating from the self serving ego, that relies on the external things, and begin to create from the heart, by accessing these states from within. The organ of the heart is on the inside of the body, and so to create from the heart is to create from the inside.
Now you begin to create these states of better, of more joy, more harmony, more abundance from the inside and operate from there. And since there are so many subjects on your world with which you are involved, you repeat that cycle in every area, with every subject, until you’ve mastered them all. That’s why you’ll see some people in control in one area but out of control in another. Say business vs relationships.
And when you finally open your heart, you will begin to see it all perfect at that level. The reactive state is perfectly reacting. The ego state is perfectly creating its self serving end. The heart state is perfectly creating these states from the heart, no longer creating on the outside, reacting to the outside.
And when you mastered all these subjects on your planet; what’s over there and its half stories, your family, friends, money, your governments, the stranger you meet, your colleagues, your business … now you have the opportunity to stay and guide others or to transition to the next level and help them from there.
In a nutshell, in practicality, that’s the journey, to move from a reactive state to a conscious state which must go in degrees, for ego comes first. Then the heart opens when ego realizes all it has built on the outside is not enough, that there is something inside missing. And when you master all these subjects in your life, in your world, you would have become the master you intended to be, and you would have become higher and larger, therefore becoming that larger, bigger, wiser version of you, what you call your higher self.
And the game repeats, for you to reach higher and create from higher to higher and up, back to the infinite heart of The One.
**Submitted to via email.
傳導:Nadina Boun