If you are reading this, please understand that the Universe thinks it's time. Time for the revolution. Don't be afraid. You do not have to be a part of it if you do not want to. People will stand up if they feel the urge. People will ride it out if they feel like it. Most aren't sure what they are supposed to do. No one is telling you to picket. No one is telling you to back down. Do what is in your heart. If you feel like you should speak, speak. But no one is going to force you to do anything. Don't rally if that is not your personality. Go if you're interested. But don't think you have to stand on the streets waiving a sign. You have to do what your heart feels is best. Have kids, don't want them seeing violence, stop taking them to the rallies. They learn anger, they experience the emotion of anger. But if you feel so strongly on something and you have to go, do so. There is no one way to protest. Protest by purchasing less. Protest in financial ways, money is powerful. Stop buyin g at that store, watch them go out of business. Do you need to stand in front of them waiving your sign? You need to just not go there. For our world is going to have many of these outbursts. People angry here, people angry there. Find your center. Protest if you feel its going to be noteworthy.
Refrain if you feel uncomfortable. Why do we tell you this, because it's really a personal choice. Don't feel obligated, don't feel like you have to be a part of this. Many of you are just quietly sending love. Do you know that is just as effective. The love goes to the situation. The Universe sends that love to heal those involved. It treats your energy the same as a physical reaction. Across the world you will see occurrences like none before. Masses of people will gain their strength outdoors. For those that go outdoors, let them. They believe in their cause. They are fighting how they want to fight. You my friend can do it however you feel best. Watch it online, go in person, or donate money. Your heart will tell you what to do, there is not one way. If your friends tag you to come, say no if you don't want to. Say, "I have my own ways," and don't give it another thought. Don't feel a guilt trip, don't question your strength. You are not a coward, you're following your guidance.
The planet has warriors on both sides of the light and dark. Your role is not to fight each other. Light just needs to shine. brighter. If the light shines brighter the darkness fades. One day it's all bright, so much light that we don't see any dark. I come down when there is fighting. I wave away evil and replace it with warriors on my side. My army is big, we will win the war! My friends, take with me now this vow...
I spread light to the dark, blinded they will be, for the light shines brightly in all eternity.
So much love to have on this planet, it will come. Light warriors help me out, say a prayer...
For we are the light and we stand united. We take out the darkness for the world to see.
Stand tall brothers and sisters your time is coming when the light will prevail. You have dreamt about this day; it will be so. Ten-hundred-thousand-million years from now, it's still light. The work done here is unimaginable. You have no idea what you are creating. An existence most requested by all of eternity. Be so proud of yourselves, you are the ones. So proud of you. So much love is sent to you. Know you are backed by all of us in the heavens. The spiritual realm has your back. Take tomorrow to rejoice for your new path which unfolds in the most divine way.
Forever eternally grateful, my love to you... I am Archangel Michael.