Blessings are Returning to you | The Pleiadians via Christine Day

(Golden Age of Gaia)


Beloved ones we greet you,


Great spaces of light consciousness are descending to Earth creating patterns throughout your skyline, simultaneously the Sun’s rays are intensifying heralding in another aspect of the New Dawning’s frequency on the earth plane. You are being prepared energetically to align within this higher arena of pure vibrancy light, which is being made manifest through your Heart, bringing your Heart into to a newly aligned frequency of its potential.


The words ring down from the heavens from the God Seat of Power to you: “Be still and within the stillness you will know yourself, you will remember and then you will BE! All is in hand and know that you are being held within the sacred Truth of your being.”
這些話從天上的神權之座向你響起:“放下(Be still),在靜默中你會認識自己,你會記得,然後你就會存在! 一切都在手中,要知道你被關押在你存在的神聖真理中。”


This is your ultimate time to receive the Blessings that have always been yours to hold within you. They are being returned to you at this juncture. They are yours by divine right. This is the time in your destiny to re-embody these Blessings, which support the redefinition of yourself.


Sit quietly in the dawn or the sunset, the magic hour, when the veils are thin, where you can more easily receive the essence of your blessings. Hold your Heart with the express purpose of receiving. Place your awareness on either the rising or setting Sun. Hold your hand on your Heart and choose to let go. Just in one moment in time of letting go you can receive the elementals of your blessings. Use the words, “I AM”. Allow all to fall away in that moment, allow a returning as you let go.
靜靜地坐在黎明或日落,神奇的時刻,當面紗淡薄的時候,你可以更容易地接收到你恩賜的本質。以接收的明確目的保持你的心。將意識放在升起或落下的太陽上。把手放在心上,然後選擇釋放。就在放手的那一刻,你就能接收到你加持的元素。使用“我是”這個詞。 允許一切在那一刻消失,允許在你放手時返回。


We witness you in Love,




The Pleiadians





傳導:Christine Day



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