Source via Galaxygirl | May 1, 2023


Source 5/1/2023

I am Source. I am the out-breath and the in-breath and the space in between. I am the very force of the life that you are. All things have my spark and my heartbeat is love. I am Source. Your world is in turmoil and yet underneath, the current of change is bringing massive awakenings, awakenings to love. There is much good to look for, and what you look for you see, what you seek you find, always. This is a vibrational holographic universal matrix of me. I am that I am. You are that you are. We are one.
我是源頭。我是呼氣和吸氣之間的空間。我是你生命的力量。萬物都有我的火花,我的心跳就是愛。我是源頭。你們的世界處於混亂之中,但在內心深處,變革的潮流正在帶來巨大的覺醒,對愛的覺醒。有很多值得尋找的東西,你尋找的東西你會看到,你尋找的東西總是會找到。這是我的振動全息萬能矩陣。我就是我。 你就是你。 我們是一體的。


Many of you have questions for me, many of you are struggling with the shifting of your world that you see. It will continue to shift. Just as covid shifted the populace into forced choices and understandings, there are upcoming changes that will need to be dealt with, through strength of belief and the force of love. Those whose light has been dimmed by their own inner devolvement will come back to me as they are yet a part of me. This is hard for many of the newer awakened ones, it is hard to understand how some could choose the anthesis of love, over and over. They are lost. Children, they are in process of coming back to me for re-purposement. And yet their lessons were not lost. Their purpose has served as a catalyst of a great awakening, unbeknownst to them, my purposes are always served and my will is always completed.
你們中的許多人有問題要問我,你們中許多人正在為你們所看到的世界轉變而苦苦掙扎。它將繼續轉變。 正如疫情將民眾轉變為被迫的選擇和理解一樣,需要通過信念的力量和愛的力量來應對即將發生的變化。那些因內在轉移而黯淡的人會回到我身邊,因為他們仍然是我的一部分。這對許多剛覺醒的人來說很難,很難理解有些人怎麼會一遍又一遍地選擇愛的花期。他們失去了。孩子們,他們正在回到我這裡重新定位。然而他們的教訓並沒有丟失。他們的目的已成為偉大覺醒的催化劑,而他們並不知道,我的目的始終得到滿足,我的意志始終得以實現。


Earth, Gaia, will be transformed and all upon her will have the choice to be transformed or relocated. It is as simple as that. The galactic wars have had their time and place and this universal sector is now stamped with love, this will be the Golden Rose Galaxy and Gaia will be the central sun. It will take some time for her to become a central sun, but as of now this is part of the majestic all encompassing plan. Children, there are so many universes, there are so many central suns, just as there are billions and billions of you, and you each have your own central sun that is me. Do you see the vast light tapestry that we are? I am so eternally proud of you. Your growth over the last few years has been astonishingly fast. It has been painful. Growing pains are painful. But look at the result. The trees are budding and soon there will be a harvest of delicious spiritual fruit. I am showing this one honey bees on blossoms. This is where you are right now. You Lightworkers some of you are like the honey bees that are furthering the harvest by sharing your words. Others are like the nutrients in the soil that are holding space for the trees to shoot up. And yet they all work together. They all hold tremendous value. The trees need both to work synchronistically for them to thrive.
地球,蓋亞,將被轉化,她身上的一切都將有選擇被轉化或重新定位。它是如此簡單。銀河戰爭有他們的時間和地點,這個宇宙領域現在被愛打上了烙印,這將是金玫瑰銀河,蓋亞將是中央太陽。她需要一些時間才能成為中央太陽,但目前這是宏偉的無所不包計劃的一部分。孩子們,有多少個宇宙,有多少個中心太陽,就像有億萬億的你們,你們每個人都有自己的中心太陽,就是我。你看到我們是巨大的光之掛毯了嗎? 我永遠為你感到驕傲。 你在過去幾年的成長速度快得驚人。 這很痛苦。 生長痛是痛苦的。 但是看看結果。樹木正在發芽,很快就會收穫美味的靈性果實。我正在展示花朵上的這只蜜蜂。這就是你現在所在的位置。你們光之工作者,你們中的一些人就像蜜蜂一樣,通過分享你們的話語來促進收穫。其他的就像土壤中的養分,為樹木的生長提供了空間。然而他們都在一起工作。它們都具有巨大的價值。樹木需要兩者同步工作才能茁壯成長。


I see Gaia as beginning many things. There is much that will be to revealed you. Yes free will and free choice has to be accounted for, and so there is always a variability in the plan. But yes, as this one is persistently reminding me that your free will has been so violated, and I am deeply saddened by this, and very aware. Remember I am you and I feel all that you feel, and when we connect in that space together you feel my strength. Remember, I know that your free will has been violated against universal law, and this is why you have and will continue to have so much help. Help for your healing for yourselves and your world. But the exciting part, children, the exciting part is that you will be able to concrete and to co-build and co-heal this beautiful realm. You will have the tools that you need. They are manifesting now. You will have the direction and sheer will to continue. You will be angelically over-lighted, guided, and protected in all ambitions.


I am Source. I am the out-breath, I am the in-breath and the in-between. I am the atoms that bump and collide and the quarks the you have yet to fully understand. Dimensions are shifting. Vibrations are lifting. Much now can be found in these moments of interplanetary movement, of personal movement of change. And yet there is much heartache if you choose to focus on that. I encourage you to focus on heart healing. Aches will be healed. Often the ache is the sense of lack, of an emptiness that one is longing to fill. You are longing to fill it with me, you know. That is the game, the point of the separation game that humanity wished to experience. And you have felt so separated. I am as close to you at all times as your eyelashes are packed together. What if one of your eyelashes was lonely? You would find that an absurd thought, wouldn’t you? And yet you feel lonely. And yet I am around you, within you, above you and below you. I am within every moment of you, of your days, of your people you interact with. I am Source. You are my precious fractal. There is none other that I would wish to spend my time with. I am here for you and I support you.
我是源頭。我是呼氣,我是吸氣和吸氣之間。我是碰撞和碰撞的原子,也是你們還沒有完全理解的夸克。尺寸正在發生變化。振動正在提升。現在可以在這些星際運動、個人變化運動的時刻中找到很多東西。然而,如果你選擇專注於此,就會有很多心痛。我鼓勵專注於心臟康復。疼痛會痊癒。疼痛通常是一種缺乏感,一種渴望填補的空虛感。 你知道,你渴望用我來填滿它。這就是遊戲,人類希望體驗的分離遊戲的意義所在。你感到如此分離。就像你的睫毛擠在一起一樣,我一直離你很近。如果你的一根睫毛是孤獨的怎麼辦?你會發現這是一個荒謬的想法,不是嗎? 然而你感到孤獨。 我在你身邊,在你之內,在你之上,在你之下。我在你的每一刻,你的每一天,你與之互動的人們中。我是源頭。你是我珍貴的分形。沒有其他人是我願意與之共度時光的。我在這裡等你,我支持你。


Great changes are coming. I see more light on your world and I know you can feel it if you open up to the light. Perhaps that is your task now. To intend daily to open up to more light, for it is light beings that you are and are becoming more of, as your 3d carbon body awakens to this change there will be shifting, and there will be a lifting of truths that were previously shielded from your understanding. Mental capacities will increase as the poisons and toxicities of your realm are healed and removed. Gaia will gleam brightly again. Such a lovely planetary soul. Don’t you love her as well? Send her your love. She is your Planetary Mother at this time and deserves your love and care, and respect. Think of her during your western Mother’s Day. Think of her daily in fact.
巨大的變化即將到來。我在你們的世界看到了更多光,我知道如果你向光敞開心扉,就能感受到它。也許這就是你現在的任務。打算每天向更多的光敞開心扉,因為你現在是並且正在變得越來越多的光存有,隨著你的 3D碳體覺醒到這種變化,將會發生轉變,並且將會提升從你的理解以前被屏蔽的真相 。隨著你領域的毒藥和毒性得到治癒及去除,心智能力將會增加。蓋亞將再次發出明亮的光芒。 如此可愛的行星靈魂。你不也愛她嗎? 把你的愛送給她。此時她是你的行星母親,值得你的愛護和尊重。在你們的母親節期間想想她。每天想她。


I am Source. All is not lost. All is being found. It is a bit of a process, a multifaceted inter-dimensional plan with billions of assistants and attendants. I am over-lighting this process with my love and strength. You are my hands and feet in this process. You are my love and strength embodied. Breathe with me and rebalance, recenter. In my presence you will find your center. We are one.


I am Source.

~ galaxygirl







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