Five Simple Steps to Raise Your Vibration ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
“問候。 我們是大角星委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。
We are very pleased to bring this latest transmission. We are aware of the requests that you make, and that is why there are so many synchronicities happening for all of you who are receiving these transmissions. We tune in to you as a collective and as individuals, and we notice what you are wondering about. It is important for you to do this with yourselves as well. Having regular check-ins with your chakras, with your thoughts, and with your overall vibration will do wonders for you in bringing you into alignment with the life you want to be living.
You have so many abilities, so much power, and it’s all inside of you, and the truth is that you have a lot outside of you to focus upon in your day-to-day activities, a lot that gets your attention. We recommend choosing a time, or several times throughout your day, where you will be doing something that will not occupy a lot of your attention, such as driving, washing the dishes, or taking a shower, and use that time that you have where you don’t need to give a lot of attention to what you are doing to check in.
The first thing you want to do is take a deep breath. The second thing you want to do is notice what you’ve been thinking about. The third thing you want to do is notice if there’s any tension in your body. And the next thing you want to do is check in with your chakras to see if you can feel any blocks or heaviness within any of them. And finally, you want to tune in to how you are feeling, to your overall vibration. And at this point in the exercise, that should be very clear to you.
你要做的第一件事就是深吸一口氣。第二件事是注意你一直在想什麼。第三件事是注意你的身體是否有任何緊張。接下來你要做的就是檢查你的脈輪,看看你是否能感覺到其中任何一個有任何障礙或沉重。 最後,你想瞭解自己的感受,瞭解你的整體振動。在練習的這一點上,你應該非常清楚。
Speaking of clear, if there is something you need to clear, you will easily be able to do it in the moments that follow. It is important that you remain on top of your internal processes because things are changing so quickly there on Earth. You can manifest so much more quickly what you want and what you do not want. So it has never been as important as it is now to pay attention.
說到清除,如果有什麼需要清除的,那麼在接下來的時刻,你將很容易做到。 重要的是,你始終掌握內部流程,因為地球上的事物變化如此之快。你可以更快地顯化你想要什麼和不想要什麼。因此,關注從未像現在這樣重要。
And those of you who are awake are also sensitive. You are emotional, you are empathic, and that means you are more likely to be able to utilize an exercise like this and benefit from it. It’s all right if you are carrying tension. It’s all right if your thoughts have not been the most positive ones you could be thinking. It’s all right if you pick up on a lower vibration within you. That’s what you are there to do. You are there to detect and release. You are there to let go of what has been holding you in the same vibration you’ve been in for a long time. This is how you consciously raise your vibration, and by consciously raising your vibration you shift to a higher-frequency state.
This is how you live happily ever after in the here and now, and this is how you move closer to your ultimate ascension. This is how you inch closer every day to becoming your higher self. It’s not more complicated than this, however you certainly can make it more complicated if you want to. Those of you who have the ability to shift rather quickly what you are thinking and feeling about can consider yourselves to be masters already. When you can let go quickly and easily, that’s when you know you are doing something right, and you have been doing lots of things right. So please do not get down on yourself if at every check in you find something to release, because that is what you are there to do.
這就是你從此幸福地生活在此時此地的方式,這就是你接近終極揚升的方式。這就是你每天一步步接近成為更高自我的方式。它並不比這更複雜,但是如果你願意,當然可以讓它更複雜。你們中那些有能力相當快地改變自己的想法和感受的人,可以認為自己已經是大師了。當你可以快速輕鬆地放手時,就會知道自己做對了某件事,並且你一直在做很多正確的事情。 因此,如果在每次進入內在發現需要釋放的東西,請不要對自己感到失望,因為這就是你要做的事情。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton