Things are Not as they Seem... | The Angels via Ann Albers


My dear friends, we love you so very much,


Things are not as they seem. We are not talking about people fooling or trying to exploit you. We are talking about the massive stream of love flowing and growing despite all appearances. In the unseen realms, your human race is taking a gigantic leap in its evolution. Love is flowing as never before. You might say, energetically speaking, that the baby has been pushed out of the birth canal after a long period of contractions. Humanity and your mother earth have given birth to a new torrent of love by calling for it in your prayers and intense desires these past few years. You have collectively prayed as never before, and love is answering the call. It doesn't look like love in many ways right now, but things are not always as they seem.

You bear witness to the disruption on your planet. We see the evolution. You are grieving the physical transition of so many dear souls who have left the earth suddenly. We greet them as they expand back into an unbounded love. You feel pain in your body. We see streams of love flowing into you that sometimes push up against areas of tension or physical blockage. You feel antsy and anxious about change. We see you in the eternal dance between head and heart, striving to drop into your hearts and trust the journey.


You are having a human experience, seeing through human eyes, and evaluating through your human conditioning. This can be very painful at times. As you learn to see beyond the world of appearances into a world where invisible loves streams unceasingly, you learn to dance in harmony with this flow in a way that feels better, creates better, and allows better into your life.


Many of you feel far less tolerant of bad behaviors and situations you've endured up until now. Your soul is calling you to better – either an improved attitude and/or an improved situation. We never want you to suffer through something you don't enjoy. We would instead advise you to look for the good here and now and, as well, focus on your heart's true desires. For example, suppose you have put up with someone yelling at you for years, and it still bothers you. You can start to focus away from the destructive behaviors by looking at their good points or your own. Or you can completely ignore the bad behaviors as if they didn't exist.


You shift your vibration as you give less attention to what bothers you and more attention to what pleases you. You'll be more open to guidance and ideas for improvement in this new and improved vibration. You may receive the courage to walk away from something that doesn't work. You may be inspired to speak in a way that encourages a kinder response. You may receive an inspiration to ignore unkindness and see only good.


The inspirations will vary from one person and situation to the next. Nonetheless, when you find a vibration that is either neutral or more loving than the previous annoyance, you become open to receiving guidance. The actions you are inspired to take will be tailored to guide you on your path of least resistance and to lead you in the kindest way to what you desire. Your guidance will have nothing to do with changing the other and everything to do with empowering yourself.


Some of you are feeling new passions, new directions, new interests, or renewed interests. You feel your soul beckoning you forward with joy. Listen. Learn what you are interested in learning. Follow up on the ideas that feel good to you, even if they seem illogical. Spiritual logic involves doing what gives you true delight and expecting life to work as you continue to listen to your guidance dynamically.


Some of you are finally admitting to yourself that you need rest. In your silence and downtime, you will reconnect with your heart and soul and find those new directions emerging naturally as you stop trying to force yourself through life.


Be gentle with yourselves. As you move through this period of incredible expansion, sit, breathe, and receive our love. We never waver from love. We are aware of your circumstances and feelings but intentionally focus on the greater you, the greater life, and the life you wish to experience.


An example might be helpful. Imagine you have a young child screaming and angry because they want a cookie. You know that a cookie on an empty stomach will give them a sugar high and then a low, and based on prior experience, they'll become tired and cranky before dinner. You know that they want to feel good. They want nourishment for their body, love for their soul, and tastes to delight the senses. They want to feel energized and happy. That is their more profound truth, although right now, at this moment, they perceive all these wishes as a strong desire for the cookie!
一個例子可能會有所幫助。想像一下,你有個年幼的孩子因為想要一塊餅乾而尖叫和生氣。你知道,空腹吃餅乾會讓他們的糖分先高後低,根據之前的經驗,他們會在晚飯前變得疲倦和暴躁。你知道他們想要感覺良好。他們需要身體的滋養,靈魂的愛,感官的愉悅。 他們想要感到精力充沛和快樂。那是他們更為深刻的道理,雖然此時此刻,他們將這一切的願望,都看成是對餅乾的強烈渴望!


If you give in to the screaming demands, you will teach them that they can manipulate life and others through lower-vibrational behaviors resulting from feeling powerless. This might work temporarily, but as you can imagine, such behaviors will not serve them as adults! You love them. You want more for them. You want them to know the universe wants to meet their needs and desires in a better way than the seeming superficial solution. You want them to feel empowered, loved, and satisfied.


So you pick them up and hug them. You acknowledge that they want a cookie. You tell them you understand, and you have something even better. You tell them about the wonderful meal that you know they will love. You talk about making their favorite dessert! You let them know in every way possible that while you love them and understand their need for the cookie, you have all they want and more coming to them very soon.


If they are willing, they will listen, anticipate the meal, and release you to cook it! If they insist on the very understandable childish demands that things go their way now - if they don't believe you love them and want them to have an even better experience – they will delay their glorious dinner and delicious dessert!


So too, your soul, your guardian angels, and the Divine hear your cries, but we also know the totality of all you desire. Sometimes we can give you the "cookie," and it will satisfy all you want in that arena of life. Sometimes we see so much better. In all cases, we witness and have compassion for your feelings. We know where you are now. We hold our focus steadily on the future in which you will have all you want and experience levels of love beyond what you'd ask for. We look for openings to guide you on the path of your least resistance. Like a wise parent, we will comfort, love, and soothe you as much as you allow. By our very design, however, we cannot respond to lower vibrational demands when you are asking for a higher vibrational outcome. We hold the frequency of the outcome and guide you toward that.
同樣地,你的靈魂、守護天使和神能聽到你的呼喊,但我們也知道你想要的一切。有時我們可以給你“餅乾”,它會滿足你在那個生活舞台上想要的一切。有時我們看得好多了。 在所有情況下,我們都會見證並同情你感受。我們知道你現在在哪裡。我們始終專注於未來,在那裡你將擁有想要的一切,並體驗超出所要求的愛的水平。我們尋找機會來引導你走上阻力最小的道路。就像一位明智的父母,我們會盡可能地安慰、愛護和安撫你。然而,根據我們的設計,當你要求更高的振動結果時,我們無法響應較低的振動要求。我們掌握結果的頻率並引導你朝那個方向前進。


We don't dance in the density, dear ones. We invite you into your own light.
我們不在密度中跳舞,親愛的。 我們邀請你進入自己的光中


If you want to heal your body or emotions, we are here to help. Stop focusing on the pain or grief for just a few minutes each day. Sit, breathe, and receive our love while you dream of relief first and ultimately feeling wonderful.


If you want abundance, stop the ongoing worry and focus on lack. Handle what you must now, then intentionally shift your focus towards something better. Count your blessings, and remind yourself of prior "miracles." Let yourself sit in silence each day. Think about how abundance would feel and trust the ideas that will come quickly. Many tell us they can't stop worrying, but we lovingly disagree. You stop worrying every time you watch a good movie. You stop worrying every time you have a fun conversation with a friend. You stop worrying when you kiss your dog. You stop worrying when you focus on your grocery list. Whenever you focus elsewhere on something better, you stop worrying. You simply have to make that choice...often over and over again.
如果你想要豐盛,就停止持續擔憂、停止專注於匱乏。處理你現在必須做的事情,然後有意識地將注意力轉移到更好的事情上。數數你的祝福,並提醒自己以前的“奇蹟”。 讓自己每天靜靜地坐著。想想豐盛的感覺並相信很快就會出現的想法。許多人告訴我們無法停止擔心,但我們很樂意不同意。每次看好看的電影時,你都不會擔心。每次與朋友進行有趣的交談時,你都不會擔心。 當你親吻你的狗時,你就不再擔心了。當你專注於購物清單時,你就不再擔心了。每當你將注意力集中在其他更好的事情上時,就不會再擔心了。你只需要做出那個選擇......經常地一遍又一遍。


If you want more love, stop talking about how you were not loved, are not loved, and cannot find love. We understand you want human companionship and love. Of course! You are designed to connect and enjoy the radiant Divinity of one another shining upon you! You are designed to shine that light upon another. We want this for you if you want this for you.
如果你想要更多愛,就別再談論你是如何不被愛和找不到愛。我們瞭解你需要人類的陪伴和愛。當然! 你被設計來連接並享受彼此閃耀的神性!你被設計來將那道光照射到另一個人身上。如果你想要這個,我們想要給你這個。


You were not designed, however, to expect another to make up for what you perceive is lacking in yourself. Another person is not responsible for making you feel safe, beautiful, and good, alleviating your fears, or ridding you of loneliness or boredom. Dear ones, would you want someone else to ask this of you? If you wish to love, then focus on love – loving life, receiving the love of the grass under your feet and the warmth of the sunshine. Receive the love anywhere and everywhere that it is given freely. Give the love where you authentically can. In that stream, you cannot help but rendevous with more and more love! A person in love with life is loved by lovely others who are too.
然而,你的本意並不是要期待另一個人來彌補你所認為自己缺乏的東西。另一個人沒有責任讓你感到安全、美麗與美好,減輕你的恐懼,或者讓你擺脫孤獨或無聊。親愛的,你想讓別人問你這個問題嗎? 如果你想愛,那就專注於愛——熱愛生活,接受腳下青草的愛和陽光的溫暖。隨時隨地接受無償給予的愛。盡你所能地給予愛。在那溪流中,你會情不自禁地與越來越多愛相遇! 一個熱愛生活的人會被可愛的其他人所愛。


We desire that you have all that you want for yourself and more. We will not waver from that frequency of love you wish to experience. We will not sway from our understanding of the love beneath all things. We serve you best by holding the highest vision for your life and guiding it to you as best we can and as much as you will allow.


Your world is in a considerable state of transition now. It looks chaotic, and from the human perspective, it is. But whether your world is rearranging, you're cleaning your closets, emptying your pockets, or dumping out the contents of your purse, it is a fact that chaos often precedes greater order.
你們的世界現在處於一個相當大的轉變狀態。它看起來很混亂,從人的角度來看,它確實是。 但是,無論你們的世界是在重新安排,還是在清理衣櫥、清空口袋或傾倒錢包裡的東西,混亂往往先於更有序,這是一個事實。


Things are not as they seem. The world of energy is loving and impartial. It responds to your every loving vibration with as much as you will allow into your life. As you become more authentic with yourselves and life, you allow more love to flow. As you accept where you are, you allow more love to flow. As you dream of more loving realities, you allow love to flow. As you allow others to experience according to their choices, you allow love to flow. This can only elevate your experience of life, the experience of those who wish to benefit from it, and the experience of love upon your earth.


It really is quite simple. You are encouraged to seek soothing and good-feeling thoughts and activities, even if that means ignoring destructive behaviors, turning away from doomsayers, and flowing love to those who insist on being negative. Even if you must be in uncomfortable situations and around unpleasant people, you can focus on the flow of love to you and outward through you, silently observing the conditions and beahviors while flowing love.


As you do this, you begin to witness life through the eyes of your soul. You start to live in love and be open to love and release more love into your own life and world. Things are not as they seem. Only love is beneath things, in the core of all hearts, and in all situations. You allow or resist it, but it lives, breathes, and flows unceasingly whether you experience it or not. You can experience it whenever you look within, look to the unseen, or even look around you and notice the good.


God Bless You! We love you so very much.
神祝福你! 我們非常愛你。
-- The Angels



文章來源: Things are Not as they Seem... | The Angels via Ann Albers - Voyages of Light

傳導:Ann Albers


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