Create Your Version of the Shift in Consciousness ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


create your version of the shift in consciousness - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are very interested in the way that you all seek to experience the shift in consciousness. We are more interested in the type of shift that you want to create than we are in what your beliefs are about the completion of the shift to the fifth dimension. We know that you have heard stories about the shift, different versions of what will happen, what might happen, and what could happen, but we always seek to empower all of you. And so, we are much more interested in what we see you creating and in what we know you truly desire in regards to ascension.


Remember that you are fourth dimensional beings now. You are not there to simply live out a preordained set of circumstances. Your blueprints are gone. It is time for you all to go back to the drawing board so to speak, and create the version of the shift that you would like to see.


All that you put into the human collective consciousness will then affect what others are desiring about the shift, because you are all linked. Many of you wonder what you can do, how you can contribute to humanity and the evolution of the human collective consciousness. Putting your unique version of the shift into the collective consciousness certainly is a contribution and a valuable one.


Please do not believe for a second that you are just one person and that your energy, vibration, and intention is not enough to change what will happen. We know that you are all going to shift in one way or another. No one is doomed. No one is stuck. Those of you who are awake will find a way to become fifth dimensional because you have been desiring that shift in consciousness for long enough.
請不要相信你只是一個人,你的能量、振動和意圖不足以改變將要發生的事情。 我們知道你們都會以一種或另一種方式轉變。 沒有人注定。 沒有人被卡住。 你們這些清醒的人會找到進入第五維度的方法,因為你們渴望意識轉變的時間已經足夠長了。


You get to decide. You get to create timelines, realities, versions of the future that appeal to you most as an individual. And the more inclusive you are of your fellow humans in your version of the shift, the more power there is behind that desire of yours. Dream big. Dream often. And know that nothing is set in stone. There is no one inevitable future. So again, tear up those blueprints, and make today the day that you start fresh with your beautiful and imaginative, creative minds.
你來決定。 你可以創造出最能吸引你個人的時間線、現實和未來版本。 在你的轉變版本中,對人類同胞越包容,願望背後的力量就越大。胸懷大志。懷抱夢想。 知曉沒有什麼是一成不變的。沒有一個不可避免的未來。再次,撕毀那些藍圖,讓今天的你以美麗、富有想像力與創造性的頭腦重新開始的一天。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton


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