The Christmas & Solstice Holy Days ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
“問候。 我們是大角星人委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。
We are very aware of the energy and consciousness of competition there on Earth, and we know that even different beliefs are held up against each other. Therefore, the Christmas holiday was placed very close to the solstice so that attention would be taken away from the solstice and be put on the Christmas holiday. Many of you recognize that December 25th is not the date those four stars came together to create one giant light in the sky, and it is not the date of the birth of the one called Yeshua. It was a date that was chosen to be not so close to Easter and very close to the solstice to take attention away from that beautiful celebration. And now you have far fewer people celebrating the Summer/Winter solstice than you do people celebrating the Christmas holiday.
我們非常清楚地球上競爭的能量和意識,我們知道甚至不同的信仰也會相互抵觸。 因此,聖誕節假期被安排在離冬至很近的地方,這樣人們的注意力就會從冬至轉移到聖誕假期上。 你們中的許多人都知道 12 月 25 日不是那四顆星聚集在一起在天空中創造出一道巨大光芒的日子,也不是那位叫做耶穌的誕生日。 這個日期被選為離復活節不太近,而且非常接近至日,以將人們的注意力從那個美麗的慶祝活動上轉移開。 現在慶祝夏至/冬至的人比慶祝聖誕節的人少得多。
Now, of course, the teachings of Yeshua are very important and the life that he led is one of mastery. It is an example for all of you of how you can be there in the world. And so, there doesn’t need to be any competition between celebrating this wondrous occasion within Nature and the celebration of the birth of Yeshua. Both can be celebrated, and both can be seen as having their place in the human collective consciousness. We encourage you to celebrate the solstice in whatever way that you desire to give thanks to your sun and to Mother Earth, and you can also celebrate yourselves for summoning so much energy on the solstices and equinoxes that you have there on Earth.
現在,當然,耶穌的教導非常重要,他所過的生活是一種精通。 這是你們所有人如何在世界上存在的一個例子。 因此,在大自然中慶祝這一奇妙時刻與慶祝耶穌誕生之間沒有任何競爭。 兩者都值得慶祝,都可以被視為在人類集體意識中佔有一席之地。 我們鼓勵你們以任何你們想要的方式來慶祝至日,感謝你們的太陽和地球母親,你們也可以慶祝自己在地球上的至日和春分點召喚了如此多的能量。
You are there to anchor in those energies, to let those energies run through you, and to share them with your fellow humans. You are there to merge consciousness, to integrate, to unite, and therefore, you don’t have to point out the commercial nature of Christmas or get mad at those people who chose to compete with the solstice in order to bring more people to the church. You can celebrate both, and you can see the two dates being close to one another as an opportunity to merge consciousness. It is an opportunity to bring the Earth and sky together.
你在那裡錨定那些能量,讓這些能量流過你,並與人類同胞分享。 你在那裡是為了融合意識、整合、團結,因此,你不必指出聖誕節的商業性質,也不必對那些選擇與至日競爭以吸引更多人參加教會的人生氣。你可以慶祝兩者,可以將這兩個日期彼此接近視為融合意識的機會。這是一個將地球和天空結合在一起的機會。
There once was a time when the gods were seen more as dwelling amongst you and being in the wind and the mountains, the ocean, and so on. And once they were placed up high in the sky, there became a greater separation between human and Divine consciousness. But you are there to unite, to bring all consciousness together into One. God is everywhere and everything, and we are all representations of that which some call God and we call Source. Again, there is no reason to compete over what the right word is for that energy, that consciousness, that force that dwells within each and every being.
曾經有一段時間,眾神更多地被視為居住在你們中間,存在於風中、高山、海洋等中。 一旦他們被置於高空,人與神的意識之間就會有更大的分離。 但你在那裡是為了團結,將所有意識合而為一。上帝無處不在,無處不在,我們都是某些人稱之為上帝、而我們稱之為源頭的事物的代表。沒有理由為每個人內在的那種能量、那種意識、那種力量爭辯什麼才是正確的詞。
Now, as we wrap up 2022 there on Earth with all of you, we just want you all to remember that uniting is the way to become more of who you really are. There is no need to create any more unnecessary separation or segregation. It is time for that illusion to fall by the wayside so that we can all come together as One Being, as one force within this universe of love. And when you feel that love inside of you, that’s when you know you’re on the right track.
現在,當我們在地球上與你們所有人一起結束 2022 年時,我們只想讓你們所有人記住,團結一致是成為更真實自己的方式。沒有必要再製造任何不必要的分離或隔離。 是時候讓這種幻覺落到一邊了,這樣我們就可以作為一個存在,作為這個愛的宇宙中的一股力量聚集在一起。當你感受到內心的愛時,就知道自己走在正確的軌道上。
You will be told that there is still plenty of energy and consciousness on Earth that you are meant to oppose, to battle against, and to judge, and that simply is not the case. It is all there to reflect to you something that you need to love within yourself and outside of yourself. And when you do that, you know that you are one who unites, and you know you are fulfilling that aspect of your mission for this life on planet Earth.
你會被告知,地球上仍然有大量的能量和意識是你注定要反對、與之戰鬥和判斷的,而事實並非如此。 這一切都是為了向你反應需要在自己內在和外在愛的東西。當你這樣做時,你知道你是一個團結的人,知道你正在完成你在地球上這一生的使命的那個面向。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton