How to Explore the Galaxy ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


how to explore the galaxy - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 


We are still in the process of exploring every aspect of our beautiful galaxy, which you all refer to as ‘The Milky Way.’ We are very similar to your space explorers, who are looking for different truths that they might discover, different scientific facts, and the unknown. The physical realm is very similar to the non-physical realm, and there are parallels that you could draw between each. 


Even as non-physical consciousness, even as ninth-dimensional beings, we are still explorers. We still know that we don’t know everything that there is to know. We also understand that the galaxy and the universe are always expanding, always becoming more, and that is exciting to us because it is the feeling of expanding that brings us so much joy. 


You are all in the process of exploring different truths, different realities, and different aspects of yourselves, and we are here to remind you that condemning and/or judging anything that you come across is only going to perpetuate whatever it is that you are focusing upon in that moment. You want to explore your world, yourselves, this galaxy, and the universe with your hearts open wide and your light shining brightly for whatever you find. And why is that, you might wonder? Well, it is because only with love will you ever expand. Only with love will you ever truly become more of who you are. 
你們都在探索不同的真理、不同的現實和你們自己的不同方面,我們在這裡提醒你們,譴責 和/或 評判你們遇到的任何事情,只會使你們關注的事情永久化在那一刻。你們想探索你的世界、你自己、這個星系和宇宙,敞開心扉,為你發現的一切閃耀光芒。你可能想知道為什麼會這樣?好吧,那是因為只有有了愛,你才能擴展。只有有了愛,你才能真正成為更真實的自己。


And it is also true that only with love will you ascend. We keep telling you this, but it bears repeating; nothing outside of you is going to make you ascend. No one can just flip a switch and illuminate the fifth dimension for you. The fifth dimension is something you find within yourselves, and you find it by accessing more of the love that you truly are. Spread that love around, and now you have a fifth-dimensional realm in which to roam and explore. 


And as much as you have yet to discover there in the fourth-dimensional realm, imagine how much you will have to explore and illuminate in the fifth dimension. There will always be more, and you will never get bored once you ascend. And if you are bored now, then take our suggestion and get out of your head, get into your heart, and see how much love is present there. When you do, you will transform yourselves and everything and everyone outside of you.
儘管你們在第四維度領域還沒有發現,但想像一下你在第五維度將需要探索和闡明多少。 總會有更多,一旦提升,你永遠不會感到無聊。 如果你現在感到無聊,那麼接受我們的建議,走出你的頭腦,進入你的內心,看看那裡有多少愛。 當這樣做時,你們將改變自己以及之外的一切和所有人。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





傳導:Daniel Scranton


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