What’s Happening Along with the 11/11 Portal? ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


what's happening along with the 11.11 portal - the 9D arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of aliens

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are very capable of measuring and tracking your progress there on Earth, and we do notice when there’s a huge spike in your frequency as a collective consciousness there on Earth. This is one of those times. It is a time when many people are focusing on what they value, what they hold dear and true to them. This is a time when more people are seeking alignment with the outside world, attempting to be in alignment as difficult as that may be at times for all of you.


You also have the 11/11 energies and the portal to assist you in this time when you need so much support from above, as many of you do not feel in alignment with your world or what is happening in it. Remember that you always get to choose how you respond to whatever is happening out there in the world, and remember that you have help. There are so many helpers around you as individuals and around all of you as a collective who want only to see you evolve and ascend in this lifetime. This is the time to be focusing more on the energies present than on what’s going on out there in the world.
當你們需要來自上面的如此多的支持時,也有 11/11 能量和門戶來幫助你,因為你們中許多人感覺與世界或其中正在發生的事情不一致。請記住,你總是可以選擇如何應對世界上發生的任何事情,並記住你有援助。作為個人和一個集體的你們所有人周圍有很多幫助者,他們只想看到你在這一生中進化和提升。現在是時候更多地關注當前的能量,而不是世界上正在發生的事情。


As you tune in to the help that you are receiving, to the support and the love that is all around you, that’s when you realize that you can do anything. You can create anything, and you can be anything that you want to be in this lifetime and for your fellow humans. Now is a time when more people than ever before are focusing on becoming leaders themselves, because people of planet Earth recognize the need for new blood to be infused into old systems. You recognize that you have something to offer humanity as the individual that you are right now. 


You know as the Awakened Collective that there is something very powerful that is happening on your planet right now and that all who are awake are looking for unity. They are looking to be unified, and while some are looking in the wrong places, those of you who know you are the right leadership will step up. You will be able to take humanity to that next level of consciousness. We know it, we see it, we feel it, and we feel the spike in your overall frequency as a result of it.


We are very happy to say that everything is going perfectly there on Earth, as there still need to be challenges that you face in order to get you to rise up and be your best and whole selves. This is not the time to throw in the towel or decide that humanity is doomed. This is the time to become the leaders that you were born to be and to lead by example. Show everyone else there on Earth what you are made of. Show them your heart. Show them the love that you have for them and for all humans and all beings, and you will find that a group gathers around you pretty quickly when that is your approach.

If every one of you who feels the desire to lead takes that initial step after receiving this message, you will be the grass roots movement that reminds humans that they are all one and that they are all Source. You will be the one who reminds all humans that the purpose of life is to love one another, and you will bring humanity into the golden age of ascension. And prior to that, you will see the age of extra-terrestrial contact coming to fruition, and you will be one of the ones who brings it about more quickly, if you respond to that call that is coming to you from within right now.
如果你們每個人都渴望領導,在收到這個信息後邁出第一步,你們將成為草根運動,提醒人類他們都是一體的,他們都是源頭。 你將提醒所有人類生命的目的是彼此相愛,你將把人類帶入提升的黃金時代。 在此之前,你會看到與外星人接觸的時代即將實現,如果你現在回應來自內部的呼喚,你將成為更快實現它的人之一。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





傳導:Daniel Scranton



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