No Matter What Happens, You Need to Remember This ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


no matter what happens, remember this - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 


We are very impressed with the way that humanity continues to evolve, continues to grow spiritually, and we continue to look for all the various ways in which you are improving yourselves and becoming your fifth-dimensional higher selves. One of the ways that you do this is by focusing within yourself and looking for that which is good, that which is love and light, when there is something going on outside of you that is not to your liking. When you know that looking at a particular problem, or certain information, is going to bring you down, and then you choose not to look in that direction, and instead you choose to feel for the truth of who you really are, you grow. You become more of your true self.


You demonstrate to all who are paying any attention that you know you are unconditional love. You can be the love that you truly are in any and all circumstances and conditions. You don’t need to wait until there is someone standing in front of you who is lovable to get you to that place. You don’t need to wait until some cute, furry animal crosses your path to feel that love inside of you. You definitely don’t have to wait until love is being showered upon you before you feel it. Trust us when we say that love is constantly being showered upon you, but you don’t always feel it. 


You’re not aware of how much love there is for you most of the time, and yet you can still go within and find that love at the portal to Source that exists at the center of your heart, and you can do that no matter what’s going on in the outside world. Anything that you want to be happening in your life that isn’t happening is not an impediment to you being the love that you truly are. Anything that you are experiencing in your life that is an issue, a problem, anything that is troubling to you, none of those things are a good enough reason to take your attention off of the truth of who you really are as unconditional love. When you come across some upsetting news, some world event that could get all of your attention and that could bring you down, you must choose love over fear, worry, or sadness. When you are choosing love, you are also choosing compassion. 
大多數時候你不知道有多少愛朝向你,但你仍然可以進入內在,在存在於心之中央的源頭入口處找到愛,無論外面的世界發生了什麼你都可以做到 。任何你想在生活中發生但沒有發生的事情都不會妨礙你成為真正的愛。任何你在生活中遇到的問題、任何困擾你的事情,都不足以成為讓你從無條件的愛中轉移注意力的充分理由。 當你遇到一些令人不安的消息,一些可能引起你所有注意、並讓你失望的世界性事件時,你必須選擇愛而不是恐懼、擔憂或悲傷。 當你選擇愛時,你也在選擇慈悲。


And so, if something truly bad is happening out there to other people and you become aware of it, you don’t have to turn away, not completely. You can feel your compassion and send your love without making it the new topic that you are following obsessively on your phone or computer. You can be aware of problems that are going on in the outside world and still live your life without letting those problems consume you. If the amount of plastic that is currently in your oceans was on your mind constantly as you went about your day on dry land, you would have a hard time living your life joyously or contributing anything to society, because you would be in that lower vibration that focusing on that particular issue is sure to put you in.


And so, you must take care of yourselves if you are going to be of value. If you are going to be of service to others, you must take care of your vibration so that every person you meet throughout your day is uplifted by you and your presence. Someone you know in your life right now might be mourning. They might be going through the hardest thing they’ve ever had to go through, and you can still be there for that person without going there vibrationally with them. You don’t have to try to cheer them up or convince them that there is a better way of looking at the situation or thinking about it. You can allow someone else to be in their sadness without joining them in that sadness.


Your compassion can come from a place of just feeling okay, because certainly having a lot of sad people around you could bring you down, and you just have to ask yourself the question of, ‘Is it really going to help them if I join them in their sadness?’ You can do more good for those around you who are suffering by not suffering, because you will subtly and unconsciously be sending them an invitation to join you in a better feeling place. 


The world needs balance. And so, if one person is sad, there has to be another person who is happy. The happy feeling person doesn’t have to feel guilty that they too are not sad, because they will have their turn to be sad. Everyone will get the opportunity to feel everything at some point in their lives. And once you all do feel everything there on Earth, then you have the capacity to choose. 


If there is something going on in your life right now, or in the world outside of you, that could get your attention and could cause you to worry about it, you have to ask yourself whether worrying about it has ever helped. You certainly can think of instances in your life when not thinking about the problem has been precisely what was needed to bring the solution. Remember that the next time you start to go down a road that would take you to a lower-vibrational place, and remember that you always have a choice, especially on a world like Earth where there are so many choices. We support you no matter what you choose, and yet we always invite you to the light, to the love that you truly are, and we nudge you in the direction of joy.
如果你現在的生活中或你之外的世界發生了什麼事,可能會引起你的注意並讓你擔心它,你必須問問自己擔心它是否有幫助。你當然可以想到生活中沒有考慮問題的實例,而這正是解決問題所需要的。 請記住,下一次你開始走上一條將帶你到一個低振動的地方的道路時,請記住你總是有選擇,尤其是在像地球這樣有很多選擇的世界上。 無論選擇什麼,我們都支持你們,但我們始終邀請你進入光明,進入真正的愛,我們將你推向快樂的方向。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





傳導:Daniel Scranton



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