Blue Angels (and Seraphim) via Galaxygirl | October 24, 2022


Listen to the stillness within. There you will hear your voice. There you will most strongly feel your connection with Source, the Almighty one. We serve the Almighty in the inner most sanctuaries of the heart of hearts of the All that is, the All that will be and the All that ever was. For we are within this presence of the All, of the Ultimate, and we are not singed by this light, but are rejuvenated within the throne room. We see the occurrences on your world and we lend our light now. You will feel some of our blue energy now flow into you. It may feel like a zap or a jolt. (I am seeing electric blue lightning everywhere).
聆聽內心的寧靜。在那裡你會聽到你的聲音。在那裡,你會最強烈地感受到你與源頭,全能的一的聯繫。我們在萬有之心、將要存在的萬有和曾經存在的萬有之心的內心深處為全能者服務。因為我們在這個萬有、終極的存在中,我們沒有被這光照亮,而是在寶座室內重新煥發活力。我們看到了你們世界上發生的事情,我們現在提供我們的光。你會感覺到我們的一些藍色能量現在流入你。它可能會感覺像是砰砰聲或震動。 (我到處都看到藍色閃電)。


We are the Blue Angels. We like to think of ourselves as the Special Ops Angels, and we have been called in to lend our talent, service and abilities. The time, humans and starseeds, wayshowers, beloved ones, the time is very close. (I am seeing diamonds and prism light). You are becoming living diamonds. Your world is no longer what it once was and will be unrecognizable when all is completed. We obey fervently the wishes of the ever-loving Divine flow that guides our hearts and directs our decisions. We are tactical in our love, in our power. We are not to be trifled with. The time of games is ended for this realm. The Almighty has spoken.
我們是藍天使。我們喜歡把自己想像成特種作戰天使,我們被召喚來提供我們的才能、服務和能力。時間,人類和星際種子,引路人,摯愛的一們,時間非常接近。 (我看到鑽石和棱鏡光)。你正在成為活的鑽石。你們的世界不再是從前的樣子,當一切都完成後,你們的世界將變得截然不同。我們熱切地服從引導我們的心和指導我們決定的永恆慈愛的神聖之流的願望。在我們的愛中,在我們的力量中,我們是戰術性的。我們不可輕視。這個領域的遊戲時間結束了。全能者說話了。


(I am seeing massive blue angels that glow electric blue, with unbelievable body physiques dressed in full battle gear. They are very, very big. And very intimidating.) You will feel our energy grow as our approach continues. We send our energy first so that you will be able to withstand it. The higher vibrational energies will not stop flooding your realm until the great awakening, the great remembering, and the great leveling occurs. We are here to facilitate a smooth transition, for you are so loved. You are the beloved of the heart of God. Do you still doubt your importance? You light warriors, you have been sent on this mission. We are in charge of your ultimate safety and deliverance into the new realm. No harm. No fear.


We are the Blue Angels. The time approaches. Your battle gear is your faith, your tenacity. (I am seeing them surround Earth, and some of them are the size of the Earth. They are forming a grid of blue light around her. Good grief, they look like Thor.)
我們是藍天使。時間臨近。你的戰鬥裝備就是你的信念,你的堅韌。 (我看到它們圍繞著地球,其中一些有地球那麼大。它們在她周圍形成了一個藍光網格。天哪,它們看起來像雷神。)


We are the Blue Angels. Do not let our appearances frighten you, galaxygirl. (They are smiling.) We are here to serve and protect at the supreme command of the All. And so we are lending our light. We do not leave the throne room often. We are here now for the energies of the throne room are now more fully bathing your planet. We hope that you can open up to feel this more completely, more exquisitely. For in these times of apparent darkness there is the ultimate triumph of the light. The light has won. We are harnessing it to this reality now. The grid is stable. The light is harnessed. The love is ever flowing. The darkness is defeated. You will see echos of the game around you. Do not give it your energy. Do not feed the dying beast. Its time is over and its energies are being very much removed. Very much.
我們是藍天使。不要讓我們的外表嚇到你,銀河女孩。 (他們在微笑。)我們來這裡是為了在萬有的最高指揮下服務與保護。所以我們正在憑藉著光。我們不經常離開寶座室。我們現在在這裡是因為王座室的能量現在更充分地沐浴著你們的星球。我們希望你能敞開心扉,更完整、更細膩地感受這一點。因為在這些明顯黑暗的時代,光明最終取得了勝利。光贏了。我們現在正在利用它來實現這一現實。網格穩定。光被利用了。愛永遠在流動。黑暗被打敗了。你會看到你周圍的遊戲的迴聲。不要給它你的能量。不要餵養垂死的野獸。它的時代已經結束,它的能量正在被大量移除。


We are the Blue Angels. We are the right and left hands of the Almighty. We do the divine bidding of the Eternal One. (Their eyes are pure fire. I have never seen angels like this. It is unbelievable. I am about an inch tall to them. Holy smokes! They are laughing at my reaction.) And this is why we do not casually stroll to your planet, galaxygirl. We are large in size, and our presence is impactful. Impact, and grounding of this new grid of our over-lighting blue light is our gift today, to you, to Gaia. We are now here in service until this is full completed and fully operational. We thank you for your service as well, and for your tenacity, faith and perseverance. This has not been an easy assignment. Many obstacles and curves in your path you have had to endure, and yet, here you are. Humanity, we salute you, this day. This day is a day of remembrance. This is the day our blue light was anchored into Gaia.
我們是藍天使。我們是全能者的左右手。我們遵從永恆者的神聖命令。 (他們的眼睛是純粹的火。我從來沒有見過這樣的天使。難以置信。我對他們來說大約一英寸高。神聖的煙霧!他們笑著我的反應。)這就是為什麼我們不隨便漫步到你的星球,銀河少女。我們的規模很大,我們的存在是有影響力的。這個新的過度照明藍光網格的影響和接地是我們今天的禮物,給你,給蓋亞。我們現在在這裡服務,直到完全完成並完全投入使用。我們也感謝你的服務,以及你的堅韌、信念和毅力。這不是一個容易的任務。在你們的道路上,不得不忍受許多障礙和彎道,然而,你就在這裡。人類,這一天,我們向你致敬。這一天是紀念日。這是我們的藍光被錨定到蓋亞的那一天。

We are the Blue Angles. You may see more blue light in your skies, you may feel it in your energetic bodies, for we are breathing a little bit of our blue light onto you now, be blessed. Feel the throne room and know that the intricacies of this mission are completely fool proof. Completely. It is done. We are the Blue Angels.
我們是藍天使。 你可能會在天空中看到更多的藍光,你可能會在充滿活力的身體中感受到它,因為我們現在正在向你呼吸一點點藍光,祝福。 感受王座室,知道這個任務的複雜性完全是萬無一失的。 完全地。 它完成了。 我們是藍天使。


We are the Seraphim, over-lighting and sending our cooling wings of light to cool the energetics that were just brought forth, to comfort your systems and assist with the energetic integration. Breathe this deep within. Integrate. Breathe. Cool your systems. This electric blue flame you have experienced must be integrated peacefully. We recommend that you breathe in the stillness for a few moments and be at peace. We love you so. We are the Seraphim.
我們是塞拉芬(六翼天使),沐浴光中並發送我們冷卻的光翼來冷卻剛剛產生的能量,安慰你的系統並協助能量整合。深呼吸。 整合。 呼吸。 冷卻你的系統。你所經歷過的這道帶電藍色火焰,一定要和平融合。 我們建議你在靜止中呼吸片刻,並保持平靜。 我們如此愛你。 我們是塞拉芬(六翼天使)。

~ galaxygirl








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