What is the grand vision that you have for your life? What experience beyond anything else do you choose for yourself in this moment? Choose it.
You are here to choose the experiences that you want to have for you, and anything and everything, dear master, is possible for you. When you really come into this level of consciousness and awareness, that vision is aligned with the truth of who you are, that vision is your soul’s desire, that vision is the deep wish of your human. And we assure you, you are here to experience it. And if you would just see the journey from where you are to living that grandest vision as the best, juiciest, most entertaining part of the movie, well, then this starts to get really, really fun for you.
When you go to a movie, you typically already know what’s going to happen. Just by the name of the movie and the trailer, you know. You may have even seen it before. You may have even had someone tell you exactly what happens in the end. You may have read the book. Why do you go watch the movie? For entertainment. What’s the entertaining part? The whole journey that leads up to the climax or the pinnacle or the happily ever after or the captivating ending. What entertains you all along the way is all the adventures and the experiences leading up to that big climactic moment. You understand?
That’s when this life experience starts to become really, really fun for you. You can even play the little game as if the announcer’s in the background. Oh, here she goes again, creating little obstacles to keep herself stuck. How silly. You can have some fun with all of this.
Most all of it that keeps you stuck, that creates frustration and resistance, all of it comes back to thoughts that you’re thinking and habits you’ve created that are just silly little ways that you play this game with yourself, thinking it’ll make it more fun, and maybe it does, but what really begins to make it fun is playing your role, writing and rewriting the script if you choose. You can cast new characters. You can create new scenes. You could take one storyline and play out all different sorts of ways that the same storyline could possibly go.
You’re writing the script. You’re casting the characters. You’re giving the grand performance. Have fun, and absolutely welcome the opportunity for the celebration of your grand performance. The Academy Awards, you’re going to step on the stage and give your great victory speech. There’s going to be a big party after. You’re going to get a trophy. Everyone’s going to be calling, offering you even more amazing scripts and parts to play, and maybe even more money too. It’s fun if you allow it to be. If you can see this all for what it is, oh, well, it’s so fun. All that’s left to do is play and create as the Isness of All That Is that is you.
And in your movie, where you have cast the supporting actors or actresses that are also playing out the parts in the script just exactly as it’s written, you would remember that they’re just playing a role alongside of you as a supporting actor or actress in this incredible performance, also winning awards for their best supporting performances. They’re not really the troubled person or child. They’re not really the lost soul. They’re not really the poor victim. They’re not really the villain. They’re Source. They are an extension of Source energy just like you. They’re the Divine just like you. They are Creator within their own creation just like you. They are infinitely worthy, and they too are divine love just as you.
Now, is all of this way more fun when you know who you are, when you’re awakened and realized and living as a master? Oh, of course it is. Of course, it is. It’s so much more fun, so much more fun.
Any time you are denying another’s power, in that moment you are denying your own. In any moment you are denying another’s worthiness, you are denying your own. In any moment when you are denying love for another, you are denying your own. And you can replace that with any other word. Any moment you’re denying someone’s beauty, you are denying your own. Any time you are denying someone’s abundance or wellbeing, you are denying in that moment or not connected and allowing your own abundance and wellbeing.
Everyone is an incredible master. And again, it’s merely a reflection. It’s never really about them, it’s always about you.
Whatever it is, it’s all an opportunity for you to come back into the moment and align with your wholeness, your perfection, your worthiness, your power, and the love that you are, and then take that into everything that you do as you follow the energy and let the light guide the way and do the things that bring you joy and do the things you love.
傳導:Sara Landon