

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth!  I'M MARIA!

It is with great joy, with much Light, that I am here once again.  The last time we met was in the great Meditation of Love, and be sure that great sphere of Pink Light placed around the planet, is getting bigger every day.  Why expanding?  Because in some parts of the planet the energy of Light placed in this great wait is consumed by regions that are emanating a lot of pain, a lot of suffering.

Then all that Love energy is consumed, counteracting the non-light energy.  And at these points our work has been intense.  It is as if a great team of beings were placed in these places amplifying the sending of the energy of Love.  It is not an easy job, my sons and daughters, because the energy of the forces contrary to the Light is powerful, and it quickly consumes the energy of Love.

But we will never give up and we have managed to move forward.  Very soon your entire planet will be with this great sphere of Rose Ray fully created, and emanating only Love, and it will not have any opposing force energy that will shake it any more because we will have done a beautiful job, and then your planet will be ready for the big turn.  We don't want to create expectations.  You have been waiting a long time.  There are always those who give dates, who say the months.  Why don't dates work?

We don't live, we don't work, with your timeline;  We work in the here and now.  Everything that happens, we are acting, we are fixing, we are expanding, and everything is very unstable.  Sometimes the population of the planet is happy for some reason, sometimes everyone is sad for a global reason, and we follow the same pace, because every time you globally become sad our work increases, and it becomes longer.  So how can we give dates?  There are no dates for us.

We know the work we need to do and we are doing it, now don't expect us to give a date, a moment.  Just, each one of you who is already awake, try to keep yourself elevated, vibrating love, vibrating Light, because in these cases you can be sure that you are collaborating so that everything goes faster.

Do not be carried away by the news of strange or absurd things happening on your planet.  Attempts to unbalance continue and will continue until the last ruling being of no light is removed from the planet.  In the meantime, everything will continue, because they manipulate the news and events on your planet;  and the great mass allows itself to be involved exactly as they want.  That's why our work is almost never ending, because we raise the vibration, you lower it;  we raise, you lower.

There are always those more resistant hearts that ask us: “But wait, you have power, why don't you use it?”  Because we have respect for you;  respect for free will.  So we will continue in this game of: you dig a hole, we cover it up;  you open, we cover.  Until the day you realize you shouldn't have digged the hole, then our work will be over.

Of course we know that Gaia will ascend.  The time will come when Gaia will ascend, and whoever is ready will go with her.  Now we cannot simply force humanity to take the actions we want.  It is exhausting work for you to keep yourself balanced, to influence other people to balance themselves as well.  How many do this on the planet?  Very few.

So the great mass keeps pulling the planet back, and that's where our power really comes in, because it's like we hold the planet back so it doesn't recoil.  So we are all the time pushing the planet forward, and you are pushing against it.  It's not an easy process.  If we were human, we would have already given up, but our Unconditional Love is immense, inexhaustible, and we work in its time, minute by minute, pulling people forward;  contaminating every little heart that we can.

The Light comes to the planet, with intensity, with great intensity, and this Light contaminates hearts, and each one who allows himself to be contaminated helps us to move forward.  Now there are those blocked hearts, black hearts, that the Light does not penetrate, and these push the planet back, because until this moment, they have leadership positions in their countries.  But their time is coming.

The time will come when we will put an end to everything.  This moment has not yet arrived, but it is very close;  we know it's close.  Not that we are tired of fighting, but the brothers around your planet are already exhausted from so much struggle, from maintaining balance and positive forces on the planet.  They are not around your planet just on vacation or cruising around in their ships.  Each galactic little brother that is around this planet, takes most of the day, emanating Unconditional Love, emanating Light to every little brother of this planet;  and they are tired, everyone is tired.

It is a long time of struggle, and it seems to us sometimes that you don't want anything to happen, that you want to continue living in this world of pain and suffering.  But we know what Father/Mother God wants;  and Father/Mother God wants to free this planet, he wants to free the people of this planet.  Then we will start a new phase, the phase of truth, where everyone will be able to effectively choose the side they want to stay on.  There will be no more deception.  There will be no more lies, and we can say, and we have said this, this phase is very close.

There is very little left for us to reach the energy necessary for it to happen.  No more waiting for the sweet spot between you.  We will do our part.  The “Big Day” will happen, but it is not just one day.  When we say “The Big Day” is a big period, we don't have the notion of day.  It will be a time, a time where the truths will gradually come to light, and each one will be able to gradually become aware of the path they want to follow.
只剩很少的工作來到達所需的能量讓它發生了。不用再等待最佳擊球位置。我們會做我們的工作。 “好日子”會到來,但它不只是一天。當我們說“好日子”,它是一段時期。真像會漸漸被揭示,每個人能夠漸漸清楚自己想要跟隨的道路。

It won't be all at once.  The truths will come and they will not be easy so they will be slow.  Some are already showing up.  You don't know it, but it has already happened, and when the time is right you will know, it will come to you.  The process has already begun, but effectively communicating everything still takes a little while, but it is close, very close, and not in our time, which is the here and now, but in your time.

But don't get your hopes up;  expectations cause disappointments, and that's not good.  Just live every minute, every moment with Love in your hearts, wanting everyone to know the truth.  Follow the Journey and you will see that by the end a lot will have happened.




傳導:Anjos e Luz Terapias



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