Bethulia via Galaxygirl | June 19, 2021

Bethulia 6/19/2021

(I am seeing a green planet that is bursting with life, covered in all shades of green. The air is fragrant and filled with life.) I am Bethulia. I am watching your progress upon my sister planet, Gaia. We are energetically linked for we have had similar experiences in many ways. I have ascended beyond my pain and I am assisting with sending my love to your planet, my dear friend, moment by moment. We planetary grid members are banding together more and more to offer our support and love for you and for Gaia, for we are like the neurons in your brain. We are always firing messages to each other and together create a pulsing white grid of light, of interdimensional consciousness and deep community.
(我看到了一顆生機勃勃的綠色星球,覆蓋著各種綠色。空氣芬芳,充滿生機。)我是 Bethulia。我正在看著你在我的姊妹星球蓋亞上的進步。我們在很多方面都有類似的經歷,因此我們充滿活力地聯繫在一起。我已經超越了我的痛苦,我正在將我的愛發送到你的星球,每時每刻,親愛的朋友。我們行星網格成員越來越多地團結在一起,為你和蓋亞提供支持和愛,因為我們就像你大腦中的神經元。我們總是互相發送信息,並共同創造一個脈動的白色光網格、跨維度意識和深層社區。


I am Bethulia, planet of the heart, offering my waves of unconditional love and intergalactic consciousness to you Gaians now and most specifically to my energetic sister, Gaia. I am an older planet. I was an apt participant in hiding the galactic refugees that needed relocation options during the intergalactic wars and skirmishes. I am filled with extremely large inter-dimensional crystals that fill my core with the Christed light consciousness, that fill me up deeply with love from Source. I have much love. I am a planet of love and deep healing. I offer my planetary energies to you now, unabridged and unbridled, untamed. All is healing on your sphere in due time and that time is most quickly approaching when the great split, the great separation of that which is love and that which is not love will be revealed, so that it can be healed. You reading this have tremendous potential and opportunities to spiritually expand and expound upon these most vast inner truths, for all will be made well aware of the shenanigans upon your sphere and much healing will be needed. We planetary matrix keepers are forwarding our light and love rapidly, vastly, and with extreme surgical precision. This will be much like a love surgery. I use these terms for my channel is of the medical profession and is aware of how even a tenth of a millimeter makes a difference. We are sending love beams to you now, we of the planetary grid. I Bethulia am an old and wise member, just like the wrinkled grandmother that we are showing this one, full of smiles, full of love, full of a little bit of mischief when needed to lighten the hearts of those who surround.
我是心之星 Bethulia,現在向你們蓋亞人提供我無條件的愛和星際意識的波浪,尤其是我充滿活力的姊妹蓋亞。我是一個更古老的星球。我是隱藏在星際戰爭和小規模衝突期間需要重新安置的銀河難民的合適參與者。我充滿了極大的跨維度晶體,它們用基督的光意識填充了我的核心,讓我深深地充滿了來自源頭的愛。我有很多愛。我是一顆充滿愛和深度療癒的星球。我現在將我的行星能量提供給你,無節制、無節制、未馴服。一切都在適當的時候在你的球體上得到治癒,那個時候最迅速接近,當大分裂,愛和非愛的大分離將被揭示,這樣它就可以被治癒。閱讀本文的妳具有巨大的潛力和機會,可以在精神上擴展和闡述這些最廣闊的內在真相,因為所有人都將清楚地意識到妳領域內的惡作劇,並且需要大量治療。我們行星矩陣守護者正在快速、廣泛地、以極高的精確度傳遞我們的光和愛。這將很像一場愛的手術。我使用這些術語表示我的頻道屬於醫學專業,並且知道即使十分之一毫米也會產生影響。我們現在正在向你們發送愛的光束,我們來自行星網格。我 Bethulia 是一位年長而睿智的成員,就像我們展示的那個滿臉皺紋的祖母一樣,充滿笑容,充滿愛意,在需要點亮周圍人的心時充滿了一點點惡作劇。


But grandmothers can be fierce and strong too, of this I am well aware. For when one’s voice has been honed over time and one is aware and in touch with their higher self, one has had ample time to hone and get in touch with their inner power, their inner light. Our inner lights are shining on you, dear ones, dearest warriors of the greatest tenacity. Thank you. Thank you for caring for my sister, Gaia. I say sister, for she is. We have known each other a long time. We are from the same breath of the Mother’s creation. We were once both very bright green before her water came out of balance in an attempt to energetically balance things on her surface. She was much more green. More water was inside of her. She was greener from space. She will realign. Do not be afraid. Many of you will be inside or outside looking down upon her as she heals, that is a long ways off, but time is relative. You are talking with a very old, extremely old planet and so time means little to me. But I am deeply involved in my own way with Gaia. I have been her mentor, her energetic support, one of many. We all love Gaia.



I am Bethulia. I am far and yet nearby. I am within reach of a powerhouse intergalactic gateway. Your sector is so popular with the travelers because of the massive super-galactic gateway that is very nearby your sun, in fact your sun is an aspect of this portal. You will begin to see ships coming through your sun more commonly. Our energies, because of this intergalactic super highway, are able to flow, to funnel, to bathe you all with higher dimensional light. (I am seeing an ice cream cone with a pointed end tripping drops of ice cream.) We are funneling our love and light from all of our spaces to you, but now it is more than a drip, dear. You are being washed in ice cream of the higher dimensional love light! That is why you feel so clobbered and have had so many ascension symptoms of late.
我是Bethulia。我很遠卻又很近。我在一個強大的星際門戶附近。你的星區在旅行者中如此受歡迎,因為它離你的太陽很近,實際上你的太陽是這個門戶的一個方面。你會開始更頻繁地看到船隻穿過你的太陽。我們的能量,因為這條星際高速公路,能夠流動、匯集、用更高維度的光沐浴你們。 (我正在看到一個帶有尖頭的冰淇淋甜筒,上面滴著冰淇淋。)我們正在將我們所有空間的愛和光匯集到你身上,但現在它不僅僅是一滴,親愛的。你被洗在更高維度愛之光的冰淇淋裡!這就是為什麼你感覺如此不堪重負,並且最近有如此多的揚昇症狀。


I am Bethulia. I love my sweet sister, Gaia and I love those upon her. Much like the star network that this one has communicated with before, the planets of course have our energetic network that we offer. Creator planned exquisitely to further utilize this super galactic highway to further hone energies by pulling all of those energies of the higher dimensional planets and higher dimensional gateways into a funnel of light to further bathe this sector that has grown so full of cobwebs into pure light. (I am seeing cobwebs dissolve into light by a blast of light. I am seeing vortexes of wormholes being filled with plasma-prism light surrounding Gaia, dancing into a beautiful spiral of light around her.)
我是Bethulia。我愛我可愛的姊妹蓋亞,我愛在她之上的事物。就像這個人之前與之通信的恆星網絡一樣,行星當然也有我們提供的能量網絡。造物主精心計劃,通過將更高維度行星和更高維度門戶的所有能量拉入光漏斗中,進一步利用這條超級銀河高速公路進一步磨練能量,以進一步將這個充滿蜘蛛網的部門沐浴成純光。 (我看到蜘蛛網被一道光波溶解成光。我看到蟲洞的漩渦充滿了圍繞蓋亞的等離子棱鏡光,在她周圍跳舞,成為美麗的光螺旋。)


I am Bethulia, green planet of higher dimensional love and healing, energetic sister to Gaia and long time mentor. I am so honored to have shared this journey and experience with you, with Gaia. I send my energies of deep emerald green to you now. Feel my heart. Feel my love. Feel your entire bodies being awash with green. This is the best medicine for now. This is who and what you are. You are love, the love of consciousness, the creativity of love in form. Feel the heat expand in your heart space. You are being activated. Feel the spin in your forehead as it connects with your heart. The mind must connect with the heart. The heart-mind is the new way of logical thinking in this expanding realm. This entire neighborhood of this universal sector is being uplifted, raised higher, expanded, renewed. You are being renewed. (I am feeling tremendous pressure and heat in my heart move up into my head. I am seeing galaxies swirling in my head and have tremendous ringing in my ears, like a bell. I feel like it is the tuning fork frequency of the heart and I am seeing that this love vibration is ringing through space.) Your entire universe is ringing with light, brimming with excitement about what you are about to experience. Little Gaians, I Bethulia, lead member of the intergalactic planetary grid, offer you my love. Whenever you see deep green, think of me. I am filled with crystals, literally! Connect your grounding crystals to my energies and this will assist as well, for it will further bridge the connection. We are uplifting her in every way possible. We love her so. I am Bethulia.
我是 Bethulia,更高維度的愛和治癒的綠色星球,Gaia 充滿活力的姊妹和長期導師。我很榮幸能與你、與蓋亞分享這段旅程和經歷。我現在將我深翠綠色的能量發送給你。感受我的心。感受我的愛。感覺你的整個身體都被綠色所淹沒。這是目前最好的藥物。這就是你是誰,你是什麼。你是愛,意識的愛,愛的形式的創造力。感受熱量在你的心臟空間膨脹。你正在被激活。感受前額的旋轉,因為它與你的心相連。頭腦必須與心相連。在這個不斷擴大的領域中,心智是邏輯思維的新方式。這個通用部門的整個社區正在被提升、提升、擴大、更新。你正在被更新。 (我感到心臟中巨大的壓力和熱量向上移動到我的頭上。我看到星系在我腦海中盤旋,耳邊響起巨大的響聲,就像一個鈴鐺。我覺得這是心臟的音叉頻率,我看到這種愛的振動正在空間中響起。)你的整個宇宙都充滿了光,充滿了對你將要經歷的事情的興奮。小蓋亞人,我 Bethulia,星際行星網格的領導成員,向你獻上我的愛。每當你看到深綠色,就會想起我。從字面上看,我充滿了水晶!將你的接地水晶連接到我的能量,這也將有所幫助,因為它將進一步橋接連接。我們正在以各種可能的方式提升她。我們如此愛她。我是Bethulia。


文章來源: Bethulia via Galaxygirl | June 19, 2021 - Voyages of Light




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