Christine's Message February 2022





How wonderful it has been to immerse myself into the new energetic arena of earth since we entered 2022. I have been bathed in a higher brilliance of myself and the Pleiadians are asking me to bring a daily conscious focus within the expanded space of my multidimensional light that I am currently experiencing through the doorway of my Heart.
自從我們進入 2022 年以來,讓自己沉浸在地球充滿新活力的舞台中是多麼美妙。我沐浴在自己更高的光輝中,昴宿星人要求我在多維光的擴展空間中每日帶來有意識的關注我目前正在通過的心門體驗。
This really entails a strong conscious effort of letting go within the daily moments of living. There are so many moments I am experiencing spaces unfamiliar to me, and so I let go when I have the awareness and continue opening to moments, merging with my higher consciousness light and feeling an expanded sense of liberation and peace.

I have moments of great clarity and then moments of ‘not knowing’. My focused intention is to be consciously aware; even as sometimes the illusion of daily life may appear very strong. In that moment, I let go and open into the vast light, the beauty of truth that simultaneously exists.
我有非常清晰的時刻,然後是“不知道”的時刻。 我專注的意圖是有意識地意識到; 即使有時日常生活的幻覺可能看起來非常強烈。 在那一刻我放手,打開廣闊的光,同時存在的真理之美。

I am aware of my strong creation element in action flowing through my life, and in that sense, I am utilizing the flow to consciously create that which I need and desire for myself in my daily living.

Try not to take life too seriously, move with consciousness when you can and hold your human aspect with love, compassion, and patience. And most importantly of all remember you are not alone. Call forth the support you need now.
試著不要太認真地對待生活,盡可能地用意識移動,用愛、同情和耐心來保持你的人性。 最重要的是記住你並不孤單。 呼喚你此刻需要的支持。


This is a grand adventure that we all share at this sacred time. I am grateful to all of us on the path who have said yes to being here, as we each play our individual and collective roles.
這是我們在這個神聖時刻共同分享的一次大冒險。 我感謝所有在這條道路上對來到這裡表示同意的人,因為我們每個人都扮演著個人和集體的角色。


Love and blessings,







文章來源: Christine's Message February 2022 - Christine Day (




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