

This time of year people often start to think of making new year resolutions. We would like to make a suggestion for you. If you simply commit to allowing yourself to become more of who you really are every single day, you will be moving forward in a very empowered way that will move you consistently into alignment with your truest hopes and dreams.

It is simply about becoming more conscious and allowing your heart to lead the way. One day that may look like being the love. Another day you might feel drawn to make healthier choices to honour the vehicle of your soul. Another day you may feel like enjoying nature and the presence it brings. You might want to meditate, or do art, or sing, or dance, or simply be still. You might be drawn to put your hands in the dirt to garden, or your feet in the dirt to ground. You might be drawn to simple service or discover new gifts and passions that allow you vocational service.

Do you see? It is the simple yet beautiful path of allowing your greatest match to lead the way which supports both your own internal unfoldment as well as the external results of those choices. We encourage you to proceed into the energies of 2022 by being consciously and authentically you, which is exactly what the world needs more of, and by being so all other changes that may be required to support you in your highest life expression will fall naturally into place. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Your sacred mission at this time is to peel back the layers of societal expectation and conditioning to discover the treasure of who you really are. As you allow yourself to settle into your truth and divine essence, you will be able to let your beingness lead the way.

This is essential for you moving forward, because once you are clear on who you are and what matches you, you will be able to very quickly discern what is true for you and what might be true for another but not a match for you. Again and again you will be able to try things on to see if they match your truest intentions, how you wish to express yourself, and where you wish to go. You can’t be a truly conscious creator if you do not know your core truth first.

You don’t need to know all the details of where you are going as you step into the new. You just need to honour your core essence and your energetic preferences. The unfoldment will take care of the rest by the potentials it brings into your awareness. You continue to hone your path by your focus, your gratitude, and saying yes to what is an energetic match for you, one step at a time. This is how you customize your journey into your highest life expression.

To put it in its simplest terms, you have been in the process of coming Home to yourself so you can then begin to create your own heaven on earth, and that is exactly what is possible for you as you step forward into the energies of 2022 and beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Every human being that is prioritizing balance and peace is a stabilizing point on the planet. As more and more of you embody these energies, you create the scaffolding for change.

This does not mean you need to be perfect. Far from it! For even if you lose your balance temporarily, by finding your way back you support others in finding their way back, as well. Realigning with your truth and preference, time and again, is exactly what creates momentum and is driving the shift of humanity that is occurring on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




As you step into the energies of 2022, you will be committing to playing in brand new energies and the Divine Combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust is the perfect navigation system to allow you to shift into those new energies and discover all they have in store for you. The Divine Combination allows you to be a great explorer while being guided through the compass of your soul, which can only bring you truer matches, perfect solutions, and greater experiences.

Isn’t it remarkable that all you have to do is commit to staying in the flow and to be guided into your highest life expression? Are you ready to release the old ways and habits that glorify struggle? Again we tell you deciding to embrace surrender and flow are not in any way giving up into powerlessness, they are giving UP which is an empowering move that activates navigating through your highest self while harnessing the full amount of support and guidance you have available to you, and that is the greatest game changer  you can ever make. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




As many of you consider making New Year’s resolutions, we suggest you simply commit to asking the following question on a daily basis: How can I love myself more?

A complete self love practice contains the following four elements – self care, self acceptance, self acknowledgement, and self respect. These elements work together to provide everything you could possibly need for your expansion and healing, and the embodiment of any desired shift you wish to make in your life.

From the space of a complete self love practice any changes you need to make will be made willingly rather than feeling like a denial of self that you will feel resistant to. It will be a flow that will continually support you in living your highest life expression. Our greatest wish for you moving forward is that you will finally stop holding yourself separate from your own tender care and guidance and commit to supporting yourself in your own glorious unfoldment, one loving choice at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young






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