

Greetings Dear Ones. We are the Pleiadian Council. We would like to speak to you on behalf of Physical Ascension Symptoms many of you are experiencing as you draw closer your upcoming year 2022. You have been pushed by your universal Higherself to work on your spiritual consciousness. Many of you have already begun receiving consistent upgrades to your 6th energetic vortex known as your “3rd eye chakra” as you enter into 2022.

As you have been Awakening and coming into alignment with your true Divine nature, your human bodies are losing density as you shed the layers of your emotional turmoil within your physical vessel. This creates a rewiring of your physical and energetic nervous system. The energetics of your year 2022 have designed to stimulate physical metamorphosis of your human form, so that you may physically sustain form within Earths 5th dimensional template.
當你甦醒,與你真正的神聖本質對齊,你的人類身體會失去稠密,隨著你擺脫物理器具中的情感混亂層面。這會讓你的身體與神經系統重新配線。 2022的能量被設計來推進人類形態的蛻變,這樣你可以在地球的五維模版中維持物理形態。

With many physical changes being made to your human vessel, feelings of electricity moving throughout your body mainly legs, neck and shoulder areas, stiffness in joints and lower back are commonly experienced. The constant feeling of needing to stretch your body and limbs. As you release old energy this creates pressure and stress within your muscles creating tension and muscle spasms. Many of you are having feelings of drained energy. As your physical transformation takes place much of your energy will be centered around physical metamorphosis, leaving you feeling fatigue during your days and restless hours during the night. On the other side of 2022 ascension energetics many of you will be experiencing heighten states of consciousness, higherself unification, excessive amounts of energy with heighten states of spontaneous creativity.
伴隨著人類器具的許多變化,電流的感受會貫穿你的身體,主要是腿部、脖子和肩膀,關節和腰部的僵硬會是常見的。會總是想要去伸展你的身體和四肢。隨著你釋放舊的能量,這會在你的肌肉中創造壓力,引起肌肉痙攣。你們許多人在擁有精力耗盡的感受。隨著你的身體轉變發生,你的很多能量會用於身體的蛻變,讓你在白天以及夜間感到疲憊。 2022能量的另一方面,你們許多人會體驗到增強的意識狀態、更高自我的聯合、伴隨著增強的自發的創造力而來的精力過剩。

The energetic light coded frequencies scheduled to integrate within your planetary system throughout your year 2022 have also been designed to amplify activations awaken your 6th energy vortex for those of you on the Ascension journey. Inability to sleep will be heighten due to your consciousness adjusting to higher frequencies. Frequent headaches, inability to focus, scattered thoughts, blurred vision, temporary memory loss, light sensitivity, and sound sensitivity is to be expected. Fear not as these Ascension symptoms are temporary, yet necessary for your physical metamorphosis to recalibrate into higher frequencies.

Valuable advice we give you to cope with these symptoms is your Awareness. Awareness is the key, your body is always talking to you sending you signals and directions on how to properly care for yourself. Your awareness is needed to guide your physical vessel as you move into higher dimensions within yourself and your reality as each and everyone of you will require different adjustments to your personal self care requirements.

Self care and hydration purification is of upmost importance throughout your year 2022 as it plays a significant role in not only maintaining vibrant health but also the cleansing of debris within your physical vehicle. There are exciting times ahead as we have been observing your ascension very closely, you have come so far on your journey Dear Ones…

We send each and everyone of you Our unconditional, undivided Love as we close this transmission. Your services to the Earth is Honored, We Thank you.





傳導:Parallel Brittnie


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