The specialty of the Divine Combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, is leading you to the answers, solutions, and next steps you may not be aware of right now. Is the tool to use when you don’t know how to proceed and have exhausted the potentials that are already available to you. Dear Ones, if you are in a space of not knowing, we highly recommend you activate the Divine Combination by surrendering into the flow and staying there with your faith and trust, and let it lead you out of the woods. If you have already tried everything else you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving it a chance. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Employing the Divine Combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust is taking the expansion and support you feel in your meditation practice and consciously incorporating it into your day to day life. It is choosing to experience the guidance and connection you feel in meditation as more of a constant. It is taking the alignment you feel in meditation and expanding it into a preferred operating system. It is allowing your highest self to infuse all areas of your life, and that, Dear Ones, is embodiment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
You are currently in the process of releasing the old and retrieving any parts of you that were attached to those expired roles and stories. You might imagine it as having had cords with hooks into all kinds of different roles and themes and agreements that are now wrapping up. Slowly but surely over the past two years you have been unhooking from those energies and coming back to a state of neutrality indicating a state of completion with that particular phase. Since the cords and hooks no longer have any energetic charge, support, or meaning to them, you can simply step over the pile and leave them behind as remnants of the past.
This does not necessarily mean you will leave everyone behind in your dust! Far from it. The profound shifting of relationships that occurs from the release of karma and soul agreements means if you choose to continue forward together it is now by choice and preference rather than duty. This will give all of your connections a much lighter, freer feel.
Allow your endings understanding that they are making room for profound new beginnings. On a soul level, many of you have been reevaluating what you wish to truly leave behind and what you wish to continue on with. The key here is what you wish to take with you must shift into sustainability in the energies of the new. It is that shift that will allow much more mastery and empowered creation than ever before, and that is exactly what your soul is so excited to experience and explore.
So call back any energy that you feel you may have left behind in the old, allow it to reintegrate into your body。, and turn to embrace where your soul is beckoning you to go. You might think of it like you have done every last thing you could possibly do in one stage of a video game and you are ready to level up. Let the old stories go for they really don’t have much to offer you anymore, Dear Ones, and allow the next phase to unfold in new and glorious ways that reflect the deep work you have done.~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Today we are going to ask you to take a moment of introspection and clarity and identify any old stories you’ve been carrying with you for years. Do you still think that is really the only truth for you or do you hold onto that story out of habit? Is it empowering to you or serving you in any way? Would an empowered person hold that story as their truth?
Many of you are coming to the point of completion of old themes that are ready to be left behind before you step into the new. There is great wisdom in examining and consciously releasing these relics of the past before you reach the magical save point of your upcoming solstice.
What else is possible for you from this new space of awareness? How much lighter would you feel if you just let that old story go? Can you imagine it like a balloon that you can simply let go and watch float away? The release process doesn’t need to be complicated. It simply involves identifying what no longer serves you, thanking it, (the words thank you always indicate the end of a transaction), and then giving it up to the heavens to be fully transmuted.
If you feel like you need energetic assistance to release it, there are legions of angels and helpers who would be honoured to meet that request. But we wish for you, more than anything, to understand you are masters of your own energetics and your intention and declaration for it be so is more than enough.
After the past two years of life review you have been engaging in, you are well supported and ready for this last push of releasing the old. Let it go, allow the solstice to lock in your progress, and commit to letting your life to get as big and beautiful as it wants to be. It is truly possible to soar when you allow yourself to let go of the anchors of the old. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, we would like to offer you an energetic blessing today to assist you with the final shifts you are moving through as you prepare to step into the energies of 2022.
Simply still yourselves for a moment and with your inner voice, state your intention to receive our blessing. You may feel tingles on the head. You may feel heart expansion. You may feel a minty sensation under your nose or a cooling on your chest. You may hear ringing in the ears. You may feel momentarily teary. All of this is absolutely wonderful!
You may sit in the energy as long as feels good to you, and you may ask to receive it as many times as you like. And if you have felt nothing at all, it does not mean that you did not receive our blessing! It just means the best way for you to receive it was the subtlest way, but make no mistake, it is settling into your energetics as beautifully and efficiently as it is for those who have a stronger physical experience of it. If it makes you feel better, you can always ask for a sign that you have received our blessing. Keep your eyes open for a little piece of magic to present itself to you as confirmation, and it will surely come.
Allow us to love and guide you. Allow us to make our presence known to you. Allow us to experience this glorious shift on the planet through you and with you, as your devoted servants and biggest cheerleaders. You are loved and honoured through it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young