Dear Ones, another aspect of flow we wish for you to understand is the flow that exists between you in the physical and the higher dimensions. You will connect above, and then integrate below. Again it is that wondrous and multi-faceted flow serving you, supporting you in connecting into higher vibrational energies, receiving downloads, and then assimilating them into your body. It is also flow that allows old energy and belief systems to leave your body, making room for the new. Do you see? Flow is not anything you need to control or direct but rather a system of divine intelligence that is already in place that can only serve you in your embodiment process. ~Archangel Gabriel
You are well aware the 2020 was a year of energetic amplification. Why not use this to your advantage? If there is something you wish to enjoy more of as part of your experience, we suggest you incorporate it into your life now, no matter how small an amount, and allow the energies to amplify it for you. There is great wisdom in doing this before the solstice, as solstices lock in your energetic progress, one of the many, many reasons this particular solstice is so pivotal on your journey. Rather than feeling like you are at the mercy of the energies, it is well within your abilities to creatively work with them and allow them to water the seeds you wish to sow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
We understand that the energies you are experiencing on your planet may lead you to believe that being in the body is a challenge with few rewards. But we wish for you to know that your body is an outstanding tool that has many wonderful advantages. The greatest is that it allows you to experience the full spectrum of feeling. It is through that feeling that you are able to have the full experience of love.
Whether it be feeling a baby kick for the first time during pregnancy, holding a child tenderly in your arms, affectionately caressing another with care, giving a compassionate touch of encouragement, a hug of comfort, the excitement and wonder of a first kiss, or the complete intimacy and bliss of your sexual relations, your body allows you to experience love in a way that can't be replicated anywhere else. The social distancing you have had to adopt this year has made this more clear to you than ever before.
Your physical bodies are remarkable vehicles for the full and glorious expression of love, Dear Ones, and that is worth every bit of discomfort you may experience during these transformative times. The intensity will eventually wane, but the love will continue in more expanded and profound ways than ever before. Celebrate your bodies for the many ways they serve you, for they are incredible tools that allow you to have the most tangible experiences of love. Do you see? You are on the planet as embodied explorers of love, and that is one of the greatest gifts of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, we understand that after such an intense time of release it can be difficult to identify with what brings you joy. This does not mean that your ability to experience joy is gone! It is normal to have your preferences shift and evolve as you do. Making new discoveries and having new experiences is very much part of the next phase of your incarnation, which you are about to step into, so do not despair. All you need to do is ask to be guided into the discovery of what brings you joy and be open to that exploration and unfoldment. Be secure in the fact that the universe will always seek to fill a void, and after you have let go of so much it is only natural that better energetic matches will come to round out your experiences. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, you do not need to know all the precise details of exactly what your dream will look like or the steps required in order to create it. In fact, trying to do so can be constraining to its creation, because you are only able to imagine details within what you already have experienced or think is possible and your highest creations often contain much more than that!
Leave room for the joy of wonder of discovery beyond what you could have possibly imagined. Use broad intentions. Allow your dreams to get as big and beautiful as they want to be. All you ever need to do is connect with the core essence of what you would like to experience and allow the universe to do what it does best – fill in the details for you in ways that are divinely perfect and can only surprise and delight you.
Now is the ideal time to decide what energetic desires mean the most to you before the solstice which will herald in the new energies that will carry you into 2021 and beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young