【Dryads and Naiads】選擇,獲得,維持化身的人是備受祝福的


(I am seeing the face of a beautiful woman whose hair is blue light. I am seeing her step out of a circle of light and begin to weave light in a grid, now joined by other beautiful maidens of light. They are making a star in a circle of light and gemstones.) We weave the codes. (They are now dancing in a circle counter clockwise laughing and singing.) We ignite the codes.
(我看到一個美麗的女人面孔,她的頭髮是亮藍色的。我看到她從一個光圈中走出來,開始編織一個光之網格,現在其她美麗的光之少女加入。她們在光圈中製作一個星星)。我們在編織代碼。 (她們現在逆時針繞圈跳舞,歡笑並歌唱著)。我們在點燃代碼。

Welcome little Gaian to the festivities! We are the Dryads and Naiads from other realms and planes to bear witness, to watch the rebirthing ceremony. We chose this sacred symbol to represent the Merkabah of Gaia and to assist with the energetics that could benefit from further alignment. Focused intention of the lightworkers grounds these codes. We assist from the ethers, the skies. We work with your trees and waters on the etheric realms, nurturing your plant and mineral kingdoms, your water kingdoms. Your Earth kingdoms are in need of this energy reception.

We are the Dryads and Naiads from the higher dimensional timelines here to bear witness to this changeover from darkness into the realms of light. We are not from Nova Gaia. She is already fully developed from our perspective, and not yet from your perspective. We have the privilege's of working with the energies from your sun and the many beyond it. We weave the codes of light into your trees, strengthening their spirits and encouraging your plants to take deep root for the coming changes. The Gaia kingdoms are ready. It is humanity that is becoming ready. Many will not follow. Many will chose to observe from our perspective, to assist from the outside. You are within the story. (I am seeing an ancient book that is glowing with light. Pages are turning fast . I feel it is Gaia's soul story book of her incarnation as Gaia.) Yes she has a very advanced soul, one to be honored and treasured for her sacrifice. (As the book turns the pages turn black and there is dense energy within them . I see the fall of Atlantis, and I feel the heaviness. The pages continue to turn and I am seeing Gaia's surface story. The pages stop.) This is where you are now. You are assisting to co-create the next chapter of her journey . (I am not able to see the next pages but their rims and outlines are glowing.) Yes, Nova Gaia is being created in the hearts, minds and focused intentions of the lightworkers. They are creating this land of harmony and balance.
我們是來自更高維度時間線的Dryads和Naiads,前來見證從黑暗到光之領域的轉換。我們不是來自新星蓋亞。在我們眼中她已經完全成熟,但從你們的視角看還沒有。我們有特權可以與來自你們太陽的能量共事。我們把光之代碼編織到你們的樹木中,加強它們的精神,鼓勵你們的植物為即將到來的改變紮牢根部。蓋亞王國已經準備好了。人類正在準備。許多人不會跟隨。許多人會選擇從我們的視角觀察,從外部協助。你處於故事中。 (我看到一本古老的書在發光。頁面在快速翻轉。我感到這是蓋亞的靈魂故事書)。是的,她是一個非常先進的靈魂,應該被榮耀和珍惜,出於她的犧牲。 (當書本翻轉,頁面變黑,它們之內有著稠密的能量。我看到亞特蘭蒂斯的隕落,我感到沉重。頁面繼續翻轉,我看到蓋亞的地表故事。頁面停止翻轉)。這是你現在的所在。你在協助、共同創造她旅程的下一個篇章。 (我無法看到下一頁,但它們的邊緣和輪廓在發光)。是的,新星蓋亞在光之工作者的心、頭腦、集中的意圖中被創造。他們在創造這個和諧與平衡的土地。

We are the Dryads and Naiads of the inner planes. We balance the energies of planetary kingdoms who are going through tumultuous change. We are the up-keepers, the grid-bearers for the plant, mineral kingdoms. (I am seeing that energies they have sent into the roots of the trees are growing deeply like glowing tendrils deep into Gaia's inner heart, which is a garden of tremendous beauty.) Humanity must nurture their hearts during these times of perceived darkness. The heart is where the hope grows. Fertile is the garden of the inner heart-mind of one who is aligned with the Nova Gaian energies of what is to come. Your roots will bridge the realms. We fill Gaia with light. (They are extending the Merkabah symbol of light to encompass the planet. The trees are glowing brighter now.) Be in nature. It will soothe your troubled human heart. Gaia's gifts are offered freely to all.
我們是內在平面的Dryads和Naiads。我們平衡正在經歷喧囂改變的行星王國的能量。我們是植物和礦物王國的守護者與網格承載者。 (我看到她們發送到樹根的能量像樹根一樣深入蓋亞的內心,那裡有一個非常美麗的花園)。人類在這些感知為黑暗的時期必須滋養自己的心。心是希望成長的地方。與新星蓋亞的能量對齊的人的內在心-頭腦花園是肥沃的。你的根會是領域之間的橋樑。我們讓蓋亞充滿光。 (她們在擴張光之梅爾卡巴符號,包裹地球。樹木現在更加明亮。)處於大自然中。這會安撫你騷亂的心。蓋亞的禮物免費提供給所有人。

We are the Dryads and Naiads from the outer realms offering energy healing and support. (I am seeing that the spreading of their healing energies are now affecting the waters. I am seeing tree roots and plants besides rushing water, whose roots are glowing, creating light within the water, healing it. The water is singing now.) It has been some time since the waters of Gaia sang with light. The light is returning. This melody of love is returning. The darkness cannot stand it. It is a song of daggers to them but to those aligned with light and love it is the music of the spheres. This sphere of intimate love, blessed Gaia. We heal you now. (I am seeing the Merkabah symbol of stars above Gaia is now multidimensi

onal fully aligning with the incoming light language codes and star codes. All is illuminated. There is only light now.)
我們是來自外在領域的Dryads和Naiads,提供能量的療癒和支持。 (我看到她們療癒的能量現在影響到了水域。我看到樹在急沖的水域旁紮根,這些根在發光,在水中創造光,療癒它。水正在歌唱)。離上次蓋亞的水伴隨著光歌唱已經過去了很久。光在返回。這個愛的旋律在返回。黑暗無法承受它。對他們來說這是一首刀刺的歌,但對於那些和光與愛對齊的人來說,這是仙樂。這個仙樂會祝福蓋亞。我們現在療癒你。 (我看到蓋亞上方星星組成的梅爾卡巴符號、在多維度上與正在到來的光之語言編碼和星星編碼對齊。一切都被照亮。現在只有光。)


We are the Dryads and Naiads. You are equally a part of this light. As a divine conduit of planetary change and Source-breath embodied you are this light. Be at peace with this statement. Do not resist. Flow. Flow as the waters of light cleanse your planet. Let it cleanse your heart. Let it cleanse your past lives. Atlantis is rising cleansed, renewed… Mu, Lumeria, all goodness for humanity, all hopeful possibilities are being solidified now. (I am seeing the trees are now fully a part of the inter dimensional crystalline upgrade that we have been receiving. Perhaps they were before, I cannot tell, but they definitely received an upgrade. I am feeling a pressure in my chest. I am seeing a glowing Merkabah symbol in my chest.) The Merkabah's are becoming activated within the hearts of humanity, the Merkabah's for the ascension. Ground your Merkabah to Nova Gaia. Ground your Merkabah to Source. Ground and realize all is light. (The heat in my chest is growing. I feel I am an orb of light .) The light has come. It is unstoppable. The glory of humanity is being revealed. The controllers are broken.
我們是Dryads和Naiads。你們都是這個光的一部分。作為行星改變的神聖導管和源頭氣息的體現,你就是這個光。與這句話處於平和。不要抗拒。流動。作為光之水流動,清理地球。讓它清理你的心。讓它清理你的過去生世。亞特蘭蒂斯在被清理、更新後升起...姆大陸,利姆魯亞(註:列木里亞),所有的良善,所有充滿希望的可能性在固化。 (我看到樹木現在是我們一直在接收的跨維度水晶升級的一部分。也許它們之前就是,我說不准,但它們肯定在接收一個升級。我在胸口感到一個壓力。我看到胸口有著一個發光的梅爾卡巴符號)。梅爾卡巴在人類的心中被激活,揚昇的梅爾卡巴。把你的梅爾卡巴穩固到新星蓋亞、源頭。穩固並意識到一切都是光。 (我胸口的溫度在提升。我感到我是一個光球)。光已經到來。它不可阻擋。人類的輝煌被揭示。控制者破碎。

We are the Dryads and Naiads of the higher dimensional ways from ascended planetary kingdoms offering our nourishment, our support, our own energies, blending with the available energies to further support the ascension of Gaia and her kingdoms. Blessings be. (I am surrounded by willow branches that sway in the breeze. They are filled with light.) Allow this space to be one of nourishment and deep peace for you in this time.
我們是來自揚昇的行星王國的Dryads和Naiads,提供我們的滋養、支持、能量,與可供使用的能量融合來進一步支持蓋亞和她王國的揚昇。 (我被隨風飄揚的柳枝包裹。它們充滿了光)。讓這個空間成為滋養的、深度平和的空間。

We are the Dryads and Naiads. The children will lead. Nurture your own inner little one with our energies and feel alignment with your true selves. The trees are in alignment with who they are. They are rooted deeply into the mother. They nurture their own saplings with motherly love, with fatherly strength and affection. Do the same. You will be called upon to offer nourishment and strength. Deep roots are needed. Your Merkabah is your life root to your soul, a meaningful deep connection. (I am seeing that each soul is like a massive tree and that our lives are like millions of roots, branches and leaves extending from it. All is connected. I am feeling like this lifestream is a root deep in the dark dirt and the Merkabah within me lighting up travels up the root and ignites the whole tree, giving access to the entire soul experience.) Yes, and access to your soul's wisdom and strength. You are stronger than you know, Gaians of what is and what is to come. You too are strong like us. We offer our light, our love, our nourishment.
我們是Dryads和Naiads。孩子們會來引領。伴隨著我們的能量滋養內在的孩子,感到與你真實的自我對齊。樹木與它們的所是對齊。它們深深地紮根於地球母親。它們伴隨著母愛、父親的力量和情感滋養自己的樹苗。你也去這麼做。你會被呼喚去提供滋養和力量。深厚的根基被需要。你的梅爾卡巴是跟你靈魂相連的根,一個很有意義的深度連接。 (我看到每個靈魂就像一個巨大的樹,我們的生活就像數以百萬計的根,樹枝和樹葉從它擴張。一切都是相連的。我感到這個生命流是黑泥中的深根,我之內的梅爾卡巴點亮樹根,點燃整棵樹,給予訪問整體靈魂體驗的權限)。是的,訪問你的靈魂智慧和力量。你比你所知的更加強大。你和我們一樣強大。我們提供我們的光、愛、滋養。

Rest in this space of deep healing. You are resting within yourself when you honor the space within, when you heal your inner sapling. A healed tree offers shade and safe harbor for many. Again, you are mighty like the tree. Shade will be needed to cool the burn in the hearts of many. Cool waters, cleansed with light will be of great refreshment. Energetically you will be this to the others who are beginning their awakening journey. The trees and the waters create balance for Gaia's planetary body and for your body. All kingdoms are connected. Heal. Green. Light. Cool water. Welcome these codes of light and planetary upliftment into your heart space, into your inner garden and know that Gaia's ascension is preordained and written in the starlight-breath, coded for all to see, assured, solid, sure. Just as these roots grow deeply so too shall your certainty serve you. Deep inner knowing, deep roots, deep faith. We see these as converging triumphantly once again upon the surface world of Gaia. We dance with joy, witnessing this prophecy completion within your lifetimes and before our eyes.


We are the Dryads and Naiads of the higher realms offering service, wisdom, energetic balancing, and love to those whose inner gardens are just beginning and to those whose gardens are fully grown. Inner gardens shine brightly and shall only become more so in the coming days. As the darkness dims the light is more apparent. (I am seeing a green garden full of flowers grow within my Merkabah in my chest. My chest is itchy and hot.) Remember your connection to Gaia. Feel your soul and feel hers at the same time. It will anchor more light.
我們是更高領域的Dryads和Naiads,提供服務、智慧、能量平衡、愛給那些內在的花園剛剛開始的人以及那些花園完全成熟的人。內在的花園明亮地閃耀,會在未來的日子裡變得更加明亮。隨著黑暗褪去,光更加明顯。 (我看到一個綠色的充滿鮮花的花園在我胸部的梅爾卡巴中成長。我的胸部很癢和熱)。記住你與蓋亞的連接。感受你的靈魂以及她的靈魂。這會錨定更多的光。

We are the Dryads and Naiads. We bless you. Blessed be those who chose, attained and sustained embodiment for the time of the fulfillment of the prophey of planetary ascension. The darkness has lost its grip on humanity. Gaia rises, free.






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