


We spoke yesterday of the power of the phrase thank you. We would like to expand upon the theme of gratitude today. There are so many ways the practice of gratitude serves you!

Gratitude is what makes your vacations so restorative. Gratitude is grease to your flow. Find things to be thankful for and you will not only make progress, you will discover even more of what you prefer because gratitude is also the steering wheel of your flow.

You cannot be resistant and grateful at the same time. The next time you are feeling particularly resistant, identify something you are thankful for and feel how the resistance dissipates in your body. From there progress and healing can occur.

Practicing gratitude is finding your own flow. It is the acknowledgement of how much is working for you in your life. It doesn’t mean you ignore anything that comes up for your care, attention, and healing. Rather, you can be grateful that something came up for release, attend to it, thank it for its service, and then get back into saying thank you for your preferences. In that way, gratitude can be a constant in your life, and it will create much more ease for you, both in your life and your body, than your resistance ever could.

To put it simply, resistance is “no” energy and gratitude is flow energy, and only one can create movement in your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Presence and appreciation are a dynamic duo that want to introduce you to their good friend, wonder.  ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young





The path of beingness doesn’t mean you no longer do anything. It means you simply take inspired action when the energies support it and it feels good and aligned for you. You are evolving beyond the old ways of doing, doing, doing in order to feel good about yourself or worthy. Do you see? It is time to let your beingness lead to your doing, rather than trying to make what you do prove who you are. When you put your authenticity at the core of all that you do, you become the purest emanation of your truest life expression, and that is when you experience far greater satisfaction with your journey than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Allowing your beingness to lead to your doing supports your happiness and success because it is allowing yourself to be internally guided by your true essence, so it is a beautiful and empowered expression of self. Doing to try to define yourself has limited success because it is looking to an external to try to make yourself whole.

What’s interesting is both approaches may lead to the same action but if it is being driven by being a true expression of who you really are it will be far more satisfying than trying to use the action to fill yourself up in some way. Further, one is leading through wholeness, while the other is putting out an energy that you are incomplete in some way.

Find the core of your essence and let it lead the way, Dear Ones, for that is how you have the soul based experiences you came into the body to have. This is exactly why surrendering into your highest life expression is one of the most powerful moves you can make on your journey, for it is allowing the unfoldment of what truly matches you and your soul agenda. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Self love leads to accepting your inherent worthiness and competence. When you feel worthy and competent you are much more likely to allow your beingness to lead the way, and from there a far more authentic and satisfying life can be experienced. Do you see? The ultimate goal of your self care/self love practice is providing the conditions for you to experience your highest expression of self and to create a life you don’t need a break from, and you do that by allowing your truest essence to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Using the Divine Combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, is another way you can heal any worthiness issues you may be experiencing. When you see how loved and guided you are by Source, the more you come into acceptance of your own worth.

If the divine has no interesting in judging or punishing you, why should you judge or punish yourself by holding yourself separate from all the love and support that is available for you? If the divine only sees your inherent goodness and how you are a beloved extension of itself, what is there to be served by denying it in yourself?

If the divine only has love and acceptance for you, perhaps it is time to drop all the old stories and simply have love and acceptance for yourself. Love and acceptance for yourself allows you to settle into your beingness, and from there you will experience the most remarkable changes. The journey has always been about coming Home to yourself and then allowing that beautiful light to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young







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