We were recently asked, “Why is it my mother can trigger me so quickly and make me feel like I’m 14 again?” We would like to address this today.
Your parents, and you, came in with the exact energetics and traits required for you to find your preferred path of experience. Sometimes you parents guide you by showing you who to be. Sometimes they guide you by showing you who not to be. All of this is information for you to decide what your preferences are and who you really are.
There is great love and a deeply respectful soul contract between you, which may have an overlay that feels somewhat triggering. This overlay is designed to help you want to launch your own path, and to continually drive you to find your own truth and your own way. It is what makes you want to ultimately launch into your own life expression.
You feel that challenging overlay strongest when you are teenagers. That is designed to prepare you to detach from the parents and want to venture out into your own individual life expression, usually around the age of 18. That is why when you get back around your parents you can feel like you regress to being a teen – you are responding to the peak of those energetics. When that particular energetic overlay is not present, you see adult children having never left home and failing to launch.
It is not uncommon to have one parent who is much easier to be around and another who is more triggering. This is by design to meet your various needs and was agreed to on a soul level.
Another thing that may be causing you discomfort is that your parents came from a different energetic time that you have already evolved beyond. What you may be rejecting is not your parents at all but rather the older energetics and belief systems that are not a match to you.
So what is the key to being more comfortable with your parents? It is not necessarily about healing this because it is an energetic template that is meant to last in varying intensity throughout your days. It is about coming to acceptance that the overlay exists for a purpose, and that purpose is for you to find your own truth and your own way.
Just as you get uncomfortable in your own life when energies no longer match you and this occurs to get you to embrace change when it comes, so it is with these relationships. If you can honour the fact that there is underlying love, respect, and purpose beneath it all you can move from resistance to acceptance, which will make your time with those loved ones much easier. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many of you put tremendous stress on yourselves to be perfect in your spiritual practices and beat yourselves up if you are not successful in that lofty goal. What we want you to understand is that every single time you find your way back to your truth and your alignment, you drive the shift for yourself and for your planet.
It is normal to have moments of beautiful clarity and other moments where you forget what you know. Every single time you find your way Home to yourself you send ripples across the universe and your highest self, along with your guides, helpers, and ancestors, wonder at your instincts and innate wisdom.
So be easy on yourselves, Dear Ones. You are also beings of ebb and flow. Just as you can trust that the sun rises and sets every day, and the tide goes out and comes back in, understanding you will always find your way back to your truth will help you start to trust yourselves and your journey.
And as you progress the need for extremes before you find your way back to yourself will become less and less, and you will remember to choose the light, over and again, not because you pressure yourself but simply because it is your preference and it brings you joy to redirect back into your true essence. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
There is much energetic shifting going on at this time. This is to give you an opportunity to get really clear about the essence of your desired creations.
Imagine your purest desire is mixed in with all kinds of chunks of density. These chunks of density may come from old belief systems and experiences, or from the churned up energies of the collective. You have to extract your dream from what no longer serves you.
Prospectors will use various methods to separate the treasure from the worthless materials. They may use screens to agitate the dirt to reveal what has value, or they may use gold pans to swirl water over the sediment until they find the gold.
You are in the same process. You are filtering to find your treasure! Each pause and reflection on the way allows you to get clearer about what you wish to create until it is the purest reflection of your energies and the most valuable outcome for you. So if you are finding yourself feeling agitated by the energies, it may help to think of it as you and your dreams are becoming even more refined to give you the purest results that match your intentions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young